Tag Archive for: kettlebell

WORKOUT for Tuesday 8/10/2021


The kettlebell Figure 8 + Uppercut is a great coordination, midline stability, and strength skill if heavy enough. It’s the next step after getting reps in with the Around the World + Uppercut exercise.

Start by feeding the bell through the legs (inside to outside) and when the legs come together violently pop the hip open to get the bell to change directions then lead into an uppercut, where the bicep engages while keeping the shoulders down. Catch the bell with the free hand and pause. Initiate the next rep by pushing the bell away to cycle down through the other leg opening.

CONDITIONING for Thursday 6/3/2021

4 rounds of
:20 Right side bends
:20 Left side bends
:20 Low woodchops


:30 of kettlebell swings, :30 rest/stretching for 7:00 then

As many reps as possible in 10:00
6 goblet squats
6 high pulls
6 goblet lunges
6 crush-grip bent over rows

Post results to whiteboard!

READ: Stop Being So Hard On Yourself – Harvard Business Review

Bring your vests so you can practice wearing it and getting comfortable with movement during the warmups this week.

WORKOUT for Monday 5/24/2021


Until told otherwise:
24 air squats
12 pushups
6 pullups
:30 double unders (or double under practice)
:15 Samson stretch/side


In 8:00 establish a heavy hang snatch


10 rounds for time:
3 snatches, 30/50/70kg
5 burpee-over-bar

Full-effort the entire time. Please. Post times to whiteboard/comments/your journal!


Do you have this kind of consistency?

Should the bottom-of-the-dip position match the actual receiving position of the push or power jerk?

IN-GYM WORKOUT for Monday 5/10/2021


Row until coach says otherwise. Movement patterns in your lanes!


20 rounds for time:
2 push press
3 front squats
5 chest-to-bar

Rx = 30/45/60kg, Rx+=40/55/70kg. Post times to whiteboard!

READ: I Review Fitness Trackers For a Living. Here’s Why I Still Won’ Give Up My Workout Journal – Wirecutter

I basically said it yesterday. We’re adding more classes to the schedule!

GYMNASTICS STRENGTH – Tuesdays at 7am and Fridays at 8am

Gymnastics strength class is designed to challenge and develop foundational gymnastic movements including core conditioning, flexibility, and basic tumbling movements. You can expect more emphasis on static holds, perfect technique, and coaches adjusting many of the smaller details of each position. This may leave you feeling very different than when you finish a CrossFit class, but rest assured the benefits will translate to any and all areas of your training.

First class is this coming Tuesday 5/2

KETTLEBELL – added Fridays at 6:30pm

We wanted to provide a full week of kettlebell awesomeness (so now it’s MWF). Build muscular stamina and more here with Patrick! Play with Ground Force Method and StrongFirst-style protocols. Learn how to utilize one of the best underutilized tools out there. Whenever anyone asks me about starting their own fitness at home, the first thing I’ll suggest is a kettlebell. If you know your weakness lies in engine work in your CrossFit workouts there are a lot of benefits to kettlebell practice.

First class is next Friday 5/5

ENDURANCE CLUB – Tuesdays & Thursdays at 5:30pm, weekend event TBA Fridays

We’re in training season for some Endurance events so we’ve brought back our seasonal Endurance Program, this time run again by Colin and Sarah as they prepare for another Iron Man this summer. Come once or three times a week working on short interval Tuesdays, long interval Thursdays, and distance/time trail run/swim/bikes on the weekends.

It started this week! Look out for the weekend event on Friday’s post.

COMPETITIVE EXERCISE – added Sundays at 12pm

Yes, we’re changing the name AGAIN. It was Competitive Exercise (“CompEx” for short) when we started the class a couple of years back, then we changed the name to Level 2. Most recently it was known as Competitive CrossFit, but we’re going back to what it truly is: who’s competitive at this exercises stuff? We’re not moving or cancelling our current Saturday at 8am w/ me, we’re just adding some more flavor with Dave, a CrossFit Games veteran. This provides an opportunity for you late-risers and for those who truly need practice at CrossFit-style Competition settings which usually take place on weekends. There are no prerequisites, other than knowing how you prefer to scale and modify work.

First Sunday class with Dave is THIS SUNDAY 4/30 at 12pm.

COMMUNITY CROSSFIT – 12pm Saturday, May 6th

Our next Community CrossFit class is coming on Saturday, May 6th at 12pm! This is for members AND ESPECIALLY NON-MEMBERS so that Capitol Hill and beyond can get a taste of what we do at FCF. Invite anyone you see fit (see what I did there) and mark those calendars. Doesn’t cost anyone anything (and we won’t mark a class off of your membership) other than the hour it takes to get a WOD in!

As always remember to RSVP for your classes!