Complex FRAN
Today’s workout involves multiple versions of the bodyweight pull in the classic CrossFit benchmark. If you can’t go Rx because you don’t have a muscle-up you can easily scale it down and modify your exercises. Examples:
jumping muscle-up + chest-to-bar pullup + pullup
chest-to-bar pullup + pullup + jumping pullup
pullup + jumping pullup + ring row
jumping chest-to-bar pullup + strict ring row + kipping ring row
+ In 1955 My Grandfather Made a Trip to Seattle… and Captured These Great Images – r/Seattle
CrossFit WOD for Monday 8/20
for time:
7 bar muscle-ups
7 chest-to-bar pullups
7 pullups
21 thrusters, 43/29kg
5 bar muscle-ups
5 chest-to-bar pullups
5 pullups
15 thrusters, 43/29kg
3 bar muscle-ups
3 chest-to-bar pullups
3 pullups
9 thrusters, 43/29kg
Post time to whiteboard! Compare here.
Olympic Weightlifting WOD – Week 4/4, Day 1/3
1x/week, 3x/week athletes: snatch, clean & jerk max
2x/week athletes: snatch max only
Powerlifting WOD – Week 4/4, Day 1/3
back squat max
sumo deadlift max
Kettlebell WOD
– Joint prep
– Sandbag drags
– 5:00 min double bell rack hold
**10 min Snatch test**
Max snatches for time. Unlimited hand switches.
**5 rounds for time:**
– 30 KB swings
– 15 cal row
– 30 KB racked lunges
##Accessory work
– Odd object TGU!!!