WORKOUT for Wednesday 9/7/2021

Wall walks, calf raises, tibialis raises then 10 kettlebell swings EMOM for 10 minutes

for time:
1k row
50 single-leg squats
30 hang cleans, 50/80kg

Post times to whiteboard!


SKILLS today covers the SNATCH. Classes at 7am, 1pm, 4:30pm, and 7:30pm.

CONDITIONING for Tuesday 9/7/2021


What is Labor Day?

Labor Day is a federal holiday in the US to honor and recognize the American labor movement and the works and contributions of laborers to the development and achievements of the United States.

WORKOUTS for Labor Day Monday 9/6/2021

10am: Kinda TUMILSON

8 rounds for time:
200m run/250m row
12 “dumbbell burpees”, 2×35/50lbs

Post time to whiteboard.

11am: TOM

AMRAP in 25 minutes:
7 muscle-ups
11 thrusters, 50/70kg
14 toes-to-bar

Post score to whiteboard.

12pm: Championship FIGHT GONE BAD

5 rounds for max total reps:
1:00 max wall ball shots, 14/20lbs
1:00 max SDHP, 2×12/16kg kettlebells
1:00 max box jumps, 20/24″
1:00 max push press, 25/35kg
1:00 max calorie row

Post score to whiteboard.

READ: Hero and Tribute Workouts – CrossFit


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High Intensity Interval Training for Sunday 9/5/2021

WORKOUT for Saturday 9/4/2021

front squat 6 sets of 5 reps.
(If you have a recent 1RM go 50/5, 65/5, 75/5, 85/5 (2), 85/5+)

5 rounds for time:
50 double unders
15 deadlifts, 38/52kg
7 bar muscle-ups

Post time to whiteboard!

READ: Mariah Moore Brings 2018 CrossFit Games Documentary Back to Life – MCU

Accessory work usually accompanies the “big lifts” in strength progressions. These help develop parts of the body to improve the lift, or to shore up the weak links in the chain. Traditional bodybuilding was born from the strength sports of yesterday and have become more appealing to the masses since it’s all visually pleasing.


WORKOUT for Friday 9/3/2021

snatch to a heavy single in 15 minutes
*55-65-75-85-95 (3)

3 rounds
8-12 Sumo deadlift
8-12 GHR/Nordic curls

3 rounds
10-15 seated good mornings
10-15 push press

3 rounds
30 tibialis raises
30 FHL calf raises

Post heaviest snatch to whiteboard!

Accessory work usually accompanies the “big lifts” in strength progressions. These help develop parts of the body to improve the lift, or to shore up the weak links in the chain. Traditional bodybuilding was born from the strength sports of yesterday and have become more appealing to the masses since it’s all visually pleasing.

Somehow bodybuilding splits became the forefront of most people’s training programs: chest & triceps on Monday, back & biceps on Wednesday, legs & shoulders on Friday, plus a day of pure cardio on Tuesday or the weekend, etc.

The most popular accessory of all time

But most people don’t have bodybuilding in their list of goals, so why follow that template?


In our gym we program the workouts to help you develop movement patterns and skills to be physically functional overall. Specialization can come into play if you have a specific sport or activity you want to improve in, but that’s a conversation with a coach to help develop your individual modifications and scaling in the daily workouts. We prefer to do exercises that challenge more than just muscular strength and stamina.

For example if you could complete an unassisted pullup we would have you work on your hanging strength by developing hand, forearm, and shoulder strength. Because of the demands of the body shape as well, we’d have to ensure your shoulders have a solid range of motion, and that there aren’t any overly-tight muscles, ligaments, or tendons around your elbow.


We would also have to strengthen a number of back muscles, including by not limited to: lats, serratus, rotator cuff, deltoids, traps, levators, and rhomboids. Having each of these units help create a foundation of strength for things like pullups (and eventually muscle-ups) so by training these groups specifically can help reach your goals more efficiently.

On top of that we would have to develop the skill of the pullup: starting/middle/ending positions and the transitions between them, how to scale and modify (both increasing and decreasing difficulty), and how to perform the skill on different equipment.


Fortunately we’re always trying to develop these skills and the strength required in our daily classes. I treat programming like a teacher would treat teaching a lesson- you need to plan the curriculum.

For those who want a specific skill not “in season” we offer Guided Training, where we can develop those particulars on your own time.

You’ll see more ACCESSORY DAYS coming in, as well a dedicated class soon enough!

Chippers, or long list workouts, are mini-tests in muscular stamina and technique:

MUSCULAR STAMINA: if your muscles burn out you may fail a rep and we know how that can set the mood incorrectly. Being smarter and planning your sets (10-10-5-5-5-5-10), staying consistent with rest time, make for moving faster through big sets.

TECHNIQUE: the lack of connectivity between your execution and the movement standard can be night and day in terms of your workout results. Watch the CrossFit Games athletes of yesteryear who were pure workhorses. Tons of “bad” technique in terms of today’s training, but they finished the workouts as written. Contrast that with CrossFit Games athletes this past summer and you’ll see a drastic difference in solid movement execution.

WORKOUT for Wednesday 9/1/2021

for time:
50 box jumps, 20/24″
50 pullups
50 kettlebell swings, 16/24kg
50 weighted lunges, 16/24kg
50 toes-to-bar
50 wall ball push press, 14/20lbs
50 wall ball, 14/20lbs
50 pogo burpees
50 double unders

Post time to whiteboard!

READ: Fixing the Push Press – CrossFit