Tag Archive for: AT

Adrian, Bri, and Andrew

This past weekend Brianna competed at the 2018 USAW University and Under 25 National Championships at Weber University in Ogden, UT. She did a fantastic job for her first national competition with more in the future!


+ Final Results – National University – USAW

CrossFit WOD for Monday 4/23

as many reps as possible in 20 minutes:
5 clusters, 70/45kg
8 toes-through-rings
11 burpees

Post total reps to whiteboard!

Olympic Weightlifting WOD – Buffer Week, Day 1/3

Coaches Choice!

Kettlebell WOD

Week 8: sumo deadlift 10×1 @ 85-95% of 1RM

YGIG for 20 minutes
dead clean
dead clean + see saw press
6 lunges

A couple of quick hits:
– Robyn S competed at the National Masters Weightlifting Championships in Buffalo, NY. Took a Bronze home.
– Tony L also competed at the National Masters Weightlifting Championships in Buffalo, NY. Also took a Bronze home.
– Paul S competed in his first-ever Weightlifting meet at the Industrious WL Championships. PR’ed his snatch, his clean & jerk, and his total.
– Adrian T also competed at Industrious and PR’ed his clean.
– BONUS: Nathan M, Lauren B, and Nathan’s parents ran an easy 10k.

What’d you do this weekend?


+ Patagonia vs Donald Trump – GQ Magazine

CrossFit WOD for Monday 4/9

4 rounds, each for time:
5 HSPU/muscle-up/or some other hard skill
15 burpee box jump overs 24/20″
75 double unders

Rest 2:00 between each round.

Post slowest and fastest time to whiteboard!

Olympic Weightlifting WOD – Week 6/7, Day 1/3

back squats

Powerlifting WOD – Week 6/7, Day 1/3

back squat
bench press
weighted pullups
weighted hip extensions

Kettlebell WOD

Week 6: deficit deadlift 10×2 @ 85-95% of 1RM, then

1 minute of work/:15 second rest
Single leg dead, left
Single leg dead, right
Side bends, left
Side bends, right
Renegade row, alternating

Repeat for 3 rounds!


This past Sunday Adrian competed at the Olympic Fall Classic Weightlifting Meet in Olympia. A number of the squat came by to support!

He went 3 for 6, hitting 104/132/236 and earning 2nd place! Want to see what it’s like at a weightlifting meet? SIGN UP FOR OUR IN-HOUSE MEET HERE.


+ 2017 Black Friday Fitness Sales Guide – As Many Reviews As Possible

CrossFit WOD for Wednesday 11/22


AMRAP in 20 minutes:
5 pullups
10 push press, 35/25kg
15 squats



AMRAP in 20 minutes:
10 weighted step-ups, 2×50/35lbs dumbbells OR 2×24/16kg kettlebells
15 pullups

Post score to whiteboard!

Olympic Weightlifting WOD – Week 3/4, Day 2/3

high pull + power clean + CJ
pull + clean + 2 jerks
tempo front squat

Kettlebell WOD


Big thanks to M. Street of Fulcrum Training Hall for snapping the picture!

Robyn S, Vicky B, Gabrielle F, Bri M, Kylie C, Megan K, Nathan M, Guillaume C, and myself all competed this past weekend under the watchful eye of Adrian T at the Trident Championships 2017 down at Trident Athletics in Tacoma. A huge thanks to the support crew who came out including but not limited to Eli S, EJ B, Jaime M, Olga C, Jo K, Tina L, and everyone who watched it on facebook live! Many PRs, qualifications for the American Open Series, and a 3rd Place finish for mama Vicky!

I’ve linked the archived facebook streams below if you’d like to watch (Especially Women’s Open Session A)


+ Trident Championships 2017 (Achieved) Live Streams – Facebook

CrossFit WOD for Tuesday 6/27

5 rounds for total reps:
max alternating kettlebell presses
max pullups

Fitness = 12/8kg, Rx = 2×20/12kg, Performance = 24/16kg and chest-to-bar pullups.

Post all 5 round totals to whiteboard.

HellaFit WOD

Our take on bootcamp workouts, this class challenges you for the entire hour with a blend of strength and conditioning that works all the major muscle groups and focuses on functional movement. HellaFit will get you #hellasweaty while having #hellafun!

Endurance WOD

Short Interval: 6x 400m runs at 75% effort

Gymnastics Strength WOD

SKILLS: Slack Line, stretching, conditioning, midline conditioning

Adrian hit a 130kg clean & jerk PR at his meet yesterday!


+ Trust But Verify: Open Plea to CrossFit HQ for 2018 – HBombMac

CrossFit WOD for Sunday 4/16

20 kettlebell swing, 24/16kg
80 wall ball, 20/14#
160 double unders

Post score to whiteboard!

HellaFit WOD


Adrian T

This Saturday Adrian will be competing in a weightlifting meet himself!

Alpha Strength & Conditioning
1604 15th ST SW Suite 106
Auburn, Washington
at 12pm!


+ Bachmeyer’s Inspiration For Looped Open Video From Keanu Reeves Film Speed – The Overheard Press

CrossFit WOD for Friday 4/14


3 rounds for time:
30 squat cleans, 43/29kg
30 pullups
800m run

Compare to 13MAY2016. Post time to whiteboard.

