Tag Archive for: HELEN

Where should upload our pictures from spring and summer? Facebook has been the de facto place of upload for us for a long time, but with how privacy and social media is involving we’re not quite sure where to share all of you (other than here, of course)


WORKOUT for Friday 9/9/2022


3 rounds for time:
400m run
21 perfectly-vertical kettlebell swings, 12/16/24kg
12 pullups

Rx+ should should for a 16/24/32kg kettlebell and chest-to-bar pullups. SupeRx does 5 rounds instead of 3.

Post time to whiteboard!

ENGINE for Fri 9/9

100-90-80-70-60-50-60-70-80-90-100 single unders. Alternate between a 200m farmer’s walk and a 200m rack/gun walk between jump rope sets.


3 sets
10-15 ring row
10-15 Z-press
1:00 rest

3 sets
15-20 bent-over row
15-20 pushup variation
1:00 rest

3 sets
10-15 upright row (aka high pull)
10-15 dips

Gymnastics for Fri 9/9

EMOM for 10 minutes:
4 strict handstand pushups
5-8 ring pushups


Athlete’s Choice!

WORKOUT for Wednesday 3/16/2022

“Pyramid Double HELEN”

for time:
1200m run
63 perfectly-vertical kettlebell swings, 16/24kg
36 pullups
800m run
42 perfectly-vertical kettlebell swings, 16/24kg
24 pullups
400m run
21 perfectly-vertical kettlebell swings, 16/24kg
12 pullups

Compare to 9/17/202, 8/3/2017



5 rounds for time:
400m run
21 kettlebell swings, 12/16/24kg
12 pullups

Compare to 8/22/2019. Post results to whiteboard!



CrossFit WOD for Thursday, August 22nd

front squat 5×5, then

5 rounds for time:
400m run
21 kettlebell swings, 24/16kg
12 pullups

Post time to whiteboard!


+ My Coming Out Story – Alec Smith
+ 10 Ways to Develop Mental Toughness – Morning Chalk Up


FCF Bingo is here! Grab a sheet and start playing. If you have any questions or need clarification don’t hesitate to ask and make sure you read the rules on the back of the sheet!

We’re also in our 3rd year of support of the Swedish Cancer Institute Adopt-a-Family:

The holidays are here and what better way to celebrate than giving to others in the local community who could use some extra cheer!? Many patients who receive care at Swedish Cancer Institute (SCI) find themselves overwhelmed as they try to manage treatment, work, and family obligations during the holiday season. To make this time of year a bit brighter, SCI has an annual tradition of supporting patients and families to provide food items, toiletries, and small gifts/comfort items. The donors remain anonymous and are given a “wish list” from the families. Most of these patients are in the middle of treatment and often don’t have the time or energy to even buy groceries for a holiday meal. One meal for these families means one less thing to worry about. For those interested in participating in this cause, donating one item from their personalized wish lists will go a long way towards making a difference in their lives.

Beginning this week we will have marked boxes and plastic bins out in the gym. There will be a sign up sheet with the families’ wish lists! Please sign up by writing your name and last initial in the box next to the item you are willing to donate and bring in your item(s) by Sunday December 16th. You may sign up for more than one item if you wish.

Thank you for helping us give to those in need!


Monday 12/3

back squat 8×3 at 75-85% of 1RM


3 rounds for time:
400m run
21 kettlebell swings, 24/16kg
12 pullups

Athletes should run at a pace where they can pick up the KB as soon as they get back.
Focus should be on taking as few breaks as possible. Performance should go unbroken for every set. Post time to whiteboard.

Taco Tuesday 12/4

7 ascending sets of:
1 power snatch + snatch + OHS

10 rounds for time:
30 unbroken double unders
10 burpees

During the burpees, move at a pace that allows you to pick up the jump rope right after the 10th one. Post time to whiteboard.

Wednesday 12/5

Work up to a heavy set of 3 (full) cleans

EMOM for 21 minutes:
a. 15 dumbbell deadlift
b. 12 dumbbell cleans
c. 9 burpees

* Rx = 2×50/35 lbs.
** Add 1 burpee every round
*** Max burpees in final minute

Focus should be on going “all out” for each movement and then using the remaining time in the minute to recover. Athletes should have at least :30 of rest for the DB movements.

Score is number of burpees on last set. Post score to whiteboard.

