In February we launched out our first ever FCF Bingo game, where our athletes, if they wanted, grabbed some custom bingo cards and went to town on getting boxes checked off by coaches. Our idea behind it was to help our community grow by doing a little more than showing up for the WOD and then head home.


Big congrats t to Melissa F., Jon W., and Jeffrey H. for winning the drawing for completing one full Bingo and big big congratulations to Chip C. who was able to get TWO Bingos!

And no winners with a blackout card. Womp womp.

Thanks for participating along. We enjoyed seeing your FCF pride, your check-ins online, your post-WOD selfies (plus ALL the hashtags), music playlists, and completing the CrossFit Online Judges Course (trust us, we know how hard you worked for that)!

As always, we strive to make you guys better, reach goals, and hope that you enjoy the journey with us. What did you think of the game and will you play it again? The more participation we get the better the prizes become!


+ 17.2 Shout Outs – Foundation CrossFit

CrossFit WOD for Wednesday 3/15


21-15-9 reps for time:
deadlift, 102/70kg
handstand pushups

Compare to 09DEC2016. Post score to whiteboard!

Olympic Weightlifting WOD

lifts: clean & jerks, front squats, clean grip RDL
accessories: kb rack split squats/side, depth jumps, half-kneeling kb halo

Kettlebell WOD

Ground Force
Armour Building Drills
Swing finisher

In case you missed it: after week two, FLEX Appeal (Green Team) is in the lead followed by Team Blue Barracudas and Team Red, The Thundercats! Points for 17.3 will be tallied up after Tuesday evening when all the scores have been validated. Just two more weeks of the Open and then we’ll close it out with VERSUS X!

Save the date & RSVP for VERSUS X on Facebook!

17.2 Top 3 Podium Finishers

1) Ann-Marie D. 2) Andrea V. 3) Ali S.
1) Devin B. 2) David H. 3) Nathan M.

1) Wendy C. 2) Danielle S. 3) Sandi P.
1) Michael W. 2) Jesse G. 3) Hugh M.

Shout out to G$ for getting after 17.2 in 95% humidity in Hong Kong at CrossFit Typhoon.

Cheryl, I really loved your Blue Barracudas helmet. Very nice touch!

And now, I’d like to share some reminders on how you can earn points for your team:

  • Show up & work out with FCF Pride! It’s such an easy way to earn points. C’mon, I know you own at LEAST two FCF t-shirts. If you don’t own one then: purchase one OR borrow one from a teammate!
  • Come workout with us on Saturday! You earn more points if you do. You still earn a point for doing the workout on Friday or by making it up on another day.
  • (You do not get extra points for re-testing.)
  • WIN the Spirit Award! Multiple people can win every week. I’ll leave the creative thinking for you on this one.
  • Judgement. Stick around and count/judge for someone working out! Every. Time. You. Judge.
  • For those officially registered for the CrossFit Games Open, make sure you enter your score onto the Games website.
  • Post on social media! Your post-workout selfie, your photo or video of cheering on a teammate, showing off how amazing you did! Whether you share on Facebook or Instagram you must tag Foundation CrossFit AND include the hashtags: #FCFio2017 + #HYFRsquad

As keeper of the realm scores, it really helps me out if you guys fill out the scoresheets fully, clearly, and checked off appropriately. If you think you have a common name (i.e. Sarah, Carlos, Ryan, Chris, Matt, etc.) please write out your full last name so I don’t need to cross reference our RSVP system + Games site or else I’ll end up like this:

I appreciate you all! I’ve been missing out on the fun Saturdays so far since Lily naps at 10am and ya’ll know she needs that sleep (and let’s be honest, I do too). Grandparents are coming this weekend so I can’t wait to cheer for you all over that megaphone. It’s the second to last workout, so let’s see some more team spirit!! Great job everyone.. and bring on 17.4!

