Some updates:

The Spartan Race has been postponed to later in the year. While we’ve been training we don’t want it to go to waste so we will be running our own obstacle course race that original event day, Saturday the

CrossFit WOD for Monday 3/16/2020

50-40-30-20-10 reps for time:
double unders

then back squat 8×4

Share time and back squat weight to whiteboard! Post-workout should be 2-3 rounds of heel walking (30 steps or so), 1:00 in the arch, and 30-60s chair stretch/side.

Barbell Club – Week 3 of 4

In Olympic Weightlifting we’re going to wave up and down to check technique. In Powerlifting we continue our speed sets. Do you feel faster in execution yet?

At-Home WOD #1

TABATA wide-grip pushups, front squats, and situps. Rest at least 1:00 between efforts.

A tabata interval is :20 of maximal rep work then :10 of rest, repeated for 8 rounds/4:00. The goal is this workout is to go ALL OUT every interval, taking note of your reps.

Use your a stop watch function on your watch or phone, listen to these tabata pop covers on Spotify, or find any an app for timing!

You can grab the AT-HOME WORKOUTS BINGO sheet here, or at the gym.

READ: Taking Care of Your Mental Health in the Face of Uncertainty – AFSP
WATCH: Do you butt wink?

CrossFit WOD for Pi Saturday 3/14/2020

for time:
200m run
10 kettlebell swings, 32/24/16kg
10 burpees
10 kettlebell swings
10 burpees
10 kettlebell swings
200m run

5:00 rest. Repeat three times.Post times to whiteboard!

READ: How to Prepare – CDC

Coach Dave

Let’s be honest about the current state of affairs.

The coronavirus COVID-19 is real and will be in the news for a long time coming. Understanding this, we are doing our best to mitigate risks, and we are very aware of the necessary escalations that the state of Washington is implementing. We don’t expect anything extreme enough to happen to force us to close, but here’s our plan to maintain the health and wellness of our community:

What We Are Doing

We’ve refreshed all spray bottles with a Clorox Bleach solution to disinfect your equipment and things you’ve touched while you’re here. Our coaches and staff are also putting in extra duty to disinfect the gym during our non-class hours. If you have an allergy please be mindful of this. Once we are able to procure non-bleach disinfectants, we will make that switch.

Programming has been adjusted to limit how many pieces of equipment required for a workout. We’re able to limit transmission by reducing the amount of things you’re touching in your workouts. Don’t worry, we’re also making sure that it’s still fun and useful and stimulating.

We have more contingencies planned if this all gets worse, but our ultimate goal is to keep our membership safe while allowing them a place to maintain their health and fitness.

What You Can Do

  1. WASH YOUR HANDS before and after your session here.
  2. Wipe and disinfect every surface you use in the gym.
  3. Do not come to the gym if you feel ill or show symptoms.
  4. Do not come to the gym if you care for those who are most at-risk, including those older than 60+ years of age


I’ve made an workout BINGO sheet you can do at home our outside (because FCF loves bingo!) that will be up on the blog tomorrow (or in the gym on paper on Saturday).

In the meantime you can try our HellaFit classes on YouTube!

CrossFit WOD for Champagne Friday 3/13/2020

Every :90 perform a lift successfully then add 1-5kg.
– Start with an empty barbell and snatch for as long as possible.
– Once you cannot snatch the weight, clean for as long as possible.
– Once you cannot clean the weight, deadlift for as long as possible.

3-miss limit on each lift. Share heaviest load for the snatch, clean and deadlift to whiteboard.

READ: Staying Over the Bar in the Snatch & Clean: What, Why, How by Greg Everett – Catalyst Athletics
WATCH: Watch the technique of these incredible Chinese lifters!

Maia transitioning from the pullup to the dip

CrossFit WOD for Thursday 3/12/2020

30 ring muscle-ups for time -OR-
50 bar muscle-ups for time -OR-
100 pullups for time

Post time to whiteboard! Post-workout will be a 5-way shoulder stretch and extra mobility depending on attendees needs.

READ: With Crowd Restrictions to Slow Coronavirus, Inslee Uses Emergency Powers – The Seattle Times

With the shortage of cleaning supplies- and seeing how quickly our own Clorox wipes are going- we decided on a better system.

Each class you take you’ll grab one of these white rags (some are stained as some of these were previously whiteboard “erasers”) that have been laundered multiples times, and carry it with you throughout class, wiping off all the surfaces and equipment you interact with.

