*** UPDATED Sunday 5/6 ***

Let’s look at the remainder of the year and see what barbell programs we have planned. All info and at-a-glance calendars can be found here: 2018 Foundation Barbell Cycle Overview (PDF).

Register for the May 2018 program by May 7th at 11:59pm here.

We’ve restructured the way we will execute the programming, the classes, and the cycles of participation to better align the classes of our business and are happy to share all of that below.


The objective of the upcoming programs is to narrow down the focus for development of Olympic Weightlifting (fast lifts like snatches, clean & jerks, and more) or Powerlifting (slow lifts like squats, presses, deadlifts, and more). We will run three major cycles for the remainder of 2018, consisting of seven smaller mesocycles with specific program goals, to develop those athletes interested in each respective sport. This allows for entry points multiple times throughout the year.

This program will allow you to develop areas of strength and technical ability to enhance your overall fitness goals. Each cycle is self-contained and does not require a progression or continuation from any previous cycle. Additionally, each cycle allows for attendance at 1x/week, 2x/week, or 3x/week levels, depending on your goals. This program also supplements the year-long CrossFit training cycle for all of our athletes.


To better serve our member base, all athletes wanting to participate in the Olympic Weightlifting and/or Powerlifting program are required to register via the Google Form. This allows for solid focus and attention on each of our athletes and their movements. Class access in ZenPlanner will be restricted to prevent over-crowding.

Registration closes the evening of the first day of each cycle. See the tables above for focus details and dates. There are no exceptions if registration is not completed on time. A confirmation sheet for registered athletes will live in the gym and updated weekly.

Once registration closes for one cycle, registration for the next cycle will open and be available on the blog.


Remember that FCF exists to provide fitness for life. We believe that cross-training with the different classes will lead to better athleticism and performance in your everyday activities. Athletes should cycle in and out often.


  • Develop familiarity and technical movement proficiency in the Olympic Lifts as a supplement to CrossFit classes or other fitness avenues, attend OWL/PL classes 1x/week, while maintaining your regular fitness regimen.
  • Improve strength while developing proper form in the Olympic Lifts, attend OWL/PL classes 2x/week, while maintaining your regular fitness regimen.
  • Improve strength and fine-tune technique, or you are preparing for a competition, attend OWL/PL classes 3x/week and supplement with CrossFit/Fitness classes.

Note that there are weeks when the programs do not run: there will be no Olympic Weightlifting classes scheduled in these “Buffer Weeks,” where the intent is to back off of intensity and loading. Read more about the importance of breaks here: (1), (2), (3)

Take this time to recover and/or take CrossFit, HIIT, Kettlebell, Gymnastics, Endurance, go outside and hike, ride a bike, etc. to maintain and test your general fitness (if not doing so already). This can also be a great time to fix lingering issues with bodywork, chiropractic, or physical therapy. Your body needs time to recover and reset every so often.


Competition shows you who you really are, what you’re truly capable of, and can be the spark needed to push yourself to higher levels. Foundation Barbell coaches may be available to you for local weightlifting meets to help guide you through the experience. Get a leg up and read this. Programming is set so that athletes can peak for local weightlifting competitions.

We will be running Super Totals in the gym. These days at Foundation CrossFit would be longer than normal, but allows athletes to test out a 1RM snatch, clean & jerk, back squat, bench press or strict press, and deadlift. Athletes may test all, individual lifts, or a combination of certain lifts. Dates for the Super Totals are:

Saturday, June 23rd
Sunday, August 19th
Saturday, September 22nd
Sunday, November 18th
Saturday, December 22nd

Discussion on future meets and game planning should happen in person with your coaches. A Competition Calendar is posted at the East end of the gym. It contains events for Weightlifting and Powerlifting, CrossFit (individual and team), and Endurance.


