Chris S demonstrates a very strong overhead position


+ Man Believes 41st Attempt at Max Snatch Will Be “The One” – The Overheard Press

“Competitors will be assigned a starting time for Sunday’s workout. The top 40 men and top 40 women will compete in the early afternoon. All others will compete in the morning. It is your responsibility to be present, warmed up, and ready to go at the starting time. No accommodation will be made for missing your starting time.

The final heat (top 20 competitors) for each division will have a staggered starting protocol. The athlete with the lowest combined time from the three Saturday events will start first. The next 19 athletes will start at the precise time difference by which they follow the front-runner. Their time for the event will be their finish time minus their start time, but the staggered start allows for the overall winner of the Games to be determined instantly.

For example, let’s assume the top three competitors and combined times from Saturday are Bob (13:00 total time), John (13:05 total time), and Ted (13:20 total time). Bob would start Sunday’s workout at time 0:00. John would start at 0:05, and Ted would start at 0:20.

Whoever finishes first is Top CrossFitter because their combined time across all four events would be least. The final placements for all competitors will be based on the exact times of completion, but this staggered start allows for better competition and spectating”

CrossFit WOD for Thursday 8/17

front squat 4x8x60, then

30 clusters (70/45kg) for time

Post time to whiteboard / comments!

HellaFit WOD

Our take on bootcamp workouts, this class challenges you for the entire hour with a blend of strength and conditioning that works all the major muscle groups and focuses on functional movement. HellaFit will get you #hellasweaty while having #hellafun!

Endurance WOD

Long Interval: “JERRY”

for time:
1 mile run
2k row
1 mile run

Mika T at the bottom of her squat

A take on the Ranch Chipper from the 2016 Games, this is a calculated but fast sprint!


+ Nevermind CCTV in Slaughterhouses- We Need to End the Meat and Dairy Industry Altogether – The Independent

CrossFit WOD for Wednesday 8/16

for time:
50 wall ball shots
25 med ball situp throw
400m med ball run

Rx = 20/14 lbs, Fitness & Health = 14/8 lbs, Performance = 30/20 lbs

Post time to whiteboard / comments!

Olympic Weightlifting WOD

cleans, front squats, clean pulls

Powerlifting WOD

back squats, strict press, deadlift

Kettlebell WOD

– Primal mobility
– Clean skill work
– Snatch skill work
– Lunges and presses to finish

Tina L during the FreeStyle Running Seminar


+ Rocking Straddle Stretch – Foundation CrossFit YouTube

CrossFit WOD for Tuesday 8/15


for time:
400m run
20 chest-to-bar pullups
20 broad jumps, 6/4′
400m run
16 chest-to-bar pullups
16 broad jumps, 6/4′
400m run
12 chest-to-bar pullups
12 broad jumps, 6/4′

Each time the athlete breaks a set of pullups they must run a 200-meter lap.


for time:
400m run
18 muscle-ups
400m run
15 muscle-ups
400m run
12 muscle-ups

Each time the athlete breaks a set of muscle-ups they must run a 200-meter lap.

Time Cap is 18 minutes. Post times to whiteboard / comments!

HellaFit WOD

Our take on bootcamp workouts, this class challenges you for the entire hour with a blend of strength and conditioning that works all the major muscle groups and focuses on functional movement. HellaFit will get you #hellasweaty while having #hellafun!

Endurance WOD

Short Interval: 4 rounds 400m run, 90s rest, 300m run, 60s rest, 200m run, 30s rest

Gymnastics Strength WOD

movement games, hanging & handstands supersets, single leg work, tempo compression conditioning, midline, bridges

Performance Enhancing Drugs and more have a been a point of contention for a long time in sports and physical activities where money and pride are on the line. This was a pretty good primer when it was aired earlier this year:

A new movie on NETFLIX called Icarus was released and it is a fantastic look into something we all knew about, but didn’t see how deep it really went, how big of a conspiracy it was, as well as ties to some of the current events.

As far as programming goes last week we did some modified 2017 CrossFit Games events, this year we do a mix of previous years’ events!


+ Russian Insider Says State-Run Doping Fueled Olympic Gold – NY Times
+ (Weightlifter) Apti Aukhadov (RUS) Officially Loses 2012 Silver Medal – FloElite
+ Icarus: A Doping House of Cards Tumbles Down – The Atlantic

CrossFit WOD for Monday 8/14


5 rounds for time:
12 deadlifts
9 hang power cleans
6 jerks

Rx = 70/50kg, Fitness & Health = 43/29kg, Performance goes for Double DT in the allotted time cap of 15 minutes.

Post time or time cap to whiteboard!

Olympic Weightlifting WOD

snatch, back squat, snatch pull

Powerlifting WOD

back squat, bench press, weighted pullups, GHD situp holds, kettlebell swings, HSPU

Kettlebell WOD

– Primal movement
– Mobility work
– Getup skills
– Swing skills

Kristina B

Muscle-ups (strict or kipping) require a certain amount of strength to perform well and often. There’s a level of mobility and strength involved to to stay injury-free. You should be able to have 3 strict chest-to-bar pullups, and 3 full range-of-motion dips before attempting any muscle-ups.

