In case you missed it, we will be hosting a hydrostatic body fat testing truck here at FCF next Monday, January 29th! You can read more about it HERE.

You’re signed up, hooray! Now what?

  • Note the re-test date: Monday April 2nd.
  • Pack your swim suit, towel, and clothes (for changing after) to bring with you.
  • Show up at least 5-10 minutes before your appointment time to allow for changing into your swim suit. Our bathrooms and changing rooms will be available.
  • The water is kept warm and filtered, however, it is recommended you go into the tank clean. If you workout prior to getting your test done, please take a shower before taking your test. Our shower is available for you to use however on a first come first serve basis – it is not guaranteed you’ll be able to use it before your test.
  • Do not eat a big meal 2 hours prior to testing.
  • What will happen during your appointment? Your name, age, weight, and height will be taken before you get into the water tank. Please watch the two videos below.

Not signed up yet? Review sign up instructions below!

Please note: You are only available to sign up through: desktop and mobile website (NOT the app)

  1. Log into your Zen Planner account.
  2. Click ‘Make an appointment‘ // please NOTE: enter the hydrostatic tub clean (aka before you workout, or take a shower after you workout)
  3. The test date is Monday 1/29. Select a test time, which is divided into 10 minute appointments.
  4. Then click “Reserve Appointment” and you will be charged $84.

This test is completely optional. You don’t need to have it done to participate in the challenge but if you’re already committed to participating then, why NOT get it done? We want to help you understand your relationship with food and learn new habits that you can maintain even after our challenge is over. Getting this test done will be an investment in yourself. Use it to keep yourself accountable during the challenge and let’s celebrate your victory after 8 weeks and beyond!

If you would like to sign up but you are not in town on Monday 1/29 OR you aren’t in town on our retest date (Monday April 2nd) please e-mail

DEXA Bone Scans is a service that they provide as well and can be available for an additional $39 (this is not included in your $84 fee). You can have it done at the same time you sign up for a spot on 1/29 and you will submit additional payment at your test (cash or check).

If you have friends who would like to participate but are not members of the gym, they can still sign up to get the body fat test done. Just have them sign up through Zen Planner!

We’re so excited to have the option of body fat testing available for our athletes before nutrition challenge starts on February 5th. This is something that we haven’t done in the past. This is not required to participate in the challenge, however, we highly recommend getting it done. Here are several reasons why:

  • Hydrostatic body fat testing is the ‘gold standard’ of body fat testing. This means it is the most accurate test out there!
  • You will have data to compare to at any time in your life.
  • It will drive your motivation to do well during and after the challenge, whether you are trying to gain weight or lose weight.
  • After the test, you’ll receive a printed analysis of your results with what you may need to do to meet your goal. We can use it as a tool to help you reach your goals in addition to nutrition.
  • This is a great opportunity to re-evaluate your fitness goals and see how your nutrition plays a (huge) part in it.

We will have a truck parked out front on Monday, January 29th from 5:30am to 6:30pm! Here is how the process works:

The test is quick and it’s going to be conveniently outside of our gym! One stop shop! The before body composition test AND after body composition test will be $84 total.

Having this data point will tell you the truth about where you are. You can retest after 8 weeks of discipline and will-power. With this data points, you’ll know if you are objectively improving or not. The truck will be back for the “AFTER” test on Monday, April 2nd. We will have a separate sign up sheet for this when the date gets closer.

Sample Body Composition Analysis

“About Your Analysis”
The human body is composed of metabolically active “lean” tissues like bone, muscle, internal organs, water, and adipose tissue (i.e. fat tissue). From both health and cosmetic standpoints, the relative amount of adipose tissue in your body is of concern. A variety of techniques have been developed to evaluate the total body fat percentage. Hydrostatic Body Fat Testing is referred to as the gold standard or method by which all other methods measure their own accuracy.” 