  • Prior to joining the program you should have 1-rep maxes (1RM) for your lifts: back squat, bench press, press, deadlift, snatch, clean, jerk, clean & jerk. If you do not, look at the calendar in the PDF for we will find Super Totals.
  • Athletes can attend smaller 3-4-week program (mesocycle) or stay for entirety of the 8-12-week program (macrocycles). Athletes supplementing ick and choose: come in for a single mesocycles or stay for full macrocycles.
  • The program will remain class-based, and our facility does not offer any “Open Gym”. That said, we understand that a single class format will not satisfy every individual goal. Talk to us if you need other options.
  • Only athletes of our USAW-recognized club FOUNDATION BARBELL will have access to our competition equipment such as bumpers and barbells. Join or check your status here.
  • If you qualify for a National-level competition, or reach a full Level 3 with this sheet, you can receive a specialized training program.
  • The work programmed in each class can and should be completed within the hour so we can make room for our other classes. Main lifts need to completed on time within the class. Accessories and mobility can completed outside of class time given that equipment/space is available and athletes aren’t being disruptive. All Foundation CrossFit coaches allow or deny what goes on.


Does the overall program lead to something? Knowing that National competition is based on yearly-cycles we need to plan as such. The programming we provide isn’t just random- if you follow through honestly and consistently you’ll find yourself at higher-level results. For the rest of 2018 we have three large cycles to prepare for the American Open Finals.


What are our goals each month? What are our goals each week? We will still have a very approachable cross-training schedule that will allow people to get their specified barbell training in:

+ 3x/week will do all three workouts as written (Day 1, Day 2, then Day 3)
+ 2x/week will do Day 1 (snatch-focused) then Day 2 (clean and/or jerk-focused), both finishing with accessories
+ 1x/week will do Day 3 which consists of both lifts and accessories

Program PDFs and printouts of the program will be available to anyone who asks.


Think of this as the day-to-day training. If you are in the gym earlier than class start time get onto your individual accessories: if you know you have specific issues do the specific exercises and stretches needed to prep those areas prior to the class. The class will begin with the coach running a quick pow wow to discuss the agenda for the day and any announcements, discuss the lifts/loading/reps/rests, tips & tricks, and accessories for the day, run a quick general then specific warmup, then allow athletes to pair up and begin their lifts. Finish out with prescribed accessories and recovery methods.

2018 Foundation Barbell Cycle Overview (PDF download)


Preparing to lift weights is like telling a good joke: it’s all about the setup!


+ 10 Bench Press Mistakes – StrongLifts

CrossFit WOD for Tuesday 4/24


5 rounds for max reps:
max bench press, BW/.65BW
max pullups

Post score to whiteboard!


3:00 on, 1:00 off
– 1 ramp run
– 3 bench over & under
– 9 rolling v-up
Go for 15:00

2:00 on, 1:00 off twice
1. knuckle drag sandbag
2. body drag sandbag
3. plate jumps

2 rounds
1:00 burpees, :30 rest
1:00 jumping lunges, :30 rest
1:00 bear crawl, :30 rest
1:00 primal crawl, :30 rest

tabata one-arm plank (switch arms every round)

max wall sit (no hands on legs)

Gymnastic Strength WOD

hip extension work

Read more: Honesty & Consistency – Foundation Barbell

An Open prep class getting their hips ready for work


+ CGO 18.3 Workout Details and Scorecard – CrossFit

CrossFit WOD for Friday 3/9

CGO 18.3 – Rx

2 rounds for time of:
100 double unders
20 overhead squats, 52/36kg
100 double unders
12 ring muscle-ups
100 double unders
20 dumbbell snatches, 50/35lbs
100 double unders
12 bar muscle-ups

CGO 18.3 – Scaled

2 rounds for time of:
100 single unders
20 overhead squats, 20/15kg
100 single unders
12 pullups
100 single unders
20 dumbbell snatches, 35/20lbs
100 single unders
12 pullups

Post scores/times to whiteboard!

Olympic Weightlifting WOD – Week 1/8, Day 3/3

hang clean + clean + jerk
overhead squat max

Powerlifting WOD – Week 1/8, Day 3/3

bench press max

deadlift max

Gymnastics Strength WOD

more muscle-up development

Kettlebell WOD

30-20-10 reps of
push press


Banded deadlift 2×10 @ 50-55% of 1RM

– 3 sets of 30 reps, banded good mornings
– 3 sets of 8 reps, glute hamstring raises
– 3 sets of 30 reps, hip extensions

See what we did there?

