Monday 6/15

Check your inbox if you haven’t seen it this past weekend.

WORKOUT for Monday 6/15/2020

The Retest

tabata front squats, rest 5:00 then

max burpees in 7:00

Compare to 2020 0601. Post results to comments.

2nd Serving: Need More Work?

5:00 of max rep power snatches, immediately into

4:00 of max rep power cleans, immediately into

3:00 of max rep shoulder-to-overhead, immediately into

2:00 of max rep deadlifts

HSPU Strength Ladder: this was a 12-week-long program and this is the 12th week! Do one round of 1-2-3-2-1 every 2:00 for 3 total rounds

We’re going to move into strict pullups or bent-over rows beginning next week!


Read the link below, write their corporate offices, then sign the petition in a show of support of a neighborhood staple. #SaveStore130

READ: Employees Say Capitol Hill Trader Joe’s Closed Store as Retaliation For Protest Participation – KUOW