WORKOUT for Wednesday 4/20/2022

AMRAP in 7:00
800m run
max reps DB devil’s press, 20/35/50lbs

AMRAP in 7:00
800m run
max reps DB hang clean & jerk, 20/35/50lbs

AMRAP in 7:00
800m run
max reps DB hang clean thruster, 20/35/50lbs

Every rep with the dumbbell is alternating. Post total reps completed to whiteboard!


SKILLS for Tuesday 4/19/2022 is the CLEAN

CONDITIONING for Tuesday 4/19/2022

WORKOUT for Monday 4/18/2022

every minute on the minute for 18 minutes:
a. 4 cleans, as heavy as possible
b. 8 chest-to-bar pullups
c. 12 box jumps, 16/24/30″

Post heaviest clean to whiteboard!

READ: So Is Fasted Cardio Worth It or Naw? – BarBend


YOGA for Sunday 4/17/2022

WORKOUT for Saturday 4/16/2022

every 2 minutes on the minute for 5 rounds
– 10 alternating rack barbell reverse lunges, building in weight

12 min to establish a max CLEAN + JERK + FRONT SQUAT + JERK

Post heaviest loads to whiteboard!

SKILLS for Saturday 4/16/2022 is the CLEAN


WORKOUT for Friday 4/15/2022

9:00 to complete each

for time:
1k row
50 thrusters, 10/15/20kg
30 pullups

750m row
40 thrusters, 15/25/40kg
20 chest-to-bar pullups

500m row
10 thrusters, 20/35/60kg
10 bar muscle-ups

You should be able to finish each piece within the 9-minute interval so choose the right progressions for you. Post times to whiteboard!



SKILLS for Thursday 4/15/2022 is the DEADLIFT

CONDITIONING for Thursday 4/15/2022

Improve your ankle mobility for superior squatting comfort and efficiency.

WORKOUT for Wednesday 4/13/2022

for time:
50 (strict) HSPU
40 toes-to-bar
30 front squats, 25/45/70kg ⁣
20 hang power clean, 25/45/70kg ⁣
10 bar muscle-ups

Post times to whiteboard!


SKILLS for Tuesday 4/12/2022 is SNATCH

CONDITIONING for Tuesday 4/12/2022


WORKOUT for Monday 4/11/2022

every minute on the minute for 10 minutes:
a. 5 box jumps, high
b. 2 snatches (SupeRx = hang snatch + full snatch)

50-35-20 reps for time:
wall ball, 8/14/20lbs

Post time to whiteboard!