Do you have this kind of consistency?

Should the bottom-of-the-dip position match the actual receiving position of the push or power jerk?

IN-GYM WORKOUT for Monday 5/10/2021


Row until coach says otherwise. Movement patterns in your lanes!


20 rounds for time:
2 push press
3 front squats
5 chest-to-bar

Rx = 30/45/60kg, Rx+=40/55/70kg. Post times to whiteboard!

READ: I Review Fitness Trackers For a Living. Here’s Why I Still Won’ Give Up My Workout Journal – Wirecutter

Dips should be deep! Getting the armpits as close as possible to the thumbs is one of the better ways to ensure a full, healthy range of motion. Not only do you get stronger in those positions, you’ll develop better mobility in the anterior shoulder.

IN-GYM WORKOUT for Saturday 5/8/2021


Multiple tabata efforts (20 seconds of work, 10 seconds of rest, repeated 8 times, resting no more than a minute between efforts.


As many reps as possible in 15 minutes:
12 alternating step-ups
12 toes-to-bar
30 double unders


Every 3 minutes on the minute for 5 sets do 5 back squats

Post rounds to whiteboard!


The width for a power jerk or push jerk should reflect a squat stance, or something shoulder-width between the heels.

IN-GYM WORKOUT for Friday 5/7/2021


Multiple tabatas efforts (20 seconds of work, 10 seconds of rest, repeated 8 times) resting no more than 1 minute between.


50 jerks for time. Every break do 10 step-downs or pistols. Rx = 70-75% of 1RM, then

As many rounds as possible in 20 minutes:
Max hang from bar/rings
Max handstand
500m row

Post rounds completed to whiteboard.

WATCH: The New Wave of Anti-Trans Legislation Sure Looks a Lot Like Eugenics – SLATE

In the receiving position of a power jerk or push jerk you should find yourself as vertical as possible with the knees driving forward and out.

As usual, the barbell should be balanced over the shoulder blades and ankles.

CONDITIONING for Thursday 5/6/2021


AMRAP in 12:00
12 DB snatches
12 situps
12 deficit step-downs

For both the snatches and step-downs do 6 on each side to break up the 12 reps rather than alternating reps. Post score to comments!

READ: The Real-Life Diet of CrossFit Pro Rich Froning, Who Nerds Out on Macros and Single-Origin Coffee – GQ

The moment of regret

In bell ball no ring means no rep! Time your shots accordingly.


Not only did we start Cycling Club on Tuesdays, we’re starting a late-afternoon/early-evening CompEx on Thursdays! This week you’ll work on some single-leg strength and seated presses. Tons of fun in 90 minutes.

More options during the week for your fitness are here and will continue as we move forward through the pandemic. RSVP via PushPress now!

IN-GYM WORKOUT for Wednesday 5/5/2021


The coach will lead you through THREE tabata efforts (20 seconds of work, 10 seconds of rest, for 8 rounds), resting no more than a minute between efforts.


5 rounds for time:
15 calories
10 DB step-overs, 2×20/35/50lbs

Rest 5:00 then

5 rounds for time:
15 calories
15 wall/slam/bell ball

Post times to whiteboard.


The nordic curl is an exercise for the posterior chain of muscles including the hamstrings, glutes, and lower back. Strengthening this chain can prevent and reduce back and knee issues on top of all the other fitness benefits.

Before attempting a proper nordic where your legs are on a flat surface it would be good to try 2-3 sets of 15-20+ hip extensions on the GHD to see how much strength and stamina your backside possesses. If hip extensions are too easy try some hip ext+GHRs or single-leg hip extensions with the same amount of work.

Single-leg movements are arguably more important to activities of daily life since you move more in those patterns (lunge, step-up, RDL, good morning, cycling!) than you do anything two-legged and symmetrical (back/front/overhead squat, thruster, etc)

CONDITIONING for Tuesday 5/4/2021


As many reps as possible in 7:00
9 handstand/hand-release pushups
9 (DB) power cleans

3:00 rest, then

As many reps as possible in 7:00
15 dips
15 (DB) hang power cleans

3:00 rest, then

As many reps as possible in 7:00
21 pushups
21 (DB) deadlifts

Choose exercise variations that allow you to continue to move as it should be a grind. Post results to comments!

FOUNDATION CYCLERS meet tonight! The group will continue to meet Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday for some bicycle fitness.


Amplitude (the maximum extent of a vibration or oscillation, measured from the position of equilibrium) in the kip can determine the power of the movement for a toes-to-bar, pullup, or muscle-up.

The position of equilibrium would be the upright. Notice how far the chest moves forward while maintaining a global arch? Shapes like the one above are what we should be shooting for in training. Simply arching the lower back and pulling the heels up as high as possible get the job done, but don’t last in the long run.

IN-GYM WORKOUT for Monday 5/3/2021


three tabata efforts (:20 of work, :10 of rest, repeated for 8 rounds) for three different exercises, resting no more than a minute between each effort.


every minute on the minute for 7 minutes: deadlift + clean + jerk.

One of the exercises need to be doubled up: can do 2 deadlifts + clean + jerk, or deadlift + 2 cleans + jerk, or deadlift + clean + 2 jerks. You should choose the version of the complex that allows you to sharpen your technique where it’s needed, or choose the lifts you have most fun with.


7 rounds for time:
35 (unbroken) double unders
7 back squats, 40/65/90kg

Coach will determine a time cap if necessary. Post times to whiteboard!

READ: Mental Toughness and Past Lessons Lead to Travis Mayer’s Quarterfinals Win – Morning Chalk Up

Approximately 6 years ago we had to close down our 2nd facility CROSSFIT SLU after the property was purchased. The warehouse on Fairview between Thomas & Harrison was demolished so everyone came to FOUNDATION on 12th. Congrats to those who just celebrated their 6th year at FOUNDATION!

+ + +

Join us at 10am for YOGA for recovery and flexibility practice at 10am.

RSVP via PushPress for the Zoom meeting info


Bring in your jump ropes! Also if you didn’t already know, members have the option to store their gym gear in our cubby system. Just sign up on the clipboard in the back and you can get one assigned. That way you don’t have to lug your stuff around every time you come to the gym.

IN-GYM WORKOUT for Saturday 5/1/2021


15 med ball front squats, light
12 calorie sprint
9 hand-release pushups (or HSPU)
6 toes-to-bar
3 muscle-up (practice)

Repeat until coach says stop!


for time:
120 double unders
60 wall ball, 10/20/30lbs
30 bar muscle-ups
60 mb clean, 10/20/30lbs
120 double unders

Post time to whiteboard!