AMRAP in 20:00
5 pullups
10 pushups
15 squats
AMRAP in 20:00
10 pistols
15 pullups
Post scores (total reps completed) to whiteboard!
RECOMMENDATION: Don’t have a weightlifting belt? Try one of these Element26 belts- it basically functions like the super popular 2Pood belts at a fraction of the cost.
CrossFit HQ has put out an online competition for individuals of all fitness levels this weekend! We’re adapting it for a partner workout, but if you want to see where you stack up worldwide you might want to register for the event.
WORKOUT for Saturday 10/23/2021
In partners with 4:00 windows establish a 1RM clean and then max bar muscle-ups OR pullups OR ring rows then
AMRAP in 16:00 in a YGIG fashion:
30 double unders
8 left-arm dumbbell push press, 35/50lbs
8 right-arm dumbbell push press
8 lateral burpee over dumbbell
Your scores are 1.) the sum of both cleans, 2.) total reps of your bmu/pullups/ring rows, and 3.) total reps in the AMRAP. Post to whiteboard!
The rack position in either the barbell, kettlebell, medicine ball, sandbag, and dumbbells means we want the elbows forward of the hands (in profile view), in a standing position with the legs and hips completely locked out. The eyes should stay up the entire range of motion.
This shape allows our bodies to be efficient pillars at bearing weight during our exercises.