Check out the crew who joined us for the return of our summer Endurance classes!

Seattle University is one of the many venues throughout the city for the 2018 Special Olympics USA Games.
You can see the schedule and events here.

If you didn’t see on Tuesday’s post, we’ll be giving out two endurance building workouts each week: on Tuesdays we’ll meet at the gym for an actual class. We’ll jog over the SU track, do some joint/movement prep then hit some short-interval track work for technique, speed, and ultimately power. On Thursdays we’ll simply post a workout for you to do anywhere you can bring a watch: road, park, etc. These workouts will be long-interval, tempo, or time trial work for cardiovascular endurance and stamina training. You can coordinate with other friends to run with you if you’d like, but we’re not going to burn a class to watch you run for anything between 20 and 60 minutes.


+ Can I Cook Frozen Steaks Without Thawing? You Can (And You Should)! – Crowd Cow

CrossFit WOD for Thursday 7/5

100 dips (in as few sets as possible) for time, then

AMRAP in 12:00
30 double unders
10 burpees
3 bar muscle-up

Post times and scores to whiteboard.


5 round Tabata

Swivel hips
Lunge steps
Monkey crawls
Monkey side crawls
Hop overs

– then –

6 cycles
On a 3 min clock
10 Sand bag squats
10 Ball slams

10 Sand bag squats
10 Ball slams

Endurance WOD

5k time trial. Find a route (or make one yourself), grab a watch, warmup, and get to running! Since it is a time trial you are doing this FOR TIME like you would a CrossFit workout.

Happy Forth of July everybody! We have a limited schedule today.

9am CrossFit – Hero WOD MARCO, Olympic Weightlifting, Powerlifting
10am CrossFit – Hero WOD BOWEN
11am CrossFit – Hero WOD JOSIE

Enjoy your mid-week holiday!



+ Could Baking Soda Be the Best Workout Supplement You’ve Never Tried? – BarBend

CrossFit WOD for Tuesday 7/3

back squat 8 sets of 3 reps at 60-70%. Rest 1:00 between sets, then

AMRAP in 6:00
15 front squats, 75/53kg
max muscle-ups

Post max muscle-ups to whiteboard!


:40 on/:20 off/for 12:00
– squat jacks
– crossover mountain climber
– jumping lunge jacks
– semicircle mountain climber

:90/:30 for 10:00
3 bear crawl, 30’
9 mb squat thrust + wall chest pass
3 crab walk, 30′
9 mb push press

AMRAP in 8:00
5 bench over and unders
10 ab-rollouts
150 bicycle crunch

Foundation Endurance WOD at 6:30pm – Meet and FCF and we’ll jog to the SU Track as a warmup!

#FoundationEndurance Club is here! Nathan will be running* this series on Tuesdays where we’ll run track workouts (higher intensity, short interval work). On Thursdays we’ll post a workout you can do on the road on your own (lower intensity, generally longer distance/long interval work).

1. Intro to our warmup series
2. 1600m (mile) time trial
3. 400m sprint time trial
4. Post-workout stretch


Nasreen limbos out of the weekend like

Coming this week! Run/wall ball, back squats, front squats/muscle-ups, MARCO (pullups/hspu/thrusters), BOWEN (run/deadlifts/burpee pullups/kb thrusters), JOSIE (run/burpees/power clean/front squats/run), 100 dips, double unders/burpees/bar muscle-up, Simple & Sinister, kettlebell cleans/kettlebell lunges/box jumps, and “HEAVY DOUBLE” (back squats, presses, deadlifts).


Registration for this block of Foundation Barbell programs close tonight! You can take 1-3 classes a week as supplementation to your CrossFit classes!
– JULY 4th SCHEDULE: CrossFit @ 9am/10am/11am, Olympic Weightlifting & Powerlifting @ 9am.
– We’re proud to be hosting Carl Paoli of Freestyle Connection in BEYOND MOVEMENT: Coaching of Coaches on July 15th. More details here.


+ STAY TIGHT! How to Breath, Brace, and Save Your Spine – Athlete Daily
+ Retired Marine 10+ Hour Plank World Record – Morning Chalk Up

CrossFit WOD for Monday 7/2

for time:
400m run
30 wall ball, 14/8lbs
400m run
30 wall ball, 14/8lbs
400m medcine ball run, 14/8lbs

Post time to whiteboard!

