SKILLS for Tuesday 9/27/2022 is the SNATCH

CompEx for Tues 9/27

strict press- single for the day, gymnastics volume

5 rounds for time:
2 legless rope climbs or 6 strict pullups
200m run
10 bench press, 43/57/84kg
200m run

Gymnastics for Tues 9/27

12 sets EMOM
a. :30 handstand
b. 6+ strict pullups

:30 on, :10 off for 8 rounds: V-up + weighted Superman

Olympic Weightlifting for Tues 9/27

general early prep, midline warmup, barbell warmup

3-position (power, below knee, floor) power snatch + snatch

jerk balance with rereack

jerk (pause in dip) + jerk + jerk (pause in receiving)

below knee hang power clean + clean + front squat

back squats + vertical jumps, Pendlay row + strict press, weighted plank + weighted side plank + straight-leg box jump

KETTLEBELL for Tues 9/27


WORKOUT for Monday 9/26/2022

EMOM for 20:00
3 power cleans + 4 front squats + max burpee over bar

Rx = 30/50/70kg. Score = total burpees.

ENGINE for Mon 9/26

AMRAP in 20 minutes:
50 single unders
25 calories
100m farmer’s carry


4 sets of 8+ bench press

4 sets of 10+ close-grip bench press

4 sets
15+ skull crushers
15+ kettlebell lat pullover
2:00 rest

Goal is to have all sets unbroken!

STRETCH for Sunday 9/25/2022

SKILLS for Saturday 9/24/2022 is BENCH PRESS

WORKOUT for Sat 9/24

5 rounds for time:
10 overhead squats, 20/45/70
20 toes-to-bar
400m run

Post time to whiteboard! Compare/contrast to 4/2/22 and 12/16/21.

WORKOUT for Friday 9/23/2022


21-15-9 reps for time:
deadlifts, 43/61/102kg
handstand pushups



3 rounds for time:
15 deadlifts, 60/90/120kg

Post time to whiteboard!

ENGINE for Fri 9/23

20 minute AMRAP
30 skiier single unders
20 banded march
30 mountain climbers
20 crossover single unders

2-3 prowler push+pull each round.


25-20-15-10-5 reps of
banded hammer curls
DB lateral raises

for time:
15 muscle-ups
15 (strict) chest-to-bar pullups
15 narrow chinups
15 wide-grip pullups
15 archer pullups

50 Viper presses

READ: “DIANE” on WODwell

SKILLS for Thursday 9/22/2022 is the PRESS, PUSH PRESS, and JERK

MOBILITY for Thurs 9/22

WORKOUT for Wednesday 9/21/2022

Every 3:00 for 27:00

a. 500m row
b. 400m run
c. max burpee box jump over, 12/20/24″

Post score to whiteboard!

ENGINE for Wed 9/21

1:00 max double unders
1:00 max axle bar lunges
1:00 max single unders
1:00 max axle bar deadlifts
1:00 burpees


50-40-30-20-10 banded tricep extensions
25-30-15-10-5 DB lat raise -OR- Lu raise
for time:
20 handstand pushups
20 close-grip pushups
20 pushups
20 wide-grip pushups
20 archer pushups
100 bicep curls (*25 shrugs every break)

SKILLS for Tuesday 9/20/2022 is the SQUAT

GYMNASTICS for Tues 9/20

for time:
20 handstand pushups
20 close-grip pushups
20 hand-release pushups
20 wide pushups
20 archer pushups

CONDITIONING for Tues 9/20

WORKOUT for Monday 9/19/2022

for time:
100 double unders
80 ab-mat situps
60 dips
40 kettlebell SDHP, 12/20/32kg
60 toes-to-bar
80 hand-release pushups
100m farmer’s carry, 2×12/20/32kg

Post time to whiteboard!

STRETCHING for Sunday 9/18/2022