We’re all feeling it. The doldrums of the PNW winter. Let’s start thinking ahead to the warm days of spring we enjoy so much!  It’s not only time to clean out our closets, it’s also a great time to revisit our fitness goals or set new ones. Summer is right around the corner. Maybe a marathon? Maybe an obstacle race? Maybe hiking Rainer? Maybe it’s turning off Netflix? We can help!


We invite you to join us for our upcoming free, no obligation Community CrossFit Class!

  • Saturday, March 31st at 12:00 PM

These classes can be ‘just sweaty’ or ‘super tough’. We’ll guide you through it! All levels of experience and fitness welcome. Let us show you how we can make CrossFit approachable for everyone! You can RSVP here.



There is a little reward in it for current athletes when you Refer a Friend. If your friend registers for our on-ramp program, you’ll each receive a $25 credit towards your memberships!


  1. Have your friend Get Started in one of our on-ramp programs.
  2. Have your friend enter your name on the “Referred by:” line on their waiver.
  3. When your friend enrolls in our Foundations Course or Experienced Athlete Transfer Week, you will receive a $25 credit towards your next month’s membership.
  4. Your friend will receive a $25 credit towards their first month of membership following completion of their on-ramp.



Registration for our next Foundations On-Ramp Course  is now open and it will run April 3rd through April 28th.  This course is 12-classes over 4-weeks. Details and sign up here!

Should we make this a shirt or hoody? Quasha designdid it!

Since Spring Cleaning is about to get underway FCF has some new guidelines for our furry friends while in the gym.  These guidelines are set up to ensure a safe, healthy, happy environment that we strive in our community, all of which apply to humans and canines alike!

We welcome well-behaved dogs into our community and love having them here, but, there are circumstances in which it is better for the community, and equally important for your dog, that they stay home while you work out.

CLEANLINESS. Short hair or long hair, do your dogs leave behind a trail on the ground? What if there was an accident? Do you vacuum/clean it up afterward? You realize that a fellow athlete may be doing their next set of burpees or situps or mobility on that same spot on the ground.

SAFETY. Are your dogs free from harm? There is a lot of potentially dangerous equipment and moving people around. Constantly. Consider your dog’s physical and emotion safety. Some signs to look for in your dog that indicate they are not relaxed; lip licking, panting, yawning, shaking, and whining.

COMFORT. Remember that not everyone loves dogs. That could leave some of your fellow athletes apprehensive about moving about the space free of anxiety. They, like you, pay for a membership so they have a safe place to go to to relieve stress, not add to it. Take this into account that is it not uncommon to be allergic to dogs. Some people are effected by just having dog dander in their environment. This would make it physically uncomfortable for those to enjoy their time in the gym. Also any aggression by an animal towards a human is a no no.

DISRUPTIVENESS. Is your dog being disruptive to class? Barking and whining are a normal part of dog’s communicating, but when it’s loud and rowdy during our classes it becomes difficult, tiresome, and annoying in the gym. You and your swolemates are paying good money to be taught by our coaches. Any extra noise/distraction is very difficult for staff to talk over, and for athletes to pay attention to.

SPACE. Is your dog taking up floor space that is needed by other athletes? Is your pup blocking equipment, or worse- using needed equipment. Our community is ever-growing and space in the gym is limited. If you are an evening athlete, you know this all too well. Please keep in mind the space that is needed for you to tether your dog and the radius of movement they have on their leash (this is not an invitation to shorten your dog’s leash). Better to leave the pup at home and show up late, than to bring him or her to the gym and be a nuisance.

EQUIPMENT. What are you using to “park” your dog? First, we only support having your dog on a harness. If your dog is tied up by a collar, they can easily hurt themselves if they are pulling. A harness provides a safer experience for your dog. Using equipment such as kettle bells to anchor your dog is fine, but please put the equipment away when you are finished. Gymnastic mats are NOT to be used for your dogs! If they need something comfy to lay on, bring in a towel or blanket for them. Make sure they aren’t in proximity to equipment that can be chewed on either. Lacrosse balls, Crossover Symmetry systems, etc.