Thursday 12/6

find max weighted pullup in 15:00, then


AMRAP in 20 minutes:
5 chest-to-bar pullups
15 pistols, alternating

Scaled version would be regular CINDY. Post max reps to whiteboard.

Friday 12/7

“12 Days of CrossFit”

perform the following in cumulative song format, for time:
100m sprint
2 bear crawls, 10m
:03 handstand
4 clean & jerks
5 dive-bomber push-ups
6 knees-to-elbows
7 kettlebell swings, 24/16kg
8 hanging leg-raises
9 ring dips
10 squat thrusts
11 pullups
12 rocking pistols

Compare to 12/22/17. Post time to whiteboard.

Saturday 12/8

for 10 minutes:
:15 handstand
:15 rest


For 5 rounds, complete 7 unbroken sets of this complex:
1 power clean
1 front squat
1 push press
1 back squat
1 push press

A great test of barbell stamina, partner up with someone to time out your rests. Post heaviest successful load to whiteboard.

Sunday 12/9

back squat 5×5 at 65-70% of 1RM, then

1000m row
50 thrusters, 20/15kg
30 pullups

Focus on big sets and pushing the pace- can thrusters be unbroken? In 2 sets? How about the pullups? Post time to whiteboard.


+ 19 Easy No-Cook Breakfast Ideas – Greatist
+ For Older People, Weight Training is More Important Than Cardio Exercise – Knowledge Science Report
+ Forget Your Washboard Abs, the Hottest Workout is For Your Fingers – WSJ
+ Alex Honnold Completes the Most Dangerous Free-Solo Ascent Ever – National Geographic

Going to try something different with the blog this week. I’m hoping our athletes are better than cherry-picking their workouts.

It’s Retest week so here’s to improvement and many of you writing on the PR Board!



Monday 8/13

push press 3-3-2-2-1-1-1, then

3 rounds for time:
50 medicine ball cleans, 20/14lbs
800m run

Post loads and times to whiteboard.

Tuesday 8/14


5 rounds for time:
400m run
30 box jumps, 24/20″
30 wall ball, 20/14lbs

Performance does box jump overs and 30/20lbs wall ball.

Post time to whiteboard!

Wednesday 8/15

weighted pullup 5×2, then

15-25-35 rounds for time:
power snatch, 35/25kg
4x double unders

Post pullup loads and times to whiteboard!

Thursday 8/16

2k row, then

for time:
40 kettlebell snatches
40 kettlebell cleans
40 handstand pushups

Post times to whiteboard!

Friday 8/17


3 rounds for time:
400m run
21 perfectly-vertical kettlebell swings, 24/16kg
12 pullups

Performance does 5 rounds for time.

Post time to whiteboard!

Saturday 8/18

establish a back squat 1RM in 15 minutes, then

in partners of two, AMRAP in 12 minutes:
front squats, 52/38kg

Post load and scores to whiteboard!

Sunday 8/19

for time:
2k row
100 toes-to-bar
100 muscle cleans, 20/15kg

for time:
50 hang muscle cleans, 40/25kg
100 knees-to-elbows
2k row

Post times to whiteboard.


(download PDF of Week 3)


(download PDF of Week 3)


:30 on, :20 off for 12 intervals

:45 on, :15 off for 6 intervals

:50 on, :10 off for 10:00

each midline set for 5:00 or less with reps counted aloud



Monday 8/13

##Warm Up
**3rds, 10 reps each**
– KB Halo’s
– Goblet cossack squats
– Single leg deadlifts, left & right
– Bent over rows
– Side bends

– 5 min DBKB rack hold

**Crazy Ivan**
For time:
– 25 Burpees
– 25 Goblet lunges
– 10 KB S2OH
– 50 Russian Swings 24/16
– 20 Burpees
– 20 Goblet lunges
– 8 KB S2OH
– 40 Russian Swings 24/16
– 15 Burpees
– 15 Goblet lunges
– 6 KB S2OH
– 30 Russian Swings 24/16
– 10 Burpees
– 10 Goblet lunges
– 4 KB S2OH
– 20 Russian Swings 24/16
– 5 Burpees
– 5 Goblet lunges
– 2 KB S2OH
– 10 Russian Swings 24/16


Wednesday 8/15

**10 minutes**
– 10 good mornings
– 10 single arm (press 5 per side)
– 10 air squats
– Down and back sand bag drags

**12 min AMRAP**
– 10 Double Swings
– 8 DB front squats
– 6 DB Jerk

**For 25 minutes**
– 24/16
– 5 Dead Stop KB Snatches R
– 5 Dead Stop KB Snatches L
– 7 Burpees

Beyond Movement – Seattle 2018

We had the pleasure of hosting Carl Paoli yesterday for a seminar about coaching. We were reminded of why we do what we do here at Foundation CrossFit every day. Especially how our passions in the gym connect to our lives outside of the gym.