Squad 17.3


+ Facebook Event – VERSUS X Intergym Throwdown – Foundation CrossFit
+ The night before Versus (Friday) we will show The Fittest On Earth: A Decade of Fitness, the newest from CrossFit Films at 7:30pm

CrossFit WOD for Tuesday 3/14

AMRAP in 20:00
8 dips
9 kettlebell swings, 24/16kg
10 toes-to-bar
9 push press, 52/34kg
8 burpees

Post scores to whiteboard!

HellaFit WOD


Lindsay C, Gina M, Nadia T

Great work this weekend with CGO 17.3! After Week 2 of the FCF Intramural Open our standings are: 1.) FLEX APPEAL, 2.) Thundercats, 3.) Blue Barracudas

Quick overview of this week’s training: bench presses, thruster/pullups, dip/kb swings/t2b/push press/burpees, DIANE, clean/ring row/slam ball, CGO 17.4, row/situps/double unders/wall ball, and Grayson’s SWAT GEAR SHUTTLE! Oooooh.


+ How To Stop a Cold Dead In Its Tracks – CrossFit Invictus

CrossFit WOD for Monday 3/13

bench press 4x3x85%

AMRAP in 7 minutes:
3 thrusters, 43/29kg
3 pullups
6 thrusters, 43/29kg
6 pullups
9 thrusters, 43/29kg
9 pullups

Post score to whiteboard!

NOTE: We have a special 3:30pm variation of the workout to celebrate a huge WODclub milestone for Aimee P! Come join if you can.

Olympic Weightlifting WOD

lifts: snatches up to 92%, back squats up to 95, and snatch-grip Romanian deadlifts
accessories: box jumps, death march, Chinese plank

Kettlebell WOD

Ground Force
Drills for perfecting swings

CrossFit WOD for Sunday 3/12

YGIG 10-to-1 for time:
deadlift (1.5x)
bench press (1x)
clean (.75x)

Fitness = 40/30kg, Rx = 55/40kg, Performance = 70/50kg

Athletes will pair up and choose the appropriate loading class: Fitness, Rx, or Performance. They will need three bars, a rack, and a bench. Each bar will have a multiplier for the chosen load. Example: Fitness’ loading is 40kg so they need a 1.5x (60kg), a 1x (40kg), and a .75x (30kg) barbell. Athlete A starts off with 10 deadlifts, 10 bench presses (while Athlete B spots), and 10 cleans, tag out, then Athlete B does 10 deadlifts, 10 bench presses, 10 cleans, tags out, etc. The next round Athlete A does 9 of each lift, tags, etc., all the way down to 1.

Post scores to whiteboard.

HellaFit WOD


for time:
100 stairs
90 KBS
80 double unders
70 KBS
60 double unders
50 KBS
40 push-ups
30 pull-ups/ring rows
20 push-ups
10 pull-ups/ring rows
5 ramp sprints

CrossFit WOD for Saturday 3/11

in partners, for time:
90 burpees
80 situps
70 perfectly vertical kettlebell swings
60 HR pushups
50 synchro kettlebell lunges
400m farmer’s carry together

In this workout each pair will have a pair of kettlebells. They may not touch the ground, otherwise the entire workout starts from scratch.

Post time to whiteboard.

Some things to note for tomorrow:

1. Athletes with a 1RM SNATCH at 59/39kg or lower will be doing the Scaled Division workout. Athletes with a 1RM SNATCH of 60/40kg or greater will do the Rx Division workout.

2. For logistical reasons all athletes who don’t agree with Item 1 should do 17.3 today (Friday) if they’d like to see how far they can get into the workout. We want PRs in pullups and snatches. If you’re concerned about “getting your workout in” then you have from April through February, until the next CrossFit Games Open comes around, to do so.

3. We will have 13 lanes per heat: 5 Rx/Scaled Women, 5 Rx/Scaled Men, 3 Rx-only Men. Our goal is a spread that about half scaled and half Rx each heat.

Questions? Concerns?

This is the recommended loading for a scaled women’s bar.

This is the recommended loading for a scaled men’s bar