If your dog is struggling with separation anxiety of being in the gym, we encourage you to help them out by training them. Come into the gym on one of your non-training days at an hour where there are less athletes in class, and focus solely on helping your dog acclimate to the sounds and movements in the gym… Remember: this means no working out for you that hour!

” If you reward your dog for doing something, she will repeat the behavior. If there is no reward, the behavior will go away. Simple, right? But we don’t always think about it. We are actually training our dogs every instant that we are with them, but we don’t often use that to our advantage. If you don’t pay attention to what you are teaching your dog, you could end up training your dog to jump on you, whine for attention, and run away when called!”

– Ahimsa Dog Training

This is very easily applied to training your dog to be relaxed in the gym while you work out. Make smarter choices for you and your animal.

Otis, canine member of Foundation CrossFit since 2011

We ask that you take these guidelines and philosophies into consideration when you bring your pup into the gym. If you have any questions regarding these guidelines or anything dog training related, please don’t hesitate to ask us.

Coach Andrea has spent over 2 years training her dog Theo at Ahimsa Dog Training, which led to her certification to be a Certified Therapy Team. As a team, they do work around the community to help de-stress people.

She also volunteered at the Seattle Humane Society in their Dog Behavior and Socialization devision. If it were not for all the passion she has for dogs and positively-reinforced training, Theo would not be the well behaved boy that he is.

Some resources:

Ahimsa Dog Training
Homeword Hound Seattle
Seattle Puppy Works
Kikopup on YouTube

Zander E, Kelsey N, Elise T

Similar to yesterday, our goal for the WOD is to get comfortable with a heavy clean complex (vs yesterday’s snatch complex). Then we’ll challenge your muscular stamina with the AMRAP, which is shorter than the recent 18.1. LET’S GET AFTER IT!


+ Coffee Is Good For You – National Geographic

CrossFit WOD for Tuesday 2/27

EMOM for 18 minutes:
a. 2 deadlift + high pull + clean
b. 3 muscle-ups

AMRAP in 12 minutes:
4 T-pushups
8 squat thrusts
12 squats

Post heaviest load and score (total reps) to whiteboard!

CompEx WOD

MFT #1399

Gymnastics Strength WOD

muscle-up drills

HIIT WOD – 12pm

:40 on/:20 off x 4
– jumping jacks
– squat jacks
– push-up jacks
– jumping lunge jacks

:90/:30 for 10:00
3 shuttle run, 20’
6 twisting v-ups
9 mb squat thrust + wall chest pass
12 mb push press

AMRAP in 10:00
5 sandbag squats
10 sandbag deadlifts
150′ sandbag drag

HIIT WOD – 5:30pm


10 rounds:
1 tire pull or farmer’s carry 30’
30’ walking lunges
40 jumping jacks


4 rounds, :45 on/:15 off
sandbag pause squat
plate walk overs
ramp sprint


Holds, 1:00 min on/:10 off
wall sit
side plank, R
boat pose
side plank, L
glute/hip bridge
reverse plank
wall sit

At 5pm today the first workout of the 2018 CrossFit Games will be released!

Remember: these will be the workouts for Friday, and again as the workouts for the weekly FCFio Event. More details here.


+ 8 Reasons You Should Do the CrossFit Open – BoxRox

CrossFit WOD for Thursday 2/22


You Go, I Go: 500-400-300-200-100m for time. You can only row when your partner is racking double 24/16kg kettlebells. Unracking the bells adds a penalty to your overall time, as well as forces the rower to stop rowing.

Post teams and times to whiteboard.


Row 40 cals 1:1 rest x 4 set
Assault Bike 36 cals 1:1 rest x 4 set
Run 400m 1:1 rest x 4 set

CGO 17.2

The CrossFit Open is a worldwide online CrossFit competition and we’ve done it every year as a gym since its inception in 2011. As we have in the past, we are performing the online competition as an intergym challenge. This fantastic idea came from Catalyst Fitness’ Intramural Open.