On tap this week: 3/5 round HELEN (run/kettlebell swing/pullup), pause front squats, hang clean/push press, farmer’s walk chipper, power clean/front squat/push press, KELLY (run/box jump/wall ball), station work (jump rope running/burpees/row/sandbag drags/bear crawl), CINDY/MARY, and a possible deadlift max.


+ The Power of Positive People – NY Times

CrossFit WOD for Monday 7/16


3 rounds for time:
400m run
21 kettlebell swings, 24/16kg
12 pullups

Performance does five rounds for time.

Post time to whiteboard!

Olympic Weightlifting WOD – Week 4/4, Day 1/3

snatch + overhead squat
then establish a heavy snatch

clean + 2 jerks
then establish a heavy clean & jerks

3 rounds
15 pullups
15 front raise w/ bumper
15 jumping good morning

midline, 200 reps

Powerlifting WOD – Week 4/4, Day 1/3

seated box jump 4 rounds of 3 box jumps at 75%

back squat 6 sets of 5 at 75%. last set for max reps.

5x 8 front lunges
5x :30 GHDSU hold
5x 8 weighted Cossack squats

bicep openers 5×5

midline, 200 reps

Kettlebell WOD

– Joint prep
– Goblet or DKB racked

5 min Heavy Single OH hold (2:30 a side)

**KettleBell LP (Double Bell): Final week**
5 Rounds, 60 seconds on 60 seconds off. 1 Round consists of the following Complex:
– 4x Double KettleBell Cleans
– 10 x Double KettleBell Front Squats
– 6 x Double KettleBell Thrusters

Complexes should be performed with the heaviest bell for you. If you fail to complete your complex in two separate rounds, lower one bell weight. Ideally the complexes are completed unbroken, but not required. *

**12 min AMRAP**
– 10 Double Swings
– 8 DB front squats
– 6 DB Jerk

– 3×20 Press
– 3×20 Floor press
– 3×10 Windmill to press
– 3×20 DKB sidebands

##Accessory work
– Ab’s

– The weekly CGO Event for 18.2 was LIVE AS F*CK!
– So many records were broken at the Arnold Fitness Festival in Columbus, OH over the weekend
– Strongman competition was won by Hafthor Bjornsson aka The Mountain from Game of Thrones (who deadlifted 472kg/1041lbs!!!)
– On the Olympic Weightlifting side we had things like this happen:

As far as the FCFio goes, y’all are killing it! The current trend is that from week to week we see more and more athletes hitting the Rx workouts, and completing movements they didn’t think possible!


+ CrossFit Games Open 18.2 Preliminary Data – Beyond the Whiteboard

CrossFit WOD for Monday 3/5


3 rounds for time:
800m run
48 kettlebell swings, 24/16kg
24 pullups

Post time to whiteboard!

Olympic Weightlifting WOD – Week 1/5, Day 1/3

Our new cycle begins! We’ll begin with some testing for those who are competing at the end of April. Something else for those competing in the beginning of April.

slow deadlift + power snatch + push press
slow deadlift + power clean + push press
back squats

Powerlifting WOD – Week 1/5, Day 1/3

A new cycle begins today with a focus on the Big 3: squatting, pressing, and pulling! You’ll have a chance to work on all three everyday, plus accessory work.

back squats tests
overhead tests

Kettlebell WOD

Kristen M. has signed up for the Tactical Strength Challenge which involves testing a max deadlift, max pull ups, and snatches. Sheena and Grayson already had plans to incorporate deadlifting into kettlebell programming but what better way to do deadlifts to help support Kristen as she trains!

Don’t worry, we’ll still have a lot of kettlebell work in. We’d like you to know that we will be going through a 12-week deadlift cycle.

– Simple & Sinister , then
– Establish a 1 rep max deadlift on week 1, day 1
– Deadlift 1×10 @85-95% of 1rm