The Week Ahead 5/22 through 5/28
This weekend marks Memorial Day MURPH!
Last week’s programming was all about volume, squats, and squat volume. This week will see more variance: pullups, (full) cleans/toes-to-bar/box jumps, the Jon Zimmerman Memorial WOD, deadlifts, burpees/situps/front & back lunges, thrusters and double unders, the hero workout KUTSCHBACH, a row/russian kettlebell swing/wall sit TEAM WORKOUT, more pullups, and a dumbbell chipper!
+ 5 Torn Pecs on Event 2? – FloElite
The way I see it? Most CrossFit athletes, even at the highest level, don’t practice virtuosity on the some of the gymnastics-based movements. A full lockout on the rings for a proper gymnast means a fully locked out elbow, using external rotation to keep the strap away from touching the arms. It would be a point deduction in the Still Rings event. Athletes who only practice a quick elbow lockout don’t get the full meal deal from the use of rings, which could lead to potential injury when driven beyond the point of exhaustion.
The same thing happened a couple of years back with the achilles/box jumps stuff. The lack of adequate plyometric training left the achilles not ready to be pushed that hard on game day, then POP.
CrossFit WOD for Monday 5/22
EMOM for 5:00: 10 strict/weighted pullups
21-15-9 reps for time:
clean & jerk, 61/43kg
box jumps, 24/20″
Post time to whiteboard!
Olympic Weightlifting WOD – Week 1, Day 1: Today we start a new cycle!
kneeling snatch turnovers, snatch presses, hang snatch high pulls, muscle snatches, strict presses, and back squats!
Kettlebell WOD
– Primal mobility warmup
– Shoulder stability and core work through Get-Up positions to the hand.
– Snatch drills to continue improvement focusing on proper drop