Here’s the information that will be provided: Client Data, Body Fat, Lean Body mass, Client History, Current Status and Goals, Percent Body Fat %, Target Weight, Weight Control Recommendations, Resting Metabolic Rate, Exercise



Please note: You are only available to sign up through: desktop and mobile website (NOT the app)

  1. Log into your Zen Planner account.
  2. Click ‘Make an appointment‘ // please NOTE: enter the hydrostatic tub clean (aka before you workout, or take a shower after you workout)
  3. The test date is Monday 1/29. Select a test time, which is divided into 10 minute appointments.
  4. Then click “Reserve Appointment” and you will be charged $84.

This test is completely optional. You don’t need to have it done to participate in the challenge but if you’re already committed to participating then, why NOT get it done? We want to help you understand your relationship with food and learn new habits that you can maintain even after our challenge is over. Getting this test done will be an investment in yourself. Use it to keep yourself accountable during the challenge and let’s celebrate your victory after 8 weeks and beyond!

DEXA Bone Scans is a service that they provide as well and can be available for an additional $39 (this is not included in your $84 fee). You can have it done at the same time you sign up for a spot on 1/29 and you will submit additional payment at your test (cash or check).

If you have friends who would like to participate but are not members of the gym, they can still sign up to get the body fat test done. Just have them sign up through Zen Planner!

Have you found yourself in class partnered up with someone for the WOD and gave them a tip (based on your own experience) as to how to do a movement better? Maybe it was just a cue that has worked for you and you wanted to share it. Did it make you wonder what it would be like to be trainer? If you’ve thought of it multiple times and may have some interest in learning more, we are excited to share that we recently created a Coach Development Program.

Our Coach Development Program is a 6+ month process in becoming a CrossFit coach. Whether you have experience in the field or may be brand new, this program is designed to help you become a trainer by observing, participating, and shadowing in our classes and having a mentor(s) to check-in with your progress. Our program will also allow you to learn the Foundation CrossFit history, mission, and values that are beneficial to potentially becoming a part of the team.

If this sounds interesting to you, we’d love to hear from you. Please send us an email [ and cc:] with the subject line “CDP Letter” with a letter of intent explaining your interest and experience (if applicable).

I loved the feedback from sharing the overview of December’s programming that I thought “HEY! With the 2018 CrossFit Games Open coming up at the end of February, why not share a preview of what’s happening through January?!”

So here it is:Now knowing what’s coming you can plan your weeks better, especially if you double classes up (ex: Olympic Weightlifting + CrossFit, Powerlifting + CrossFit, CrossFit + Kettlebell, CrossFit + HIIT, CompEx + CrossFit, etc).

With this transparency our goal is help you increase your fitness and performance with a deeper knowledge of what works and doesn’t work for you individually.

2018 is right around the corner. Have you made your fitness a goals yet? Join us and we’ll help you make fitness a priority.



Join us for a free class! Our Community CrossFit Classes allow athletes to experience what a day in our gym is like before registering. All levels welcome! There is no obligation. You can sign-up here,  under Events.


Our next Foundations On-Ramp Course begins Tuesday, January 16th and will run through February 10th. This course is 12-classes over 4 weeks.  Click here for details.



This is a great time to support the fitness goals of your friends, co-workers, and loved ones. Refer a Friend and you’ll each receive a $25 credit towards your memberships!



One of our goals at Foundation CrossFit is to be a positive steward of the community. This is exemplified in our free Community Classes, our October fundraisers over the years, and our charitable holiday activities. This year we are asking you all to help out a former athlete and beloved employee, Jessie Purcell. Those of you who have been with us over the years have worked with Jessie Purcell at our sister gym, CrossFit SLU. Jessie joined the team in 2012, and played an integral part in supporting our business and helping it grow into what it is today.

Jessie and Pao, both former employees of FCF, forever family

After finishing school, Jessie Purcell now works as the Department Head of Physical Education & Health at nearby Garfield High School. Health education has always been a passion for Jessie, and it is so inspiring to see her lead the charge for our upcoming generations, raising them to be healthy young adults.

This job does not come easy, as many of you know the stories of teachers having very little funding to support their students. This year we can all help by donating athletic clothing for her students for class. In fact, 10% of her students are listed as homeless this semester and are in need gym clothes, among other things.