Or you can be this athlete.


+ Amanda: The Woman and the WOD – BTWB

CrossFit WOD for Friday 8/11

back squats 3×20


9-7-5 reps for time:
squat snatch, 61/43kg

Performance can attempt AMANDA .45, but there is a 14:00 cap for all workouts.

Post times to whiteboard!

Olympic Weightlifting WOD

snatches and clean & jerks

Powerlifting WOD

power cleans, back squats, presses

Kettlebell WOD

– Abridged Primal Movement Warmup and Mobility
– Carries
– Rows, squats and presses
– Swings

With any running workout, you can increase the intensity by putting on a weight-vest or ruck (We use GoRuck Ruckers). Just remember to maintain the intended stimulus the workout was designed for- in today’s case it’s an ENDURING workout, meaning it should feel like cardio: lower-powered continual movement from start to finish.


+ Powerful vs Enduring – HP Athlete

CrossFit WOD for Thursday 8/10

5 rounds for time:
400m run
14 med ball cleans, 20/14lbs
14 burpee over med ball, 20/14lbs

Post time to whiteboard!

HellaFit WOD

Our take on bootcamp workouts, this class challenges you for the entire hour with a blend of strength and conditioning that works all the major muscle groups and focuses on functional movement. HellaFit will get you #hellasweaty while having #hellafun!

Endurance WOD

Long Interval: 4 sets of 500m run, 50s rest, 400m run, 40s rest, 300m run. Rest 3:00 between sets

Stacey S and Lauren B at Battle at the Ballpark 2017


+ 10x Your Results, One Tiny Action at a Time (The Power of Incremental Progress) – The Mission

CrossFit WOD for Tuesday 8/8

Starting with an empty bar SNATCH every minute on the minute, adding 2-5kg each time. When you can no longer snatch you will SNATCH DEADLIFT every minute, adding 2-5kg each time.

Post both numbers to whiteboard / comments!

HellaFit WOD

Our take on bootcamp workouts, this class challenges you for the entire hour with a blend of strength and conditioning that works all the major muscle groups and focuses on functional movement. HellaFit will get you #hellasweaty while having #hellafun!

Gymnastics Strength WOD

Spinal articulation, compression work, hanging conditioning, stretching, bridge work

Endurance WOD

Short Interval: 5 sets of 4 x 50m easy jog, 50m sprint. Rest 3:00 between sets.

You can watch the events at

In celebration of this past weekend we’ll be doing our own versions of a lot of these events. Get ready!


+ The 2017 CrossFit Games Events – CrossFit Games

CrossFit WOD for Monday 8/6

CGO 17.5 (Rx)

10 rounds for time:
9 thrusters, 43/29kg
35 double unders

CGO 17.5 (Scaled)

10 rounds for time:
9 thrusters, 29/20kg
35 single unders

Compare to 24MAR2017. Post times to whiteboard!

Olympic Weightlifting WOD – Max Week

snatch percentage ladder, clean & jerk percentage ladder

Powerlifting WOD – Week 10 of 12

squats, press, weighted pullups

Kettlebell WOD

– Primal mobility
– Clean and snatch skill work

Throwback Thursday: Nathan, Isaac, Hannah, me, and Sheena at the 2015 CrossFit Games

So download the pretty good CrossFit Games app on your phone to stay updated on all the action! Keep an eye out on team Cascade CrossFit featuring Hannah- we’re so proud and excited to watch her and her team represent and kill it!


+ Truth Talk – Morning Chalk Up

(This is the entire event. Fast forward to see the top athletes go at it)

CrossFit WOD for Thursday 8/3


for time:
1200m run
63 kettlebell swings
36 pullups
800m run
42 kettlebell swings
24 pullups
400m run
21 kettlebell swings
12 pullups

Rx = 24/16kg kettlebell. Performance = 32/24kg kettlebell, chest-to-bar pullups.

Post time to whiteboard / comments!

HellaFit WOD

Our take on bootcamp workouts, this class challenges you for the entire hour with a blend of strength and conditioning that works all the major muscle groups and focuses on functional movement. HellaFit will get you #hellasweaty while having #hellafun!

Endurance WOD

Long Interval:
1000m run
3:00 rest
8 x 300m (100m jog, 150m sprint, 50m walk)
3:00 rest
1000m run

photo by Chris Rosa

Today’s workout was introduced to us at the 2017 RCF Games. I had to do the traditional back squat version followed by sprinting, Bobby had to do it with shoulder-to-overhead (many, many push and power jerks) followed by lunging.

You’re welcome.


+ Live Blog: Seattle Primary Election 2017 Results – Crosscut
+ Blistering Heat Wave Threatens Seattle, Where Only a Third Have Air Conditioning – NY Times

CrossFit WOD for Wednesday 8/2

Shoulder-to-Overhead (52/38kg) version of “BRING SALLY UP“, then

400m walking lunge for time

Post time to whiteboard / comments!

Olympic Weightlifting WOD

clean & jerks, front squats

Powerlifting WOD

back squat, press, deadlift, pause deadlifts, hanging leg raise, lat fly,

Kettlebell WOD

– Primal mobility
– Clean skill work
– Snatch volume work