The Shankle Complex

“The main reason we do an exercise like this is because it keeps the bar in the hands for an extended period, and this is a great builder of muscle and strength. In this case, Donny has the bar in his hands with no relief for over 20 seconds.

As far as the details, we do the 3 pulls with a “rythm” and no pause to make sure that the athlete is not getting pulled off balance. We use a shrug at the top because it fatigues the upper back, making the jerks more difficult.

Those that have trouble succeeding on jerks after a difficult clean, or those who have good jerk technique with moderate weights which breaks down with heavy weights seem to get the most from this exercise. And of course, those who are trying to put on muscle or move up a weight class.”

– Glenn Pendlay

Remember we celebrate AP’s departure tonight at the 630pm workout! We’ll celebrate Champagne Friday immediately post-WOD!


+ Supple Leopard vs. The World – JTS Strength

CrossFit WOD for Friday 7/28


establish a heavy single within 25 minutes:
3 pulls (with shrug) + 1 hang clean + 2 jerks

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Olympic Weightlifting WOD

snatch complex, clean & jerk complex

Powerlifting WOD

hang power clean, back squat, press

Gymnastics Strength WOD

Line drills, stretching, L-sits, cast wall walks, ring rows/OH walking lunges/hanging leg raises (straight legs! Dynamic L-sit work)

Kettlebell WOD

– Abridged Primal Movement Warmup and Mobility
– Carries
– High volume two handed swings. Goblet squats, presses and core work