This isn’t CrossFit-related per se, but I think you need to see it:

You’re welcome.

CrossFit WOD for Saturday 4/15

3:00 on, 1:00 off, for 5 rounds:
4 power snatch
6 pushups
8 squats

Rx = 43/29kg, Fitness/Health = 20/15kg, Performance = 61/43kg

Post all five scores to whiteboard!

Competitive CrossFit at 8am


6 min each:
A.) 8 alt kb ohs + 6 alt pistols + 4 sliding cossack squats + 2 knee jump to box jump
B.) p-bar walk + 10 support shrugs + 5 kipping dips + 4 strict + (3 russian dips)
C.) 5 slack kips + 4 gymnastics kip pullup + 3 butterfly + 2 bar mu
D.) handstand walk + 4 kipping HSPU + 3 strict + 2 ring


2k row for time


– bench 1RM
– deadlift 3RM


For time:
1600m run
50 alternating pistols
30 power cleans, 85/60kg



Adrian T

This Saturday Adrian will be competing in a weightlifting meet himself!

Alpha Strength & Conditioning
1604 15th ST SW Suite 106
Auburn, Washington
at 12pm!


+ Bachmeyer’s Inspiration For Looped Open Video From Keanu Reeves Film Speed – The Overheard Press

CrossFit WOD for Friday 4/14


3 rounds for time:
30 squat cleans, 43/29kg
30 pullups
800m run

Compare to 13MAY2016. Post time to whiteboard.

Olympic Weightlifting WOD – Week 3, Day 3

no feet snatch + snatch + snatch balance, no feet clean + clean + jerk, overhead squat OR strict press + push press + jerk

Chinese plank, db tricep kickback/side, hanging leg raise, broad jump

Sarah B

The double under is a higher-level skill that takes tons of coordination. If you don’t have coordination it will take megatons of practice and concentration. See the linked article for a nice training program!


+ Are You Tired of Tripping on Double Unders? – WODprep

CrossFit WOD for Thursday 4/13

for time:
10 deadlifts, 102/70kg
50 double unders
50 situps
8 deadlifts, 102/70kg
40 double unders
40 situps
6 deadlifts, 102/70kg
30 double unders
30 situps
4 deadlifts, 102/70kg
20 double unders
20 situps
2 deadlifts, 102/70kg
10 double unders
10 situps

Rx = 102/70kg, Fitness/Health = 61/43kg, Performance = 120/84kg. Alternatively use 60% of your 1RM deadlift.

Post time to whiteboard.

April 2017 Foundations WOD

500-400-300-200-100m row for time, while partner holds a double kettlebell rack

HellaFit WOD


1. burpees
2. squats
3. pushups
4. arch holds
5. OH lunges
6. power KBS

1 minute of midline or handstand work after each tabata.


Ann-Marie D testing Guillaume C as Zheng W and Kelsi A look on

How’s your compression?

Next week we’ll be an assessment week: tests for mobility, technique, and of course, work capacity benchmarks such as max pullups, bench press 1-rep max, deadlift 1-rep max, 2k row, CGO 12.2, ANNIE, THE CHIEF, and EMOM lifts.

We’ll also say farewell to Wendy C and Cheryl C who’ll be moving to NYC. Be here for Sunday the 23rd where we plan to hit five tests in three different classes and those two ladies will be there in each of the three classes!


+ Does Cupping Help Anyone Other Than Olympic Swimmers? – Seattle Times

Answer: Yes, and you can see Leslie B for your cupping needs:

CrossFit WOD for Wednesday 4/12

5 rounds for max reps. 1:00 stations of
– burpees
– box jumps, 24/20″
– dips
– jumping lunges
– row (calories)
– plank

Performance = burpees, 30/24″ box jumps, ring dips, pistols, Assault Bike, one-arm plank.

Post score to whiteboard!

