SKILLS for Thursday 8/18/2022 is the PRESS

CONDITIONING for Thurs 8/18

STRETCHING for Thurs 8/18

WORKOUT for Wednesday 8/17/2022


for time:
3k row
300 double unders
3 mile run

Can also do an AMRAP in 40 minutes of 500m row/50 du/400m. Post time to whiteboard. Compare to 8/2/2018, 5/25/2018, 9/1/2017

READ/LISTEN: Episode 143: Endurance Coach Chris Hinshaw on Increasing Aerobic Capacity and Managing Intensity – WHOOP

SKILLS for Tuesday 8/16/2022 is the SQUAT

Gymnastics for Tues 8/16

E2MOM x 8 rounds: 6 SHSPU + 12 pistols + 18 shoulder taps (or 20′ HSW)

then levers and muscle-up work

CONDITIONING for Tues 8/16

READ: New Movements Mark First Games for Bozman – MCU

WORKOUT for Monday 8/15/2022

establish a 20RM back squat (shoot for about 55% of your 1RM) then


AMRAP in 3:00
3 power cleans, 29/43/61kg
6 pushups
9 air squats

Rest 1:00. Repeat for 5 total rounds. Score = Each of the full rounds completed for all five rounds (ex 22333). Compare to 2/25/2020. Post scores to whiteboard!


This week marks the first of six weeks where we will do a 20-rep back (or front) squat in Monday S&C classes. Your goal is consistency of depth and timing, adding 2-5kg each week and *never* failing a set.

Week 7 we will deload then on Week 8 we will test a 1RM in class.

Read more about it here.

WORKOUT for Monday 8/15/2022

establish a back squat 20RM then

30-20-10 reps for time:
double dumbbell hang snatch
(chest-to-bar) pullups

Post barbell loading, times, and weights used to whiteboard.


STRETCHING for Sunday 8/14/2022

SKILLS for Saturday 8/13/2022 is the CLEAN

WORKOUT for Sat 8/13

(in teams of 4)

4 rounds for time:
80 calorie row
40 partner deadlifts, 40/70/100kg
200m barbell “boat” carry

Post teammates and times to whiteboard!


WORKOUT for Friday 8/12/2022

every 3 minutes on the minute for max total reps for 27 minutes:
a. 500m row
b. 400m run
c. max burpee box jump overs, 12/20/24″

Post score to whiteboard!

Gymnastics for Fri 8/12

EMOM of 5 t2b/3 c2b pullups/1 pullover

handstand press development


SKILLS for Thursday 8/11/2022 is the DEADLIFT

MOBILITY for Thurs 8/11

WORKOUT for Wednesday 8/10/2022

another 3 sets of 10 reps of back squats at 50-70% of your 1RM to prepare for next Monday’s 20RM test then

3:00 to complete
200m run
15 toes-to-bar
10 double DB clean & jerks, 2×20/35/50lbs
3/5 (strict ring) muscle-ups

At the completion of the 3:00 immediately stop your work and rest 1:00 and repeat. Score is total reps completed.