Not only does he snatch well, but he can identify the region and vintage with his nose alone*!

(*Not sure if that’s factual or if I just made that up. BUT I BELIEVE!)

Nothing new for Chris, though.


+ Cinnamon to Hack Your Blood Sugar and Lower Inflammation – Bulletproof

CrossFit WOD for Wednesday 10/18

rack/block pull 9×3

4 rounds for time:
40 calorie row
40 weighted situp, 20/12kg

Post time to whiteboard!

Olympic Weightlifting WOD – Week 6/7, Day 2/3

jerk complex, clean & jerks, front squats, dips, situps, side planks, pullups

Powerlifting WOD – Week 2/5, Day 2/4

Anderson squats, front lunges, kettlebell Death March, reverse hypers, frog pumps, standing barbell oblique crunches

Kettlebell WOD

Primal mobility

Clean skill work


Snatch finisher



+ Fans Fail to Recognize CrossFit Celebrity Athlete in Clothes – The Overheard Press

CrossFit WOD for Tuesday 10/17

back squat 4×6


EMOM for 21 minutes:
a. 35 double unders
b. power snatch + hang snatch + snatch
c. 25 air squats


EMOM for 21 minutes:
a. 50 double unders
b. power snatch + hang snatch + snatch
c. 20 pistols

Post squat weight to whiteboard!

Gymnastics Strength WOD

rope climbs, basic tumbling

This week’s agenda is INTENSITY! Weighted carries/kb swings/burpees, back squats, double under/snatch complex/air squats, rack pulls, double unders/weighted situps, power clean/thruster sprint, Individual Event 1 from the 2017 Cascade Classic, and team conga lines.

There will be no Sunday WOD as we will be hosting OUT//Seattle! For you guys, it’s essentially a smaller version of VERSUS, with a lot of guests in our home gym. You can play too! You do have to register for the event though: do that here.


+ Lay Off the Almond Milk, You Ignorant Hipsters – Mother Jones

CrossFit WOD for Monday 10/16

Bring It Around the Block

4 rounds for time:
400m weighted carry, 32/24kg
30 kettlebell swings, 32/24kg
20 burpees

Post time to whiteboard!

Olympic Weightlifting WOD

snatch balance complex, snatch complex, back squats, bent over rows, weighted v-ups, box jumps, back extensions

Powerlifting WOD – Week 2/5, Day 1/4

Max Effort Upper: floor press 12×1, Tate presses, JM presses, banded pull aparts, banded tricep pushdowns, plank shoulder taps

Kettlebell WOD

Primal movement, Mobility, Turkish Getup focus, Swings to finish

The FCF crew at the 2010 Sectionals in Puyallup:
Marc, PJ, Andrew, Tita, Cedric, Paolo, Max, Adam, Marc, Margaret, Sheena, AB, and Brady

This workout comes from the 2010 CrossFit Games season- we didn’t have The Open yet, but before Regionals you could participate in “Sectionals”. All you had to do was show up!


+ The Best Healthy Turkey Lasagna You’ll Ever Eat – Ambitious Kitchen

CrossFit WOD for Friday the 13th

establish a max effort handstand in 10 minutes, then


3 rounds for max total reps:
1:00 wall ball, 20/14lbs to 10/9′
1:00 box jumps, 24/20″
1:00 power snatch, 35/25kg
1:00 row (calories)
1:00 rest

Post score to whiteboard!

Olympic Weightlifting WOD

snatch complex, clean & jerk complex, incline chest flies, seated V-ups, snatch-grip bent over rows, pike HSPU

Powerlifting WOD – Week 1/5, Day 3/4

banded incline bench press, shoulder monster walk, bicep openers, Zottman curl, banded bicep curl, banded face pull, banded plank shoulder taps

Gymnastics Strength WOD

GB squat series, shin and hip stretches, midline & grip conditioning, kipping skills, pullups & dips

Kettlebell WOD

Abridged Primal Movement Warmup and Mobility

Rack and OH work

Shoulder and hip mobility

Swings, presses and squats.