Olympic Weightlifting WOD – Week 2/4, Day 1/3

POWER SNATCH + 2 OHS 75 / 1 (3)

4 rounds
12 pullups
12 front raise w/ bumper
12 jumping good am, 35/25kg

Start as strict and possible then scale and modify as necessary to complete the set in a timely manner. The volume is more important today.

Powerlifting – Week 2/4, Day 1/3

box jump 5 x 3 x 85%
back squat 72.5% / 3 (8)

4×10 kettlebell lunges
4×10 back extensions
4x:45 banded plank

bicep opener 5×5

Kettlebell WOD

Joint prep, Fish Game, Dynamax wheels

Technique /Strength: Sotts Press, One-arm Bent over row, KB situps

**KettleBell LP (Double Bell): Week 2**
5 Rounds, 60 seconds on 60 seconds off. 1 Round consists of the following Complex:

– 6 x Double KettleBell Cleans
– 8 x Double KettleBell Front Squats
– 6 x Double KettleBell Thrusters

*Complexes should be performed with the heaviest bell for you. If you fail to complete your complex in two separate rounds, lower one bell weight. Ideally the complexes are completed unbroken, but not required. *

**For time: 50-40-30-20-10**
– Goblet Squats
– KB Swings

##Accessory work
– Arm bars


That concludes our week of supplements. Learn something? Like it? Let us know! Maybe we could go even further in this complicated and oversaturated market. It can be very overwhelming in an aisle, let alone a supplement store like GNC or SuperSupplements.

So to conclude our week, let’s chat some random notes:

– Remember that supplements ABSOLUTELY DO NOT REPLACE CLEAN NUTRITION. Quality food, quality hydration. Get that down first, then you might need to fill in the blanks with choice supplementation.
– Ladies, these lists don’t change for you either. If it was easy to get big, most dudes wouldn’t be so skinny and in the gym so often! It’s something is specific for men, the brands will also have something specific for women!
– If you are going to supplement, start with health-biased things like a multivitamin, fish oil (Omega-3s) or CLAs for vibrant tissues, probiotics for a balanced gut, ZMA/Zinc for rest & recovery, Vitamin D because you live in Seattle.
– If you are short on time and absolutely cannot access quality food then, in order, I’d suggest a quality protein (pre or post-workout), creatine (add to one of the other things), and BCAAs (intra-workout).
Vegan? Vegetarian? I got recs for you too!
– Avoid taking something just because your favorite athlete is taking it.
– RESEARCH THESE THINGS! Take what you think you need, not what you want.
– A nice trick for those who move around a lot, it’s helpful to have containers to hold your stack:

Pricey vs Not, just have it ready!

– Andrew’s BEGINNER STACK: eating good food, bringing the intensity to workouts, and better sleeping habits!
– Andrew INTERMEDIATE STACK: creatine and whey protein (or protein isolate if you have a sensitive stomach)
– Andrew’s current personal stack: Ghost Lifestyle LEGEND (Watermelon) pre-workoutLegion Recharge (BCAA), Ghost Lifestyle WHEY (Cereal Milk) protein, ON Creatine (added to one of the previous things), and LiftMode L-Theanine (added to pre-workout or creatine for a calming energy)
– Questions? Ask!


1. Additional POWERLIFTING classes at 5:30pm and 7:30pm on Monday/Wednesday/Friday. Registration for both Olympic Weightlifting and Powerlifting cycles remain open until Monday evening.
2. We have FOUR teams of four competing Saturday at the 2018 Battle at the Ballpark at Safeco Field. FCF Baseball night at the game later that day!
3. Our JULY 4th SCHEDULE is as follows: 9am, 10am, and 11am CrossFit classes. One 9am Foundation Barbell session for two hours.


+ 2 Drills to Open Up Those Tight Pecs – Invictus Fitness

BarBend has good, slightly-in-depth reviews with Nick English. He is an editor and journalist with over six years’ reporting experience on four continents, with most of that spent covering health-related issues. Currently a full-time writer at BarBend, his work can be found on Vice, Popular Science, Greatist, and the Huffington Post.

CrossFit WOD for Friday 6/29


as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes:
5 pullups
10 pushups
15 squats

– or –


as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes:
5 handstand pushups
10 pistols, alternating
15 pullups

Post scores to whiteboard!