Olympic Weightlifting WOD – Week 3 Day 2

no-feet clean + clean + jerk, front squat, dip + jerk drive + jerk

weighted 1/2 situp + situp, kb side bend/side, db bench fly, z-press

Kettlebell WOD

Primal movement (with crawling) warmup (GFE if you have been coming to class)

Swing skill work. Progressing to single-arm swings and snatches.

Squats and presses to finish

While the last weekend of March signaled the end of the CrossFit Games Open, that Sunday many of our members competed in an arguably more important physical competition: the Big Climb 31. These athletes, several of whom had just finished VERSUS X/CGO 17.5 the day before, scaled up 69 floors (or 1311 steps) up the Columbia Tower in order to raise money for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society to help in the fight against blood cancers.

The latest 2017 FCF Team

Out of 233 teams that raced that day, Team Foundation Climbers placed 20th overall, based on the aggregate of the top three times. That put us one spot ahead of Orange Theory (just throwing that out there)!

Everyone on our team performed amazing at the race, but what they really should be proud of is fundraising over $4,000 for an important cause!

There are a lot of people to recognize for their efforts in making this event as big of a success as it was.

First, there is the team who sweated it out in the stairwell- FCF athletes Paul Barkshire, Lauren Brogan, Joanne Kiesanowski, Emily Moss, Olivia Rother, Nathan Motsinger, Abhijit Hegde, Patrick Hodder, as well as friends and family like Anthony Aamodt, Conor Brogan, Michael Brogan, Vanessa Brogan, John Hodder, and Lennon Ward.

Secondly, a big thank you goes out to Tony and Nathan for putting our team shirts together. They were able to pull off a miracle in order to make sure the team was representing Foundation CrossFit in style.

Finally (and most importantly), we need to thank the donors for their incredible generosity. It is truly inspiring to see this community come together to support something meaningful.

The first 2011 FCF Team

If you are interested joining our great team next year, we will be posting instructions and start training in fall. In the meantime keep training!

Andrea V and Victor M

Props to all those who showed up for yesterday’s NANCY and didn’t allow the cherry-picking side of yourself to take over! The grit in choosing to show up for training, whether you’re great at it or it’s THE limit to your capacity, makes the biggest difference in your fitness.

Nice work- really proud of y’all. Now let’s see if the legs hold up for today.


+ Rainier Beach Businesses Attempt to Thwart Crime With Beautified Storefronts – South Seattle Emerald

CrossFit WOD for Tuesday 4/11


27-21-15-9 reps for time:
hang squat snatch, 43/29kg

Rx = 43/29kg, Fitness/Health = 25/15kg, Performance = 52/38kg

Compare to Monday 27FEB2017. Post results to whiteboard!

HellaFit WOD


Also: Mark your calendars. Our GYMNASTIC STRENGTH class will be tested next Tuesday at 7am, then added to the calendar in May.

Washingtonian Harrison Maurus representing the USA at the IWF Youth World Weightlifting Championships in Bangkok, Thailand. He set a 192kg clean & jerk record (that’s 422 lbs!) and won the 77kg Men’s category.


5 Things You Learn After Your First CrossFit Open – Pure Pharma

Patrick has a nice debrief on our Foundation Climbers team coming Tuesday!

CrossFit WOD for Monday 4/10

bench press 3x3x90%, then


5 rounds for time:
400m run
15 overhead squats

Rx = 43/29kg, Fitness = 25/20kg front squats, Performance = 52/38kg

Post rounds and reps to whiteboard!

Olympic Weightlifting WOD –  Week 3, Day 1

no feet snatch + snatch + snatch balance, back squat, strict press + snatch balance

1/2 v-up + v-up, db bent over row, front raise, weighted plank

Kettlebell WOD

Primal movement (with crawling) warmup (GFE if you have been coming to class)

Short Turkish Get Up skill refresher (or intro if new to movement)

Focused clean work. Making sure our rack position is solid. And working on efficiently moving from rack to overhead.

Squat or swing finisher (class choice).