Pride Month Events

With another year of celebrating diversity and freedom to express oneself, Foundation CrossFit once again plays an active role in the cause. Join us for a few of the major events happening this month!

OUTWOD Seattle

Sunday, June 23rd at 10:00 AM

We’re proud to host this year’s OUTWOD event, an organization committed to nurturing, empowering, and celebrating LGBTQ+ bodies and minds.

Join us for two hours of community fundraising and a sweaty WOD, followed by a complimentary barbecue. #sweatforacause


Want to show your support and have fun but don’t have the funds to donate? We are running this as a FREE COMMUNITY CLASS as well! Once you’re in our doors, we know you’ll have fun and be in good company.

For those that want to donate, you’ll receive a raffle ticket for every $5 donated to the cause. Prizes ranging from City Supplements, Scrappy Bitters, Sprezza Beverages, KILL CLIFF, O2 Recovery, Raised Donuts, Vita Integrated Health, Monorail Espresso, Foundation CrossFit merch and more! Official OUTwod registrations get 5 tickets + a bonus ticket! You can purchase more day of the event.

BBQ will start at the end of the event at 12pm, and you’re welcome to join us! BYOB, of course.

OUTWOD is The OUT Foundation’s largest international initiative for bringing togetherLGBTQ+ athletes and allies to sweat for a cause in a safe, inclusive CrossFit training environment.

Our pride is in the diversity we represent within the sport of fitness and openly invite anyone to join our welcoming community. We strive to create an inclusive community of all walks of life and inspire you to feel good about yourself, your workouts and your life.

We are the only US non-profit dedicated to the health and wellness of the LGBTQ+ community.

Our mission is to remove the barriers that block LGBTQ+ individuals access and participation, ensuring their success.

We are dedicated to nurturing, empowering, and celebrating LGBTQ+ bodies and minds, guaranteeing our community thrives.

OUT FOUNDATION has many programs:

  • OUTAthlete The OUT Foundation awards scholarships to LGBTQ+ young adults to fund a year long gym membership. We work closely with the scholarship recipients, providing weekly goal coaching, nutrition counseling, 3 months of healthy meals from Kettlebell Kitchen, apparel from RYU and BeastWorx and footwear

    from NoBull to set the athletes up for success.

  • OUTHealth programs from The OUT Foundation support our mission by removing

    the barriers that block the LGBTQ+ community from living their true, authentic selves. We provide health services to the LGBTQ+ community by partnering with NYU’sComprehensive Team of Health Professionals. We fund gender affirming surgeries and maintain a dedicated fund for ancillary services for transgender patients.

  • School’s OUT is a traveling youth program teaming up with LGBTQ centers nationwide to facilitate field days for their 13-17 year old LGBTQ youth during summer months.

Seattle PRIDE Parade

Sunday, June 30th at 11:30am

Staging Time: 11:30am – 12:30pm
Staging Location: Downtown, halfway down 4th avenue, between Marion St. and Columbia St.

Foundation CrossFit is once again marching in the PRIDE Parade this year, representing our community’s support for PRIDE across the world. Join us at 11:30 AM sporting your brand new Foundation PRIDE T-shirts! Click for event details.

Turn it into a WOD: long-distance weight carry. We will be providing equipment such as light kettlebells and dumbbells to give you the opportunity to show off your skills while you walk!

Are you currently at another gym but still want to join us and show off your muscles? All athletes (current, past and future) as well as friends & family are welcome to join us on this walk! Hit us up on social or Contact Us!