We are making a call out to our current and former Foundation CrossFit or CrossFit SLU athletes: dig through your closets and dresser drawers to see if you have any old FCF/SLU apparel (and any other shorts/sweatpants) that you no longer wear. Bring them in and we will have a donation box set up in the gym for JP’s Kids. In addition, we are taking these donations as part of our December FCF BINGO! So you’ll be able to donate for a good cause and check a box off of your Bingo board.

Thank you and let’s make everyone’s holiday a better one!

It’s December and because it’s an iffy month for a lot of us why not play some games?Check out the notes section: we have tons of prizes to give away so we want as many winners as possible. One complete line of BINGO gets you the first level of prize bags, zonks included. Five complete lines of BINGO (for example the top three rows plus two random columns) gets you a third level of prize bags, zonk-free. BLACK OUT BINGO enters you for a free month of membership!

Cards will be put out on Thursday. Plan ahead! Grab one and get ready to win.

Happy Thanksgiving from the FCF fam to you and yours!

CrossFit WOD for Thursday 11/23


in cumulative song format, for time:
100m med ball carry, 20/14#
2 muscle-up
3 toes-to-bar
4 kettlebell wall ball substitute, 32/24kg
5 ring rows
6 archer pushup
7 kettlebell SDHP, 32/24kg
8 wall ball, 20/14#
9 icky shuffles
10 jumping lunges
11 broad jumps

Post time to comments.


You made it! HOORAY!!


Congratulations on all of the dedicated time, preparation, and will power performed during the last five weeks (six, if you include the education week)! We really appreciate all of you participating and supporting one another along the way.

If you missed it, we posted a blogpost with some advice on how to approach the completion of the nutrition challenge! If you participated, you should’ve received an e-mail with a link to a survey to fill out. Remember why you decided to eat cleanly in the first place and that should be your motivation to continue the good habits you’ve been practicing.

Great job everybody! See you at the gym!


+ I Didn’t Want to Try Because I Didn’t Want to Fail – Morning Chalk Up

CrossFit WOD for Tuesday 11/14

back squat 5×5, then

(Rx) EMOM for 21 minutes:
a. 35 double unders
b. power snatch + hang snatch + snatch
c. 25 push-ups

(PERFORMANCE) EMOM for 21 minutes:
a. 50 double unders
b. power snatch + hang snatch + snatch
c. 12 hspu

Post squat weight to whiteboard!

We’re approaching the end of week 4 which means we have one week left of our challenge! Keep it up everybody!

Here is a fun new tool we got recently: Veggetti Spiral Veggie Slicer

It’s a small hand-held vegetable slicer and in comparison to the bigger version we previously had, it’s much easier to use and saves kitchen space! We haven’t used it for much veggies yet aside from zucchini. I love the quick access, quick cutting, and quick clean up. Plus the spiralized noodles that come from it are super fun.

Zucchini noodles! We set some aside to offer to Lily as well. Quick saute in the pan to add a little warmth and “cooked/crispy” texture with some olive oil + salt/pepper to taste (we omit that for Lily and just add the olive oil).

Zoodles, Marinara, Meatballs

Recipe for this quick meal:
– 2 zucchinis for noodles
– Dorot garlic*
– Dorot basil*
– sugar-free marinara in a jar or make your own! (we used two cans tomato puree with crushed tomato, diced onions, carrots, olive oil, green dried spices, and salt)
– meatballs: we used a package of ground beef with almond meal (as a binder) minced bell pepper and cooked in Kerrygold butter.

Use the veggetti to make your ‘zoodles’ and set aside. Set your pan to medium-high heat while you combine your seasoned beef with the minced bell peppers and almond meal into meatballs. Throw some butter on the pan before cooking, 5-8 minutes per side(s), making sure you rotate every so often. You can get a second pan going for the zoodles or save for later since it’s a quick saute. After the meatballs are done you can throw them in a pot with the marinara already on a low heat. Voila!

Looking forward to using the tool more often. I’m thinking of making some sweet potato curly “fries” or maybe even some regular potato “fries”.. I’m a sucker for those.

Happy weekend & happy meal prepping!


*fresh is always better, but these are really awesome when you’re cramped for time