Tag Archive for: Foundations

This past Saturday we graduated the 2019 June Foundations crew:

If you are lucky enough to meet them for their first week in make sure you introduce yourself!

CrossFit WOD for Wednesday 7/3

establish a 1RM back squat, then
100 pullups for time

Post results to whiteboard!

Run Club – Do this on your own! There’s no class today

9x300m runs w/ 150m rests, alternating between moderate effort and moderately fast effort. Try to consistently keep within :10-:15 between the two runs.


+ Anatomy & Physiology for Jocks – CrossFit Journal
+ Can You Handle the 2 Hardest Exercises in the Army’s New Fitness Test? – Bicycling
+ Op-Ed: Everyone Should Meet These Strength, Mobility, and Body Fat BaselinesBarBend



+ Could Baking Soda Be the Best Workout Supplement You’ve Never Tried? – BarBend

CrossFit WOD for Tuesday 7/3

back squat 8 sets of 3 reps at 60-70%. Rest 1:00 between sets, then

AMRAP in 6:00
15 front squats, 75/53kg
max muscle-ups

Post max muscle-ups to whiteboard!


:40 on/:20 off/for 12:00
– squat jacks
– crossover mountain climber
– jumping lunge jacks
– semicircle mountain climber

:90/:30 for 10:00
3 bear crawl, 30’
9 mb squat thrust + wall chest pass
3 crab walk, 30′
9 mb push press

AMRAP in 8:00
5 bench over and unders
10 ab-rollouts
150 bicycle crunch

Foundation Endurance WOD at 6:30pm – Meet and FCF and we’ll jog to the SU Track as a warmup!

#FoundationEndurance Club is here! Nathan will be running* this series on Tuesdays where we’ll run track workouts (higher intensity, short interval work). On Thursdays we’ll post a workout you can do on the road on your own (lower intensity, generally longer distance/long interval work).

1. Intro to our warmup series
2. 1600m (mile) time trial
3. 400m sprint time trial
4. Post-workout stretch


Say hi to the February 2018 FOUNDATIONS Graduates!


+ Mirai Nagasu Leaps Into History With Olympic Triple Axel – CNN

CrossFit WOD for Tuesday 2/13

jerk 5-4-3-2-1, then

for time:
30 push jerks
45 hang power cleans
60 deadlifts

Rx = 70/45kg. Post times to whiteboard!

CompEx WOD

MFT #1389


Long Interval

3:00 on, 1:00 off
– 1 stair run
– 3 limbo
– 6 bench over & under
– 9 evil wheel

For 16:00 5:00 on, 2:00 off twice
– knuckle drag sb
– body drag sb
– fast feet onto plate

:90 on, :30 off for 8:00
MB up & over

April 2017 Foundations Graduates

With more class options! Let’s break it down:

CrossFit – our ongoing strength & conditioning classes based on constantly-varied functional movements executed at a relatively-high intensity. Offered seven-freaking-days-a-week.

Olympic Weightlifting – development of proficiency and power in the olympic lifts (snatch, clean & jerk). Offered M/W/F and soon to be Saturday.

HellaFit – our answer to boot-camp: conditioning (cardio + muscular stamina) workouts with more simplistic movements. Offered Tuesdays and Thursdays.

Kettlebell – for better kinesthetic awareness and mastery of strength, power, and stamina using the kettlebell. Offered M/W/F evenings.

Gymnastics Strength – classic core conditioning, flexibility, and bodyweight control are worked in these early-morning classes. Offered Tues/Fri mornings.

Mobility – the intention of these classes is on understanding better protocols for achieving better flexibility, movement/mobility, and recovery practices. Offered Tues/Thurs/Sun.

Competitive Exercise – also known as CompEx, this class is designed for those who are bit more competitive in the CrossFit atmosphere, or for those ready for more volume that you can get in a CrossFit class. Offered two times a weekend.


+ Introducing… Dave H! – Foundation CrossFit

“ISABEL” in less than 60 seconds:

CrossFit WOD for Monday 4/31


6 cycles of :40 on, :20 off
double unders
front lunges, 43/29kg
straight-leg situps
sumo deadlift high-pull, 43/29kg

Fitness / Health

6 cycles of :40 on, :20 off
single unders
hand-release perfect pushups
kettlebell front lunges, 24/16kg
ab-mat situps
kettlebell sumo deadlift high-pull, 24/16kg

Post each of the five exercise scores to the whiteboard!

Olympic Weightlifting WOD – Week 6, Day 1 (of an 8-week cycle)

snatch, snatch pull, back squat, stretch

Kettlebell WOD

– Primal movement warmup and mobility
– Front Squat and clean skill work. Basically working on “armour building” skills.
– Swing ladder to finish up the class.

Give these ladies and gents a hand! They all completed the 12-class January Foundations Program.

In no order: Fab, Phil, Bernice, Tobias, Kai, Chris, Ryan, Jeny, Lindsay, Chong, Chen, Colin, Justin, Mike, Jeff, Alexis, Debby, Luke, Alex, Ted, Ali, Kelsi, Tony

Welcome these new strong, strong friends into the FCF fam!

Our next Foundations On-Ramp begins in April: reserve your spot now! Personal training options available for those who want to come in sooner.


+ Runner’s Guide to the Psoas – Runner’s World

CrossFit WOD for Thursday 2/16

3 round superset:
12 dumbbell/kettlebell press
12 dumbbell/kettlebell row
(1:30 rest)

6 rounds for time:
10 overhead lunge, 52/34kg
10 deadlift, 52/34kg

Post time to whiteboard!

HellaFit WOD