20:18:142018-03-13 21:58:49Fifteen Point Three 20:15:552018-02-05 22:48:01Running Bar Muscle-Ups
Colin G does a kettlebell snatch (and also just joined the 50 WODclub!)
This week’s agenda: hang power clean/burpee pullup/run, double under/one-arm snatch, a chipper that isn’t all 50-reps each, burpee/box jumps, Texas Barbell Complex, a triplet Team workout, and the hero workout DANNY. 21:18:052017-07-23 21:33:34The Last Week of July
Great work this weekend with CGO 17.3! After Week 2 of the FCF Intramural Open our standings are: 1.) FLEX APPEAL, 2.) Thundercats, 3.) Blue Barracudas
Quick overview of this week’s training: bench presses, thruster/pullups, dip/kb swings/t2b/push press/burpees, DIANE, clean/ring row/slam ball, CGO 17.4, row/situps/double unders/wall ball, and Grayson’s SWAT GEAR SHUTTLE! Oooooh.