Tag Archive for: Olga S

Guillaume and Olga and baby Taco


Upper Cross Syndrome – Airrosti

CrossFit WOD for Thursday 11/30

for time:
21 push press
42 k2e
15 push press
30 k2e
9 push press
18 k2e

12:00 time cap, then 5×3 bench press

Post time to whiteboard!

HIIT WOD – 12pm

Long Interval


20 Ball Slams
1 Full Rope Pull

Cool Down: Bro-ga

HIIT WOD – 5:30pm

Long Interval


Tabata intervals of:
KB Deadlifts
Plate V Ups
Ball Slams
Broad Jumps
Dbl Db Reverse Lunge
1min rest between movements

We all look forward to meeting Olga & Guillaume’s little one!


+ Two Minutes of Sprint-Interval Exercise Elicits 24-hr Oxygen Consumption Similar to That of 30 min of Continuous Endurance Exercise – Research Gate (via Sarah A)

CrossFit WOD for Thursday 11/16

PregNANCY (Get it?!)

5 rounds for time:
500m row
8 push press, 52/38kg
7 overhead squats, 52/38kg

If you can wear body armor/weight vest/ruck/or 20/14lbs med ball on your front side, do it!

Post time to whiteboard!

HIIT Classes today are Long Interval

Monica T deadlifts as Olga C passes judgement at last year’s 16.4 event.

Interested in a powerlifting cycle to build up specifically your back squat, bench press, strict press, deadlift, and strict pullups? We’ll be starting alongside the 6am Olympic Weightlifting classes today. Email us at barbell@foundationcrossfit.com if interested!


+ Déjà Vu All Over Again – CrossFit Games

CrossFit WOD for Monday 6/5

deadlift 3x2x90%, 2x2x93%, 1x1x95%, then

for time: 60 burpees box jump overs. Performance = 24/20″, Fitness = 20/12″, Health = 2×25/20kg bumpers.

Post time to whiteboard!

Olympic Weightlifting WOD

2-position clean, rack jerk, pause front squat

Kettlebell WOD

– Primal movement mobility
– Turkish Getup practice to warmup. Focus on doing movement with light and with control.
– Snatch skill work. Focus on volume. Squats and halos to help keep heart rate up.