Olympic Weightlifting WOD – Week 1/4, Day 3/3

front squat 60/5 (5). 1-minute rests.
power clean + hang clean + jerk 65/1 (3)
push press 50/3 (3)

GHR 5×3-5
single-leg stiff-leg deadlift 5×5/side
midline, 200 reps total
– abs, back, obliques, glutes, hip flexors
– athlete choice, but ask coach if unsure

Powerlifting WOD – Week 1/4, Day 3/3

seated box jump 4x3x75%

press 85% / 5+
deadlift 65% / 5 (8)

sumo RDL 5×15
bicep opener 5×5

midline, 200 reps total
– abs, back, obliques, glutes, hip flexors
– athlete choice, but ask coach if unsure

Eating/supplementing talk all this week! We need to make sure that your gut systems run properly and absorb the nutrition you provide. Probiotics can help! I take a single raw probiotic pill once a day. (Twice a day if I’m eating like crap)

From Invictus: “Probiotics help bring balance back to your gut. These good bacteria help to keep pathogens (harmful microorganisms) in check, aid digestion and nutrient absorption, and contribute to immune function.”

A lot of “fortified” foods will claim how healthy it is for you- ignore those and get things are probiotic in nature! Yogurt (Ellenos!)/kefir, sauerkraut/kimchi, tempeh, miso, kombucha/kvass, pickles, and more. Apple Cider Vinegar drinks (water, honey, ACV) do wonders and you can alter ingredients for taste.. or you can live your best life and start your day off with a straight shot (start small) of ACV in the morning!


+ Simply Sinister – StrongFirst

CrossFit WOD for Thursday 6/28


complete 100 single-arm kettlebell swings then 10 turkish get-ups within 10:00

Post weight used to whiteboard!

HIIT WOD – 12pm

3 rounds
1 min work
Rope Pulls

Sand bag squats
Ski erg cals
AB cals
Back extensions
1 min rest

5 rounds
30s hold / 10s rest
Atomic sit ups with partner
Hollow rock
Bed bug
Pointer dog
Side plank
Opposite side plank
Flutter kicks

HIIT WOD – 5:30pm

3 rounds
1 min work
Rope Pulls
Sand bag squats
Ski erg cals
AB cals
Back extensions
1 min rest

5 rounds
30s hold / 10s rest
Atomic sit ups with partner
Hollow rock
Bed bug
Pointer dog
Side plank
Opposite side plank
Flutter kicks

Foundations 11 WOD

21-15-9 reps for time:
hang power clean (or squat clean)
air squats (or jumping)

Don’t mix chalk and protein powder

Today let’s get into what you need to have when you finish working out: some carbohydrates and proteins! You just spent an hour (or two) exercising which breaks down muscle tissue. We need to repair it, ASAP if you’re a morning athlete who trains fasted. While you don’t have to consume something immediately after a workout, practicing good nutrition is crucial for promoting muscle protein synthesis and glycogen storage.

Since I more or less live in the gym, and often workout more than once in a training day, I find it easier to have a prepacked meal, like NW Fit Meals, or a container of protein powder nearby for when I finish my WOD. Unless I had a meal near that training time, I do look to make sure that I have some food every 3-5 hours to keep my body rebuilding whatever I broke down in my training.

My favorite morning post-workout shake: 1 scoop of ON Double Rich Chocolate Whey protein (24g Protein/3g CHO/1g Fat) + 1 scoop 8-12oz of cold brew coffee or an iced americano + water to taste.

My favorite mid-morning post-workout shake, an hour or so before lunch: none (I’ll opt for BCAA during my workout, but might add a scoop of Vital Proteins Collagen Peptides to it)

My favorite evening post-workout shake: 1 scoop of SFH Pure Churro protein (23g/4g/2g) because if you know me, you know I love churros + more cinnamon + ice + water.

My favorite protein isolate (for the lactose-intolerant): Onnit’s Whey Isolate (20g/5g/2g) is grass-fed and contains 7 enzymes for better digestion. No sweeteners and mixes really well!

My favorite late-night-snack (where you want to skip out on making a bad nutritional choice): 1 scoop ON Gold Standard Casein Vanilla protein (24g/9g/1g) + whatever I want to flavor it with: a ton of cinnamon, almond or peanut butter, milk, chocolate milk, juice, might blend it with frozen berries or other fruit (acai!), etc. You can get imaginative with flavor combos.


+ You Asked: Should I Eat Collagen Powder? – TIME

CrossFit WOD for Wednesday 6/27

every minute on the minute for 15:00
power snatch + hang snatch, ~70%


500m row for time

Post times to whiteboard!

