Two Things Tuesday

The blog has been acting funny recently so you’re all just going to get text!

  1. Join us at 8am on Instagram Live and Facebook Live- we will have a quick workout and stretch session with Andrew
  2. And remember that Dave’s Midday Ab Challenge will be daily at 2:05pm PST for the next 13 days!

SESSION for Tuesday 4/28/2020


Shoulder prep. In addition to stretching, have them do some strict presses and push presses with their weight to prime the movements.

Do 10 good mornings and 5 double pushup burpees at a steady pace for 5:00

Get their heart rate up for 5:00 before the workout! Dealer’s choice on which movements you use.


for time:
40 speed skaters
10 single DB devils press, (5 right side then 5 left side)
40 speed skaters
20 alternating DB hang clean and jerks
40 speed skaters
30 alternating DB snatches

Rx dumbbell would be 50/35/20lbs.


for time:
40 speed skaters
10 (burpee + American backpack swings)
40 speed skaters
20 backpack hang clean and jerks
40 speed skaters
30 backpack thrusters

15:00 time cap. Speed skaters to keep the heart rate up. DB sets are small enough that you can go unbroken.

Post time to comments!

2nd Serving: Need More Work? (Endurance-Bias)

Walk two to three minutes to pre-warm your body.

Run two miles in the yellow zone (easy effort).

Run one mile in the orange zone (just outside your comfort zone).

Finish the final mile in the red zone (hard, but controlled).

Run one mile at just outside your comfort zone, or a place where you can no longer talk in sentences (at the upper edge of the orange and red zone, your “red line”).

Follow with walking two minutes to catch your breath and recover (take more time if needed).

Cool down by running five minutes at an easy effort and walking three minutes.

HSPU Strength Ladder

E2MOM x2 do 1-2-3-2-1 reps

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