Tempo Deadlifts
+ What Does 30×0 Mean? Why I Like Tempo Training – CrossFit Invictus
CrossFit WOD for Wednesday 5/24
deadlift 5x3x73%, 5x2x80%, 5x1x83%
All deadlifts should have a tempo of 3221
AMRAP in 10 minutes
40 burpees
30 situps
20 front & back step lunges
Olympic Weightlifting WOD
kneeling muscle clean, presses, hang clean high pull, muscle clean, press, rack jerk
Kettlebell WOD
– Primal Movement Mobility
– Weighted carries (only one bell this time!)
– Clean Skill Work with Armor Building complex variations (cleans, presses and squats).
Swings will be a sub for athletes not ready for a high volume of cleans.