The Jumpy One

Victor M

Not all jump ropes are created equal: some range from coated-cable speed ropes with cheap handles for a couple of bucks, cheap heavier “licorice”-style ropes with simple plastic handles, fancy aluminum ball-bearing handles with cable ropes for maximum spin, adjustable weight ropes with thicker handles, to the top of the line ropes costing $50+ dollars.

“It’s not about the tools,”- it’s how you use them. Or specifically with movements like the double under, it’s where your skills are at. How’s your coordination? It’s one of the ten general physical skills we are always in pursuit of.

More novice/intermediate athletes actually like the feedback of the heavier ropes, while those with very good coordination can go with the lighter more expensive ropes to be faster and more efficient with their jump rope skills.


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CrossFit WOD for Deload Friday 1/20


AMRAP in 20 min:
5 pullups
10 pushups
15 squats
25 double unders

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Olympic Weightlifting WOD

overhead squat, snatch, clean + 2 jerks