Olympic Weightlifting WOD – Week 3, Day 3

no feet snatch + snatch + snatch balance, no feet clean + clean + jerk, overhead squat OR strict press + push press + jerk

Chinese plank, db tricep kickback/side, hanging leg raise, broad jump

CrossFit WOD for Saturday 3/11

in partners, for time:
90 burpees
80 situps
70 perfectly vertical kettlebell swings
60 HR pushups
50 synchro kettlebell lunges
400m farmer’s carry together

In this workout each pair will have a pair of kettlebells. They may not touch the ground, otherwise the entire workout starts from scratch.

Post time to whiteboard.

Personally these two topics are the most important parts about any type of training, whether it be for weightlifting, kettlebell, mobility, or CrossFit. You first and foremost have to understand that to reap the benefits of any programming, you have to be both consistent and honest with all the factors that go into your training. Those factors include (but are not limited to): preparation, attitude, knowing your numbers and abilities, focus, effort, recovery, attendance, reflection and taking notes.

Preparation: It’s not just about showing up physically. Will you show up ready to put in work for the goals that you’ve set out for yourself? If not, how will you get yourself into that headspace ready to train? If you know you can’t then why show up and waste time?  Build that champion mindset. Are you spending your extra time before class to do the mobilizing/stretching you know you need? Did you eat a snack beforehand so that you have enough energy? Are you staying positive and aggressive about the workout for the day, or did you put yourself in a bad headspace because you tend to be pessimistic about your own performance/abilities? Are you carrying the correct gear with you?

Attitude: After coming up with your plan for your workout, what are you doing to prepare for what’s in store? Yeah, your day before the gym was crap, but this session is for you to forget everything else, do something for yourself, and spend time with really good people. Get your mind right. Read. Meditate. Do what’s necessary to bring your best game available.

Knowing Your Numbers and Abilities: Do you track all of your max numbers in your notebook and are they recent? When prescribed to work with certain percentages are you using the proper numbers? Or have you moved it up simply because it’s what your partner already has on the bar? Are you adding weight that you just WANT versus the weight that you NEED? You should be exact with your numbers (rounding up/down to nearest whole number) to ensure you’re able to do the necessary work the way it needs to be done.

Focus: When you’re up for your lift, are you thinking about how you need to move to accomplish the lift? Are you trying to feel the things coaches are referring to in cues they give you? When you attempt the next set/rep, are you focused on trying to make the rep better than the last? Or are you simply just moving and hoping that you do it they way it should be done? Are you paying attention and being present, or thinking about work? Get your head in the game.

Effort: Effort is the direct product of focus. If you want something and have focused on what needs to be done, then the next thing you need is to make sure you do everything in your power to complete the work. Are you making an effort to understand how your body needs to set up, where/when you should be feeling things, listening to the cues to make the next rep better, and pushing yourself to hit each rep?

Recovery: It’s one of the most neglected factors when it comes to training. Are you getting enough sleep at night? Are you feeding your body with a proper nutrition before/during/after working out? Are you mobilizing, rolling out, etc before and after training sessions? On your off days are you getting treated by bodywork professionals (massage, chiro, PT, Leslie, etc), taking epsom salt/ice baths to help make your body feel better? Taking the correct supplements if any.

Attendance: If you’re not showing up and putting in the work you won’t get the goals. Be here, and know there will good and bad days.

Notes/Reflection: This can be anything from cues that work/didn’t work (tell us if a cue doesn’t work for you or you don’t understand it), what you felt/didn’t feel during a lift, the exact cue provided by the coach, an observation from a lifting partner, motivational quotes, etc. Andrew is a fan of recording the working weight lifts on the phone for reference later. Paper, video, etc. are whatever you need to understand why things went right and why things went wrong. These help make cues become habits. They help you become conscious of what you’re doing physically and mentally.

To help with your consistency and honesty, Andrew and I have worked together to move over to in-house programming that we will put together. It is timed specifically to peak at the time of weightlifting meets, whether you compete in them or not, meaning that the cycles will consistently be longer- five or weeks long (instead of four). The way the days are set up is to ensure growth in all the major lifts along with supplemental exercises during the length of the program. We’ve also made it easier for everyone to get the work they need for their specific goals (technique vs strength vs competition) with the following template below.

+ If you attend Olympic Weightlifting Class 1x/wk, you will do DAY 3’s workout, which includes both snatch and clean and jerk.

+ If you attend 2x/wk, you will do DAY 1 your first day that week & DAY 2 the second time you attend (not whichever one you want to do on a given day).

+ If you attend all 3 classes in the week, then you’ll do DAY 1, 2, 3 in that order.

Lastly, we’ll be keeping track of your attendance in classes to make sure you’re the right workouts. This is especially important if you miss a week and hadn’t worked with the lifts at the percentages from the week prior, creating a deficit in your training. Instead of just pushing you along to the higher percentages every week, you will have to earn them. If we get to test out week and you’ve only finished up to 85%, guess what?! You will just have to settle with where you get to with weight when we test out with everyone.

There will be absolutely no room to complain about why numbers aren’t going up- we will all be honest about our consistency, and it will be proven when we lift.

AT coaching AB through a weightlifting meet

As usual if you have any questions email us at barbell@foundationcrossfit.com or speak to me or Andrew directly at the gym. Our hope is to build our USA Weightlifting club (#FoundationBarbell) to a solid level with a potential for much more.