
Labor Day Week 2018

Katie, Stacey, Kelsey, and Zoe hitting a partner stretch

We hope your three-day weekend is great! Big thanks to everyone who came out and threw down for Saved By the Barbell yesterday.


– 9am CrossFit
– 9am Powerlifting
– 9am Olympic Weightlifting

– 10am CrossFit

– 11am CrossFit

RSVP for your classes!

This week is DELOAD WEEK! Take a gander at our plans for the following couple of days:

Click to embiggen!

Powerlifting: Week 2 PDF

Olympic Weightlifting: Week 2 PDF


+ USA Weightlifting September 2018 Update – USA Weightlifting
+ CLB Hopes to Compete at the 2020 Tokyo Olympics – BarBend
+ Dubai CrossFit Championship is First-Sanctioned CrossFit Event – Morning Chalk Up


This might be the better option for a mobility tool. The once-popular Black and Deckers aren’t as available anymore!

Although the weather isn’t as hot as it was, the wear and tear on your body (especially if you do more than one FCF class a day!) means you need to stave off the body breaking down your own muscle tissue between workouts. BCAA supplements may be beneficial to holding you over until you can get a nutritious meal in.

For those that follow me on social see that I record a lot of my workout sessions. I do this because I get to immediately see what I did right and wrong, make adjustments, and use instagram as a workout journal. Using a bunch of tips a tricks I can usually get some fun shots (and I definitely have my go-to-angles), but tripods always make it easier. I had one of these pocket tripods last year and used it often unless I misplaced it- but I just found it again so I’ve been pulling it out on the daily. Do yourself a favor and get some of your hard work out there! Don’t forget to hashtag #HYFRsquad (the general FCF hashtag) and #FoundationBarbell when appropriate!