Olympic Weightlifting WOD – Week 1/4, Day 2/3

power snatch + hang snatch + overhead squat 65/1 (3)
snatch-grip Romanian deadlift 50/8 (3)
snatch-grip shrugs 70/12+ (3), :90

5×3-5 BtN sotts press
5×8 weighted back ext
5×10 dips

Powerlifting WOD – Week 1/4, Day 2/3

med ball throws 4×10 (2)
bench press 65/5 (8)

db bench press 4-5×12
db Tate press 4-5×12
db JM press 4-5×12

med ball throws 4×10

Kettlebell WOD

Joint Prep/DROM

**3 rounds**
– 10 Double bell Sots press
– 10 Double bell OH squat and curl
**Banded work 3 rounds
– 10 banded row with supination
– 10 banded swing squat

**50 Swinging lunges**
**KB Karen**
– 150 KB Wall Ball Substitute
**Simple and Sinister (DB) **
– Every 30 sec 10 X 10 Double KB swings

##Accessory work
– Abs
– 15 Relax-into-stretch toe touch
– 2 min super pigeon

Andrew B and Bobby B at the 2017 RCF Games

Let’s talk about vitamin D. From the Vitamin D Council:

Vitamin D is important for good overall health and strong and healthy bones. It’s also an important factor in making sure your muscles, heart, lungs and brain work well and that your body can fight infection.

The vitamin D that you get in your skin from sunlight, and the vitamin D from supplements, has to be changed by your body a number of times before it can be used. Once it’s ready, your body uses it to manage the amount of calcium in your blood, bones and gut and to help cells all over your body to communicate properly.

Vitamin D isn’t like most other vitamins. Your body can make its own vitamin D when you expose your skin to sunlight. But your body can’t make other vitamins. You need to get other vitamins from the foods you eat. For example, you need to get vitamin C from fruits and vegetables.

Also what makes vitamin D unique compared to other vitamins, is that when your body gets its vitamin D, it turns vitamin D into a hormone. This hormone is sometimes called “activated vitamin D” or “calcitriol.”

Some of the functions of the body that vitamin D helps with include:
– Immune system, which helps you to fight infection
– Muscle function
– Cardiovascular function, for a healthy heart and circulation
– Respiratory system –for healthy lungs and airways
– Brain development
– Anti-cancer effects

As Washingtonians we get plenty of clouds, but not as much sun as we’d like. It has been recommended that healthy adults take 2000 IU of Vitamin D daily– most supplements contain that in a single pill. They suggest taking more if you don’t get as much sun. I do!


+ Why Is Vitamin D So Important to Your Health? – MD Magazine

CrossFit WOD for Tuesday 6/26

2k row for time, then

ISABEL: 30 snatches for time, or

GRACE: 30 clean & jerks for time, or

ISAGRACE: 30 snatches then 30 clean & jerks for time

Rx = 61/43kg. Compare to . Post times to whiteboard!

HIIT WOD – 12pm

2 min with 30s rest
High knees
Butt kickers
Jump Lunge
Down Ups


4 Rounds
12 Dbl Kb Front Rack Squats
12 Dbl Kb Deadlift
Gym Length Reverse Dbl Kb Drag
12 Dbl Kb Push Press
12 Dbl Kb Thrusters
Rest 2 mins

HIIT WOD – 5:30pm

:35 work, :25 rest
:35 work, :20 rest

1. semicircle mountain climber
2. wavings
3. bicycle crunch
4. slam ball
5. crossover mountain climber
6. ab-rollout
7. kettlebell sumo deadlifts
8. oblique mountain climber
9. tuck jumps

Foundations 10 WOD

EMOM 15 minute 3-Position Snatch

PRIDE weekend was a blast. Hope you all had fun.

After a couple of different conversations over the past week, we’ll be covering some of the different supplements you can use in addition to a solid nutrition plan (“eat meat & vegetables, seeds and nuts, some fruit, little starch, no sugar”) everyday this week for an extra bump in your health and fitness.

Today we start with one of the most-studied supplements out there: creatine. Creatine is “an acid that occurs naturally … Its main role is to facilitate recycling of ATP, the energy currency of the cell, primarily in muscle and brain tissue.” and can help you last longer in high-intensity exercise. First off, those who eat plenty of quality proteins (wild fish, grass-fed beef, pasture-raised chickens, etc) will have plenty of creatine in the system. Those who don’t may find tremendous results from usage. Think about a workout like last Friday’s FIGHT GONE BAD.. around the 3rd exercise of the 3rd round with about :20 left in the minute you probably had to stop moving because you felt like you had no energy. Your ATP stores have been depleted. Creatine can help delay that from happening, or happening too soon.

