New noon classes begin today!

WORKOUT for Monday 11/8/2021

every minute on the minute for 30 minutes:
a. 20 kettlebell step-downs
b. 10-15 chest-to-bar pullups
5 kettlebell snatch/side

then cash out with 3:00 of max ring rows, pullups, or muscle-ups. Post score to whiteboard!


Join us for YOGA online via Zoom with IVAN.MVMT

RSVP via PushPress to get meeting room info!

CONDITIONING for Sunday 11/7/2021


PARTNER WORKOUT for Saturday 11/6/2021

“You Go I Go” deadlift to a heavy triple

In teams of 3/4 complete:
200 arm jumps
300 med ball situps, 14/20lbs
400m med ball run
500 med ball squats

Two people must be working at any given moment. Post scores to whiteboard.


New noon classes on the schedule: BODYBUILDING and ENGINE on Mon/Wed/Fri

BODYBUILDING is where you take your training to the next level for muscle and joint development to continue pushing your other training forward.

ENGINE is where you increase you cardiovascular endurance and muscular stamina so you’re not huffing and puffing all the time. Even though our ongoing classes provide you constantly varied functional movement at a relatively high intensity, sometimes low intensity over a long period of time is necessary for your heart health.

Check out the schedule on PushPress and RSVP to try them out next week!

WORKOUT for Friday 11/5/2021

5 rounds for time:
12 dumbbell hang clean & jerk, 35/50lbs
8 calorie row
4 bar muscle-ups

3 rounds for time:
20 alternating dumbbell squat snatch, 35/50lbs
40 dumbbell squats

Post both times to whiteboard.

READ: Will Smith’s YouTube Docuseries “Best Shape of My Life” to Premiere 11/8/2021 – BarBend

CONDITIONING for Thursday 11/4/2021

READ: The Seven Biggest Benefits of Unilateral Training – BarBend

How do you feel after 200m of overhead walking lunges?

WORKOUT for Wednesday 11/3/2021


in 12:00 for max loading:
clean + jerk + front squat + jerk

as many reps as possible in 15 minutes:
12 (2-for-1) wb, 14/20lbs
9 burpees
6 (ring) dips

WATCH: Do you find yourself tired throughout the day? Understanding your nutrition (energy in) along with your activity frequencies and intensities (energy out) can help you reach your goals. We usually talk about nutrition in terms of hormonal control like this video

The first trial class for the Winter Training Camp is tonight at 5:30pm! It’s members-only today, but you can invite some non-member friends in for a trial on Friday.

Read more about the Winter Training Camp beginning on Tuesday 11/9.

CONDITIONING for Tuesday 11/2/2021


We just released the details about our Winter Training Camp! Basically it’s a new Tuesday/Friday class that’s not necessarily based in CrossFit (but it’s definitely inspired by it) to prepare those into winter sports or just develop stronger legs and core.

RSVP to this week’s Trial Classes on Tuesday 5:30pm and again on Friday 5:30pm (where you can bring non-member friends) if you want to try it out!

WORKOUT for Monday 11/1/2021

jumping development warmup then

for time:
50m dumbbell overhead lunge
30 (strict) pullups
50m dumbbell overhead lunge
30 (strict) t2b
50m dumbbell overhead lunge
30 (strict) k2e
50m dumbbell overhead lunge
30 (strict) chinups

Rx = 20/35/50lbs dumbbell. Post times to whiteboard!


Join us at 10am for YOGA with IVAN.MVMT! Stretch and focus on yourself to recharge for the upcoming week.

RSVP via PushPress for the meeting room info.

CONDITIONING for Sunday 10/31/2021

WEAR YOUR COSTUME! Best one per class wins some sweet prizes!

WORKOUT for Saturday 10/30/2021

(in partners) for max total score:

max burpee box jumps (20/24″) in 10 minutes while the other partner holds a plank, switching as needed

max burpees in 20 minutes while the other partner completes a 150m suitcase walk, switching every time the walk is completed

Post score (total burpee box jumps + burpees) to whiteboard.

WATCH: Day 2 of the Rogue Invitational