
Week of September 10 through 16

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Lots of fun ahead of you this week! The weather is turning so make sure you’re prepared with the appropriate clothes and footwear when coming in this week.

Powerlifting Week 3 PDF

Olympic Weightlifting Week 3 PDF


+ The New Girls – CrossFit Journal
+ Why Sue Bird Stayed In Seattle – SB Nation
+ The Keto Diet is a Recipe for Disaster – The Outline

New CrossFit Games info:

I like it! Many more opportunities for athletes throughout the year- more events for us common folk to watch!

Part 4 (the finale) of the Brent Fikowski docuseries ALL IN:


Don’t have too much this week: someone asked me about weightlifting belts- you don’t need them at all. That said, if it’s been over a year and you’ve struggled to stay tight under lifts even after mastering the Valsalva Maneuver then maybe you could use some help. This one is very similar to the only brand and style of belts I’ll ever recommend for a CrossFitter: 2Pood Straight Belts!

Stop buying Harbinger!

With the change in weather (and the heat dissapearing) you won’t be able to dry out as quickly as you’d like, maybe leading to your gear having some gnarly odors. Adjust that real quick with some bamboo charcoal odor removing packets. I use these in my closet and gym bag and in my daughter’s diaper pail.