One of our goals at Foundation CrossFit is to be a positive steward of the community. This is exemplified in our free Community Classes, our October fundraisers over the years, and our charitable holiday activities. This year we are asking you all to help out a former athlete and beloved employee, Jessie Purcell. Those of you who have been with us over the years have worked with Jessie Purcell at our sister gym, CrossFit SLU. Jessie joined the team in 2012, and played an integral part in supporting our business and helping it grow into what it is today.

Jessie and Pao, both former employees of FCF, forever family
After finishing school, Jessie Purcell now works as the Department Head of Physical Education & Health at nearby Garfield High School. Health education has always been a passion for Jessie, and it is so inspiring to see her lead the charge for our upcoming generations, raising them to be healthy young adults.
This job does not come easy, as many of you know the stories of teachers having very little funding to support their students. This year we can all help by donating athletic clothing for her students for class. In fact, 10% of her students are listed as homeless this semester and are in need gym clothes, among other things.
We are making a call out to our current and former Foundation CrossFit or CrossFit SLU athletes: dig through your closets and dresser drawers to see if you have any old FCF/SLU apparel (and any other shorts/sweatpants) that you no longer wear. Bring them in and we will have a donation box set up in the gym for JP’s Kids. In addition, we are taking these donations as part of our December FCF BINGO! So you’ll be able to donate for a good cause and check a box off of your Bingo board.
Thank you and let’s make everyone’s holiday a better one!