Tuesday 7/23/19

CrossFit WOD for Tuesday 7/23
for time:
10 snatch, 60/35
20 hang cleans, 70/45kg
30 front squats, 80/55kg
40 deadlifts, 90/65kg
Use one barbell. Post time to whiteboard.
CompEx WOD, 5:50am
Barbell skill warmup into clean & jerk on-the-minute lifts.
for time:
4 thrusters, 1 rope climb
8 thrusters, 2 rope climbs
12 thrusters, 3 rope climbs
10:00 cap.
accessories: good am, strict pullups, db rows, mb chest pass, lateral raises, etc.
Mobility, 6:30pm
stretch hip flexors, glutes, and hamstrings. tissue mobilization for TFL, piriformis, infraspinatus, traps, triceps.
+ There Are Worms in the Blackberries You Just Picked – KUOW
+ CrossFit Affiliate Become Community Lifeboats to Combat Childhood Obesity – Morning Chalk Up