Saturday 1/23

IN-GYM WORKOUT for Saturday 1/23/2021


E2MOM do 1-2-3-2–1 pullups, as strict as possible, for TWO rounds

As a group HANG as long as possible for 7:00- every break do one round of 5 pullups + 10 pushups + 15 slam ball + 20 lunges.


EMOM do 3 power cleans for TEN ROUNDS.


Every 2:00 on the minute for 30:00
a. 60 bumper hops (double unders if you have a jump rope)
b. 40 mountain climbers
c. 20 Z-press with bumper
d 10 ground-to-overhead, 20/35/50kg

Choose a bumper plate for both the hops and Z-presses. Whatever thickness you use for the hops should be determined what you can press out for the prescribed number of reps. Ideally use a barbell for the ground-to-overhead. Mountain climbers should be done with knees-to-arm without touching the ground.


Calf stretch: 1:00/side
Elevated Samson stretch :30/side twice

READ: Break Before You’re Broken – CrossFit Journal
WATCH: At-Home HIIT Workout with Team Mots