Saturday 10/23
CrossFit HQ has put out an online competition for individuals of all fitness levels this weekend! We’re adapting it for a partner workout, but if you want to see where you stack up worldwide you might want to register for the event.
WORKOUT for Saturday 10/23/2021
In partners with 4:00 windows establish a 1RM clean and then max bar muscle-ups OR pullups OR ring rows then
AMRAP in 16:00 in a YGIG fashion:
30 double unders
8 left-arm dumbbell push press, 35/50lbs
8 right-arm dumbbell push press
8 lateral burpee over dumbbell
Your scores are 1.) the sum of both cleans, 2.) total reps of your bmu/pullups/ring rows, and 3.) total reps in the AMRAP. Post to whiteboard!