There are a number of sources say to take 5g creatine monohydrate post-workout in a drink mixed with some carbohydrates and protein- that’s what I do everyday! Check out the video below for more science.

Our agenda for the week: CrossFit Games Regionals 2018 Event 6 or FRAN, 2k row time trial, ISABEL/GRACE/ISAGRACE, a snatch EMOM, 500m row sprints, a sample Kettlebell day with Simple & Sinister, MARY/CINDY, A new Hero workout JOSIE, and LYNNE.


+ CrossFit and BTWB Unite To Help Athletes & Affiliates Improve Health – PR News Wire

CrossFit WOD for Monday 6/25

CGR 18.6

for time:
4-3-2 rope climbs
16-12-8 thruster, 70/48kg



21-15-9 reps for time:
thrusters, 43/29kg

Post times to whiteboard!

Olympic Weightlifting WOD – Week 1, Day 1. NEW STRENGTH CYCLES ARE HERE. We didn’t do a great job of advertising so we will allow athletes until this Friday morning at 10am (6/29) to register for the new cycle.

power snatch + hang snatch + overhead squat 65/2 (3)
Romanian deadlift 50/8 (3)
snatch-grip shrugs 80/15+ (3)

5 rounds:
10 pullups, as strict as possible
10 bumper front raises

Powerlifting WOD – Week 1, Day 1. NEW STRENGTH CYCLES ARE HERE. We didn’t do a great job of advertising so we will allow athletes until this Friday morning at 10am (6/29) to register for the new cycle.

box jump – establish a 1RM in 7 minutes
back squat 60/5 (10)

5×12 kettlebell lunges
5×10 weighted situps
5x:30 back ext holds

Kettlebell WOD

Joint prep, DROM, lap

**KettleBell LP (Double Bell): Week 1**

5 Rounds, 60 seconds on 60 seconds off. 1 Round consists of the following Complex:

– 5 x Double KettleBell Cleans
– 9 x Double KettleBell Front Squats
– 6 x Double KettleBell Thrusters

*Complexes should be performed with the heaviest bell for you. If you fail to complete your complex in two separate rounds, lower one bell weight. Ideally the complexes are completed unbroken, but not required. *

**100 Russian swings for time**
Use the heaviest bell as possible. Swing for as long as possible.Record time.

Today, Friday, June 22nd we are excited to celebrate PRIDE and inclusivity by making all our regularly scheduled classes free and open to EVERYONE!

Classes today are open to members, non-members, experienced, non-experienced athletes. You could be doing CrossFit at a neighboring affiliate or have never exercised before. Depending on your fitness level it can be ‘just sweaty’ or ‘super tough’. No worries- we’ll guide you through it!

At Foundation CrossFit everyone who comes through our doors is considered an athlete regardless of size, age, shape, ability, gender identity, or sexual orientation.

You can register for a class here.

In lieu of our $25 class drop-in fee, we will be accepting donations to support an organization close to the hearts of two of our own athletes. 100% of the drop-in fees collected today will be given to the GSBA Scholarship Fund, a program of the Greater Seattle Business Association (GSBA).

Can’t make it to class, but would like to donate? Great! You can donate here. We will be collecting donations through the end of June and 100% of everything collected will be given to the GSBA Scholarship Fund.

About the GSBA Scholarship Fund:

  • The GSBA Scholarship is a leadership scholarship for Washington state residents working to move the needle on social change within the LGBTQ community
  • Since 1991 the GSBA Scholarship has given out over $3.4 million dollars in scholarships
  • Invested over $400K in our 2018 scholars
  • Average award in 2018 is $7,700
  • As a part of the GSBA Guarantee they launched in August of 2017 the first phase of the GSBA Leadership Academy bringing together their scholars for a three day immersion weekend to support their growth as our future leaders
  • Scholarship application is launched on National Coming Out Day, October 11th – Closes on at the beginning of January every year

If you’re interested in getting involved and learning more about their scholarship program, let us know and we’ll be happy to connect you.

For more details about the GSBA Scholarship Fund, you can check out their website here and donate directly here.

Have a happy and safe PRIDE weekend! Feel free to join us at the March this Sunday!


+ What Is Fitness? – by Greg Glassman, founder of CrossFit

CrossFit WOD for Friday 6/22


3 rounds for max total reps:
1:00 wall ball, 20/14# to 10/9′
1:00 sumo deadlift high-pull, 35/25kg
1:00 box jump, 24/20″
1:00 push press, 35/25kg
1:00 calorie row
1:00 rest

Post time to whiteboard!