There are a large number of these spray bottles scattered throughout the gym at the Sanitation Stations and then some. Use the spray bottle containing the Simple Green cleaner directly onto your towel, this way we don’t misplace our cleaners and the next athlete can access it.

When done with the rag throw it into the 5 gallon bucket next to the Trainer Cart. They’ll be laundered and we’ll have a new set of rags the next day.

CrossFit WOD for Wednesday 3/11/2020

7 rounds for max loading 
  4-rep touch-and-go deadlift
  10+ dumbbell bench press

Share heaviest loads to whiteboard! Post-workout should involve lower back SMR on a foam roller, pec smash with a lax ball on the wall, hamstring stretching and overhead tricep smashing.

READ: A Call to Arms: Under Attack, Pro-Vaccine Doctors Fight Back – NY Times
WATCH: Dr. Julie Foucher is a former competitive CrossFitter who has pursued her career as a Doctor.

As always, refer to the Centers For Disease and Prevention for the most up-to-date information on COVID-19.


We have some tees for anyone who wants to see a special screening of BLOODSHOT, featuring Vin Disel tomorrow evening at Pacific Place. Signups near the office!

CrossFit WOD for Tuesday 3/10/2020

“Kinda CGO 19.4”
for total time:
3 rounds of:
  10 snatches
   12 pogo burpees
then, rest 3 minutes before continuing with:
3 rounds of:
   10 bar muscle-ups
   12 pogo burpees

Rx = 44/30/20kg. Time cap: 15 minutes

READ: Pot Sticker Stir-Fry / Eggroll in a Bowl – Nom Nom Paleo

Dear FCF Athletes,

As the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) begins to have an increased impact on our communities, we feel it is important to connect directly with you to share the steps we are taking to help keep our athletes and our employees safe and healthy.

We see no reason to panic, and we would like to remind each other to take extra steps so that our athletes and coaches can continue to train safely through this outbreak. The healthier we are as a population, the higher the likelihood of persevering through adversity. We encourage all of our staff and participants to minimize risk while attempting to reduce any disruptions to our daily lives.

Based on the guidance we’ve received from various health agencies, our own preparedness,and the current state of our operations, we are confident we will continue to be safe, and we remain open for business.


We are using approved solutions (Lysol, Simple Green, Clorox) that will disinfect as well as clean. We already clean our bathrooms, floors, and touch surfaces regularly, and we will be wiping down touch surfaces more often.

We have a Cleaning Crew that has been mobilized to clean common areas more frequently. In addition, our Coaches are disinfecting door handles, flat surfaces, and equipment, and we are offering reminders for everyone to do the same.

Out of an abundance of caution, we are asking staff to stay home if they are sick. Our staff has always stepped up to maintain our numerous class schedule for our athletes, but in certain unavoidable scenarios we may have to cancel some classes with short notice.


Wash your hands BEFORE and AFTER your workouts with soap for at least 20 seconds. You can maintain defenses by limiting the transmission of bacteria or viruses. Typically, viral droplets must enter through your eyes, nose, or mouth. AVOID touching your face as often as possible!

Stay home if you are sick. Cough or sneeze into a tissue or your elbow. If you use a tissue, wash your hands afterwards. Avoid close contact with those who are sick, and be especially careful around those whose immune systems may be more vulnerable.

Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces. Wipe down any equipment you’ve used with disinfectant (using a wipe or spray bottle), and wipe down ADDITIONAL surfaces if your wipe is still wet. Any and all surfaces can be wiped often. Think about what you’ve used: weight plates, spring collars, door handles, pens, etc. To support this, we have put out additional cleaning supplies out on the floor.

Check the schedule and RSVP to classes. We may need to make last-minute schedule changes or cancellations if coverage isn’t available.

Stay up to date. For more information on COVID-19, visit the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) website here.

We have always committed to a welcoming, safe, and inclusive environment, and we absolutely do not tolerate hate speech or acts of discrimination. We must encourage our entire community to be compassionate and prevent stigmatization by sharing accurate information. The virus is not connected to any race, ethnicity, or nationality; misinformation can generate fear and hostility that harms all communities.

Our communities are at the heart of everything we do, and we wish a fast recovery to all those affected by coronavirus. During this time of anxiety around the virus, we are doing our best to remain a place of support and consistency for each other, and we appreciate you keeping each other in your thoughts.

We would like to thank our dedicated staff —David, Kelsi, Lauren, Miles, Millie, Sarah, Nathan, Robyn, Ron, Ryan, and Scott — for continuing to help us provide a safe and supportive environment of continued health and wellness.

Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions or concerns!

Tony Lau & Andrew Bueno