Tag Archive for: tempo

Hopefully this means a cooler gym for you to workout in!

FCF at the 2017 Pride Parade. Photo by Artur R

This week sees many long (20+ minute) workouts with a some lifts and sprints sprinkled throughout: tempo deadlifts, pullups/dips, rope climbs/pistols/double unders, 1/2 CINDY + 1/2 DT, Wodapalooza Week 2 Workouts 1 & 2, and the Lift Up Autism workout “LUKE”.


+ Want to Take Your Training Up? Stay Cool – Athlete Daily

CrossFit WOD for Monday 9/18

tempo 555X deadlifts 5×6

for time:
50 strict pullups
50 strict dips

Post time to whiteboard!

Olympic Weightlifting WOD – Week 2/7, Day 1/3

snatch complex, pause back squats

Kettlebell WOD

Primal mobility (extended)

Banded rotatory stability exercises

Getup and single arm swing focus

Adrian T


What Does 30×0 Mean? Why I Like Tempo Training – CrossFit Invictus

CrossFit WOD for Wednesday 5/24

deadlift 5x3x73%, 5x2x80%, 5x1x83%

All deadlifts should have a tempo of 3221

AMRAP in 10 minutes
40 burpees
30 situps
20 front & back step lunges

Olympic Weightlifting WOD

kneeling muscle clean, presses, hang clean high pull, muscle clean, press, rack jerk

Kettlebell WOD

– Primal Movement Mobility
– Weighted carries (only one bell this time!)
– Clean Skill Work with Armor Building complex variations (cleans, presses and squats).

Swings will be a sub for athletes not ready for a high volume of cleans.

CGO2017 – Team Foundation CrossFit so far:


+ What Does 30xO Mean? Why I Like Tempo Training – CrossFit Invictus

CrossFit WOD for Monday 1/30

bench press 4x8x70
tempo pullups 2121 4×4
2-minute rest


21-15-9 reps for time:
thruster, 43/29kg

Olympic Weightlifting WOD – Deload Week w6d1

back squat, snatch + push press + drop snatch

Kettlebell WOD

Ground force
Planks and Halos
Skill: TGU
Strength Day #6 : 10 swings per arm every minute for 10 minutes