Brett jumping

As we humans get older, it’s a fact that we become more fragile.

A very common injury (and fear) is slipping or falling because of what comes out of it: head injuries like concussions and traumatic brain injuries, hip fractures, back and spinal cord injuries like slipped discs, dislocated shoulders/elbows/wrists, sprains, strains, and fractures.

Whenever we have to put our hands down to plank, to crawl, to rest, we work on getting better at our connection to the ground.

Burpees are the best example of this. We program these not only as a great conditioning exercise, but because you’ll have confidence falling down, and the knowledge tin getting back up.


+ 5 Crazy Side Effects of the Paleo Diet You Should Know About – Runner’s World

CrossFit WOD for Thursday 10/12

establish a heavy pause squat in 12:00


5 rounds for time:
7 muscle-ups
21 burpees

Compare to 14JUL2017. Post max and time to whiteboard / comments!

HellaFit WOD

Our take on bootcamp workouts, this class challenges you for the entire hour with a blend of strength and conditioning that works all the major muscle groups and focuses on functional movement. HellaFit will get you #hellasweaty while having #hellafun!

Carlos G

It’s important to value INTENSITY over VOLUME in the grand scheme of training. When you come across something fairly short in time (10:00 or less), then your goal is hard and fast. Don’t let up because you feel like it- putting ourselves in positions of discomfort are what take us to the next level!


+ Are You Getting Better, Or Simply Doing Moar Stuffz? – Beyond the Whiteboard

CrossFit WOD for Wednesday 10/11

establish a heavy deadlift in 13:00, then

5 rounds for time:
50 double unders
5 snatches, 61/43kg

Post time to whiteboard!

Olympic Weightlifting WOD – Week 5/7, Day 2/3

clean complex, front squats, accessories

Powerlifting WOD – Week 1/5, Day 2/4

bench press max, tricep special exercises, abs

Kettlebell WOD


Because of course I’m going to share this:

Now to FCF happenings: it’s Day 2/35 of the challenge! Use the hashtag #FCFeats when posting food pictures to social media:


+ Dr. Sara Jurek: CrossFit is Good For You – OPA Ortho

CrossFit WOD for Tuesday 10/10

for time:
10 dumbbell snatches
15 burpees
15 box jumps
20 dumbbell snatches
15 burpees
15 box jumps
30 dumbbell snatches
15 burpees
15 box jumps
40 dumbbell snatches
15 burpees
15 box jumps
50 dumbbell snatches
15 burpees
15 box jumps

Fitness = 25/15lbs, 12/8″ box. Rx = 50/35lbs dumbbells, 24/20″ box. Performance = 24/16kg kettlebell, squat tuck jumps

Post time to whiteboard!

HellaFit WOD

Our take on bootcamp workouts, this class challenges you for the entire hour with a blend of strength and conditioning that works all the major muscle groups and focuses on functional movement. HellaFit will get you #hellasweaty while having #hellafun!

CompEx WOD

15 minutes:
a. c2b butterfly pullup + t2b + bar muscle-up
b. parallette pushup + shoot thru + double dip
c. (upside down) legless rope climb
d. 2-3 russian dip + 4-6 strict dip + 7-9 kipping dip + 12+ support shrugs
windmill buildup

for time:
800m run
40 calorie row
20 burpee over rower


rotational band GHD
bamboo bar banded plank
fuck with them tuck hollow
GHD oblique crunch
banded push-down oblique crunch

200 facepulls, mini band

Gymnastics Strength WOD

Crescent kicks for hip mobility, sissy squats, wall bridge rotations

Gatherings, headstand presses, forward rolls

Muscle-up skill work, strength work

Nathan and Guillaume doing some movement & mobility prior to their first Weightlifting meet earlier this year

Since we’re at the beginning of a Nutrition Challenge we’re going to hit a bunch of things we can “benchmark” and retest at the end of the cycle. This way we can measure your performance progress.