Also on Monday 2/5 we also start our Nutrition Challenge to help us gain ground in better health, better understanding of how our bodies work, better body composition for movement, and better energy! If you are serious about your performance you also need to be serious about fueling. Don’t regret not eating well when your workout results are on the line!


CGO 16.2 at FCF

At Foundation CrossFit we want to help you get to another level with your physicality. Competition can help inspire you to go harder than you’ve ever gone before. The pressure to perform pushes you to take training more seriously; the social boost of dozens of your best friends cheering for you will help you reach a higher plane. Heck, watching your teammates GO is inspiring!

Can we bring that worldwide thrill home to FCF? Can we deliver all the fun of competition without causing any anxiety attacks? We think so. I’ve created three teams with leadership groups. The leadership and I will have a private draft and you’ll be put onto a team. These Teams will go through the Open which will ultimately lead us to our intergym throwdown VERSUS X.

Which team will claim the Golden Hammer?

CGO 15.4 at FCF


Registration for the Open can be done NOW until 5pm on Monday 2/27 at games.crossfit.com, Choose ‘Foundation CrossFit’ as your Affiliate!

Also take the 2018 Online CrossFit Judges Course. If you register for the Open, take and pass the Judges course, complete all 5 workouts, you’ll receive $20 off of your April membership!

CGO 15.3 at CFSLU


Coaches and the rest of the registered FCF fam will be drafted onto an Intramural team. Once drafted onto a team you’ll be entered onto the public Team Rosters which will be shared outside the office.

If you’re reading this and you haven’t registered for the CGO you might be courted by one of our Team Captains to join their team – probably more than one. Sign up and you’ll be put on a team according to order of signup.

CGO 14.4 at CFSLU


Points will be awarded by FCF HQ after every event and totals will be shared every Tuesday morning. The biggest points you can earn your team happen with

Registration for the 2018 CrossFit Games Open: Sign up and choose Foundation CrossFit as your affiliate!

Completing the Judges Course: Take and pass the 2018 Online Judges Course and email the PDF to info@foundationcrossfit.com. You must send the PDF as an attachment. If you send a screenshot, it doesn’t count. If you forward us a link, it doesn’t count. Get me that PDF and we’ll give you those points!

CGO 14.3 at Foundation CrossFit 5.0


Athletes competing in the Open will have only four days to complete each workout: Thursday evenings the workout and standards are released, Monday evening scores are due. The Open will have five workouts over five weeks, with the fifth week including in VERSUS X, where your team points entering the event may sway the standings and winners. Think about it this way: the Open is a sport season and VERSUS are the playoffs (and championship). Our competition schedule is as follows:

As per usual, we will program the workout that Friday for all CrossFit classes so you can be tested (or practice/run-through/see it) if you cannot make the weekend event. Just remember that there are point differences depending on when you do the workout. Being there for the event will put you in the best atmosphere to perform well.

This year we DO have schedule times for make-ups: Sundays at 11am during CompEx and Mondays at 1pm. That means you’ll have a chance everyday to get your points in. Try to bring your own certified judge- this is why it’s so important to come in on Friday or Saturday when the sheer attendance will allow you to have a judge, certified or not.

CGO 13.5 at CrossFit SLU (Foundation CrossFit South Lake Union)


We’ll have some random drawings each week for prizes, including gear, socks, water bottles, clothing, training packages, and more! The top team will also earn a GRAND prize. Details released later!

2012 at Foundation CrossFit 3.0


Use the hashtags #FCFio2018 and #HYFRsquad on your social media! If we see and repost it you’ll be earning your team some extra points!

2011 at FCF 3.0

In summary, our focus during the Open is on FUN. We want participation because it increase your fitness, keep you accountable to all of your gym mates, and earn you high-fives! It’s also great being able to see your results from years past, and to see where you’ve improved over time and knowledge.

Register online at the CrossFit Games site and get this party started!