Thursday 10/10

Today is the beginning of the 2020 CrossFit Games Open! The workout will be released tonight at 5pm PST on
This is significant because not only is it our SECOND CrossFit Games Open this year, but we won’t have another until October 2020.
Register if you want to potentially win some prizes and throw down with your swole mates at FCF’s FRIDAY NIGHT LIGHTS, but you can also do that without registering.
If you plan to participate, please PARTICIPATE! Go all five weeks and let’s set an example of what your fitness really is.
CrossFit WOD for Thursday 10/10
establish a 1RM shoulder-to-overhead, bench press, and deadlift
Post loads to whiteboard.
READ: Why Everyone Should Enter the CrossFit Open – BOXROX
WATCH: Getting the Most Out of the CrossFit Open – Training Think Tank