Expect pistols/clean & jerks, big chipper, Linchpin Test 1 (run/thruster/pullup), dumbbell snatch/box jump/burpees, RYAN, 2:00 Assault Bike test, FIGHT GONE BETTER, and double unders/snatches. Not to mention it’s Week 5 of the Olympic Weightlifting cycle- would anyone be up for an in-house Weightlifting Meet? Also the beginning of the new Powerlifting cycle.

You can still register for the Nutrition Challenge! Deadline is end of day, Friday the 13th


+ The Ultimate Guide to MCT Oil – Onnit

CrossFit WOD for Monday 10/9

3 rounds for time:
30 pistols
10 ground-to-overhead

Rx = 61/43kg, Performance Rx = 84/61kg.

Post time to whiteboard!

Olympic Weightlifting WOD – Week 5/7, Day 1/3

snatch complex, back squats, pullups, v-ups, broad jumps, reverse hypers

Powerlifting WOD – Week 1/5, Day 1/4

squat max, deadlift max, GHR, hip extension, banded mid-back extension, good morning, weighted situp

Kettlebell WOD

Primal Mobility

Shoulder packing and stability exercises

Detailed Clean Focus. We will be working on varying weights to own the movement.

Squat and rows to finish

Missed any of our previous four posts?

Part 1 – Nutrition is the Foundation
Part 2 – Eat Real Food. Not Too Much. Mostly Plants.
Part 3 – Quality First
Part 4 – Resources

Read about our 2017 Nutrition Challenge and register here.

Here we go y’all! Let’s get ready to clean it up, feel and perform better!

Isernio’s breakfast sausage, zuch/pepper/onion frittata

To start off, prepping your food for the week on Sundays is great however, something that we’ve learned over the years is that you don’t need to prep for the whole week ALL on Sunday. You end up spending literally all day prepping: create your list, go grocery shopping, cutting, cooking, washing dishes, cooking more, waiting for dishes to complete before starting new ones. If you’re new to this, time management will be something you’ll play around with the first couple of weeks. So, to shorten up your Sunday food prep time, just prep it for the first three days. This allows you to 1) not spend your whole Sunday in the kitchen 2) not eat the same dish for 5 days straight (though some people would do just fine doing that) 3) have a plan for your next prep/cooking day. You can prepare for Wednesday or Thursday to be another cooking prep/day so you don’t feel like you’re in the kitchen for SO long. Boom!

We’re going to share our shopping lists with you every weekend so you can a.) bite and just do the same, or b.) see the general flow of things. We’ll keep you updated with all the things we complete and the things we don’t end up using too.

Things we ALWAYS have in stock our kitchen

stock (chicken, beef, vegetable, your choice)
Kerrygold butter (salted, unsalted if Sheena decides she’s making bulletproof coffee)
coconut oil
olive oil
sesame oil
chili powder
garlic powder
finishing salt (this 3lbs bucket is all you’ll ever need)
Himalayan Pink salt (specifically for this recipe which we make at least once every three weeks)
Red Ape cinnamon (AB’s favorite brand)
Tabasco or Cholula
Red Boat fish sauce (AB’s favorite brand)
Coconut Secrets coconut aminos (AB’s favorite brand Whole30-approved soy sauce substitute, and here’s another brand we will try when we need to reup)
apple cider vinegar

Things that’ll be eaten THIS week. This will seem like a lot, but we’re using the excitement of the challenge to get in the kitchen more, knowing it’ll calm down later into the challenge. Also doing a lot of prep for the next week.

