Tag Archive for: press 1RM

Thinking of a strict press as a leg exercise will give you an even more solid base through your feet, legs, glutes, and abs.

WORKOUT for Wednesday 5/26/2021


Until told otherwise:
15 jumping air squats / goblet squats
10 pushups / HR pushups
6 pullups / strict
:30 double unders
:15 Samson/side”


STRICT PRESS every :90 x 12:00 (5-5-3-3-1-1-1-1)
BACK SQUAT every :90 x 12:00 (5-5-3-3-1-1-1-1)
DEADLIFT every :90 x 12:00 (5-5-3-3-1-1-1-1)

Post results to whiteboard. Report any and all Personal Records by banging the gong then writing them on the PR Window!

READ: Weight Vest & Carrier Options – FOUNDATION


Coach Dave at the 2019 Cascade Classic

Have you ever tested your fitness in competition?

CrossFit WOD for Wednesday 11/13

back squat 5-5-3-3-3-1-1-1, then

Start with an empty bar and press every minute on the minute, immediately adding 1-5kg after each successful lift.

Post loads to whiteboard!

READ: Top 8 Things I Learned From My First Weightlifting Competition – Nick Hetzler

WATCH: Are Your Shoulders Limiting Your Squatting Power?


CrossFit WOD for Wednesday 7/24

Establish a 1RM strict press in 10:00 then on a running clock do 1 strict press when the clock reads 1:00, 2 presses on 2:00, 3 on 3:00, etc. continuing for as long as possible. Barbell to be loaded at 60% of the established 1RM.

Post successful minutes completed and meters rowed to whiteboard.


+ What is Evidence-Based About Myofascial Chains? – Anatomy Trains
+ Imbalanced Microbiome Related to Symtoms of Pain and Mood – Clinical Advisor

Paul with 85kg

This week we’ll hit all of the shoulder-to-overhead movements for maxes, a max row w/ CINDY sprinkled in between, a clean & jerk max followed by a kettlebell/deadlift bruiser, a quadruple, TABATA THIS!, a hang squat clean/burpee-over-bar + max snatch workout similar to 18.2, and a chipper!

Also: LAST CHANCE to get registered for either Foundation Barbell cycle (Olympic Weightlifting or Powerlifting). Link dies tonight at 11:59pm! Registered athletes as of 1pm Sunday 5/6 here.


+ This Is Supposed to Be Hard – Breaking Muscle

CrossFit WOD for Monday 5/7

press 1RM
push press 3RM
jerk 5RM

Take up to five top sets to establish a max. Post maxes to whiteboard!

Olympic Weightlifting WOD – Week 1/3, Day 1/3

hang snatch 75/3 (3)
snatch pull 100/3 (3)
back squat 75/5 (5)
box jump + depth drops, GHDSU, barbell bicep curls

Powerlifting WOD

back squats 85/5+
dips, chinups, bicep opener complex

Kettlebell WOD

deficit deadlifts

Partner KB work
100 deadlifts, plank hold
100 swings, hollow hold
100 renegade rows, hang hold
100 goblet squats, rack hold

One partner working at a time while the other partner holds a movement. Switch as often as needed!

The CrossFit Games Open (and the FCF Intramural Open. Learn about it here!) start this weekend! The first workout will be released and as always Dave Castro is posting hints to instagram:

via @thedavecastro ・・・ 17.1

A post shared by The CrossFit Games (@crossfitgames) on

What does this mean? Could it be a classic workout? Something with deadlifts? INQUIRING MINDS WANT TO KNOW!


+ CrossFit Games Athlete Alex Anderson on How to Crush the 2017 Open – BarBend

CrossFit WOD for Tuesday 2/21

in 25 minutes:
– establish a 1RM press then
– establish a 1RM push press then
– push press 3x8x60 with 2:00 rests


3 rounds for time:
10 slam ball, 30/20#
10 burpees

Compare to 1/31/2017. Post maxes and time to whiteboard!

HellaFit WOD


1. OH hold
2. goblet squats
3. pushups
4. pull-ups/ring rows
5. OH lunges
6. burpees

1 minute of midline work after each tabata.

Lyndsay F

The handstand pushup is one of those high-level movements that we will generally see during the CrossFit Games Open, so we’re going to put an emphasis on improving this skill.


+ Alternatives to the Foam Roller for Improving Thoracic Mobility – Prime-Physio Fitness

CrossFit WOD for Tuesday 1/31

establish a 1RM press then press 3x8x60 (1:30 rests b/t sets), then

3 rounds for time:
30 calorie row
20 power snatches, 52/38kg
10 hspu

Post 1RM and time to whiteboard!

HellaFit WOD

30 minutes of skills, 30 minutes of sweat!