CONDITIONING for Thursday 9/23/2021

READ: How to Get the Most Out of Your Exercise Time – Vox

Weighted carries are a great warmup and way to strengthen the entire body. This practice leads to better posture during weightlifting and gymnastics.

WORKOUT for Wednesday 9/22/2021

Wall walks, inverted ring skills, beat kips/hand-release beat kips/toes-to-bar, then


5 rounds for time:
800m run
30 kettlebell swings, 24/32kg
30 pullups

You’re looking complete each round in about 8 minutes: that’s 4 minutes of running then 4 minutes of swings and pullups. Prepare your hands and feet accordingly! Post time to whiteboard.

READ: The American Kettlebell Swing VERSUS the Russian Kettlebell Swing – Box Life Magazine

Did you know that MEMBERS can rent equipment as part of their membership? We have a list of some smaller items like single dumbbells or kettlebells, bands, ab-wheels, and more! Use these to do the Follow Along Workouts if you can’t make it into the gym!

CONDITIONING for Tuesday 9/21/2021


WORKOUT for Monday 9/20/2021

wall walks, split squats, calf raises, tib raises

3 rounds for time:
50 squats
7 muscle-ups
10 hang power cleans, 43/61kg

Post time to whiteboard!

WATCH: This video is over 10 years old. Watch the athleticism of Nicole, Annie, and Eva (recognize these names?) back when CrossFit was a single gym in Santa Cruz, CA.

YOGA for Sunday 9/19/2021


The pointed-toe curtsy lunge is a nice way to scale-up your lunges, and a nice progression to eventually build enough single-leg strength for things like pistols.

WORKOUT for Saturday 9/18/2021

Movement patterns


9-15-21-27 reps for time:
deadlift, 65/104kg
handstand pushups

Post time to whiteboard! Then we’ll STRETCH as a group so you can enjoy your weekend.

WATCH: Where do you fall in the following progressions for the pistol?

“The answer is always coffee and squats”

Cardio equivalents for modifying workouts: a 400m run is equal to a 500m row, a 1000m bike, a 500m ski, 40 double unders if you can do small sets, 70-100 if you are good with double unders, essentially moving for approximately 2 minutes.

WORKOUT for Friday 9/17/2021

“Pyramid Double HELEN”

for time:
1200m run
63 perfectly-vertical kettlebell swings, 16/24kg
36 pullups
800m run
42 perfectly-vertical kettlebell swings, 16/24kg
24 pullups
400m run
21 perfectly-vertical kettlebell swings, 16/24kg
12 pullups

Post time to whiteboard.

WATCH: Could you beat the 2010 athletes where this workout was introduced? How far has fitness come since then?