Sheena & Andrew’s shopping list:
2 lbs sweet potatoes
2 lbs purple yam (really any other color tuber. You can look in the International district for Hawaiian Purple Yam or “Khoai Lang Tim”) OR a spaghetti squash OR butternut squat OR 2-3 eggplants
1 lbs broccoli OR green beans (fresh or frozen)
large container mixed salad greens
a medium contain/bag of spinach OR kale OR chard
3-6 bell peppers (various colors)
4-6 cucumbers
5-7 bulk celery stalks
bag of carrots
clamshell of cherry tomatoes OR small heirloom tomatos
2 onions (or 2 bags of frozen chopped onions)
2-3 apples (Swet Tango is my newest addiction)
Dorot crushed garlic (thank me later!)
white rice (Jasmine or Calrose)
cage-free eggs

approximately 3-5 lbs of various cuts of meat (4-6oz/meal for 3 meals/day for 2.5 people)
beef: ground, steaks
chicken: thigh, breasts
pork: Isernio sausages OR thick-cut bacon, loin
ground beef/bison/turkey/etc. (always keep 2 lbs in the fridge in case of emergency)

Other things we grab

Smith Bros (or Grace Harbor) whole milk OR almond milk (if paleo/Whole30)
Brew Dr. Superberry (or Happiness) Kombucha
Ellenos yogurt (plain or Latte or Chai or Pumpkin Pie)

We’re allocating three occasions to eat out as a family, otherwise leftovers for breakfast/lunch.

The real secret: cook a protein in a fat, serve with fresh or lightly cooked veggies and you’re set.

Recipes we’re using this week

Eggs & coffee. Start your day right! This is the true breakfast of champs. I prefer to make them with Kerrygold butter Gordon Ramsey-style (almost) and it ends up eaten with some quickly-sauteed spinach. Maybe half an avocado if there’s one nearby.

BCS: Named after one of our former coaches/athletes, she came up with this simple dish: Bell peppers + Cherry Tomatoes + Sausage cooked in olive oil. Easy. Also cool because those letters were also her initials.

We’re pairing this with a more-dense salad: Cucumber + Tomatos + Fresh Basil. Cut them up into small chunks, drizzle olive oil, add salt & pepper to taste, and BAM. Easy peasy. Plus if you make a bunch it can keep fresh for a couple of days. Prep = done.

Steak, potatoes, and green beans. Simple. Make extra veggies for lunch.

Chicken soup (stock, miripoix, spices, chicken) + rice. Go heavy on the miripoix- buy the ingredients in bulk and cut them into big pieces. I go a little overboard because it cooks down. Because I’m just watching my macros I’ll also make sure to workout a little harder today so I can have rice with my soup. Might add another green to it. I can make “breakfast soup” by storing some in a mason jar for the next morning or two.

Teddy’s Chicken + salad greens. Check out this video from a couple of years ago. Megan and Margot hosted us at their building so Teddy could show us basic knife skills. Then he made this delicious chicken recipe. We simply put it on a bed of salad greens (with a simple emulsion of freshly-squeezed lemon juice into olive oil) and tada! Protein, carbs, and a fat.

Porkchops + garlic mashed cauliflower OR potato. By week’s end we’re tired or busy or both. Another easy one to make that can yield plenty of left overs which means LUNCH.

Bam. Hope you enjoy your first week!

Alright. HERE WE GO!


Tina L, head HellaFit coach

CrossFit WOD for Saturday 10/7

in teams of 3, AMRAP in 30 minutes:
15 bench presses, 61/43kg
max calorie row

Post score (max bench) to whiteboard.

CompEx WOD for Saturday 10/7

in teams of 3, 12 rft:
20 mb cleans, 30/20#
10 press, 43/29kg
3 (legless) rope climbs

5 rft:
50 double unders
5 power snatch, 61/43kg

for time:
50 t2b
40 strict ring dips
30 strict pullups

banded box squat 10×2

CrossFit WOD for Sunday 10/8

30 rft:
2 kettlebell cleans
1 kettlebell press
4 kettlebell overhead lunges

Rx = 32/24kg. Alternate sides per round. Post time to whiteboard.

HellaFit WOD for Sunday 10/8

Our take on bootcamp workouts, this class challenges you for the entire hour with a blend of strength and conditioning that works all the major muscle groups and focuses on functional movement. HellaFit will get you #hellasweaty while having #hellafun!