This Week at FCF

This week at Foundation CrossFit you can expect: the snatch stamina complex we’ve been working on, sprint/handstand pushup intervals, CGO 15.3, DIANE, CGO 18.4, and AMANDA.

CGO 18.3 squad

… and you knew it was coming: SUBMIT YOUR SCORES!


+ CrossFit Games Open 18.3: Preliminary Analysis – Beyond the Whiteboard

CrossFit WOD for Monday 3/12

5 rounds of:
snatch + max overhead squats (at 70% of 1RM snatch)


7 rounds, each for time:
200m run
7 handstand pushups

Post max load and total OHS reps to whiteboard!

Olympic Weightlifting WOD – 2/8, Day 1/3

power snatch + 2 OHS, power clean + front squat + split jerk, snatch push press max out

Powerlifting WOD – Week 2/8, Day 1/3

back squats, presses, pullups, back extensions

Kettlebell WOD

Simple & Sinister, then

Week 2: sumo deadlift 1RM