Michael, Ryan, and Owen locking it out

Let’s be mindful of technique today and really challenge your form over the number of kilograms you lift. Today we’ll challenge the classic standard of the movement: lift a dead weight from the ground to a standing position.


+ Winding Down – FCF Nutrition

CrossFit WOD for Wednesday 4/4

deadlifts 5-5-3-3-3-1-1-1-1

Post all loads to whiteboard!

Olympic Weightlifting WOD – Week 5/7, Day 2/3

back squat

Powerlifting WOD – Week 5/7, Day 2/3

back squat
bench press

Kettlebell WOD


Measuring your body composition can be a very helpful tool in the quest for improving your health and fitness. Knowing the difference between your total weight, your lean body tissue, and your body fat percentage/weight can help us.

Go back to Coach Glassman’s “World Class Fitness in 100 Words” it starts with: “Eat meat and vegetables, seeds and nuts, some fruit, little starch, no sugar. Keep intake to levels that support exercise, but not body fat. This is where the majority of people faulter. Either because they’re not aware of their own body composition, or they value food and the actions surrounding food more than their bodies’ health or condition. When people talk macros (short for macronutrients), they’re discussing the prescription of percentages they should be eating (how many carbs vs protein vs fat to consume daily). You can receive personalized prescriptions from Registered Dietitians, or try services like Working Against Gravity, Renaissance Periodization, or Precision Nutrition. Alternatively you could focus more on the quality of your foods with methodologies like Whole30, 800g Challenge, ovo-lacto vegetarianism, or more. Generally we see that as the quality increases, the junk in your system doesn’t hold on to as much and you lose the bad stuff.

Basically in terms of how you perform at the gym we want to see lean body tissue weight go up (gain muscle), while lowering your adipose tissue (body fat decreases).

Your overall weight could stay the same, or even increase, but maybe your clothes fit better. Your attitude and view on the importance of body image should change.

A couple of tips with this new/retest information:
– Whatever method you choose to test initially (DEXA, Hydrostatic Weighing, Bod Pod, etc.) is the same method you should use to retest down the line.
– Remember that we’re all built differently, and our bodies will respond to various stimuli differently. This goes for both nutrition and exercise. Like your workouts, you’ll need to practice and try different things to see what your best practices are.
– There is no such thing as spot reduction- doing a butt ton of crunches or situps will not give you a six-pack or flat belly for the summer. Only good nutrition can. They simply reveal the shape of your muscles when the BF% goes down.
– Things take time to change. Be patient and know that striving for the goal will be a good challenge and broaden the knowledge you have of yourself.

If you have any questions, our coaching staff is always available to talk shop.


+ Progressive Filipino American Restaurant Comes to Hillman City This Summer – Seattle Met

CrossFit WOD for Tuesday 4/3

3 rounds for time:
400m farmer’s carry, 2×24/16kg
12 hang power snatches, 43/29kg
21 ring dips

Post time to whiteboard!

HIIT WOD – 12pm

tabata squat jacks
tabata plank shoulder taps
tabata frog pumps
tabata one-arm row

:30/:15 for 10:00
3 ladders
6 burpee step ups
9 mb squat thrust + wall chest pass

:40/:20 for 7:00
30 russian twists, BW
20 elevated front foot jumping lunges
10 ab-wheels


HIIT WOD – 5:30pm

10-to-1 burpee breathing ladder

SET 1: 1:00 stations, 3 rounds
– squat jacks
– shuttle run
– up/down plank
– single-leg v-up
– rest

SET 2: 2:00 stations, 2 rounds
– wall ball pass + burpee
– DB hop overs
– DB (wo)manmaker
– DB Russian twist
– sandbag ramp sprint

SET 3: 1 block sandbag carry, max load

Gymnastics Strength WOD

Butterfly pullup development

CompEx WOD

TGU work


for time:
6 squat cleans, 102/61kg
6 muscle-ups
400m run
6 squat cleans, 102/61kg
6 muscle-ups
400m run
6 squat cleans, 102/61kg
6 muscle-ups
400m run
6 squat cleans, 102/61kg
6 muscle-ups

for time:
50 box jump over, 24/20″

Sheena loves cleans

Today is the day: BODY FAT RETESTS!

Remember to bring a towel! Because of the new construction happening along 12th ave (M-F 9am-3pm) the truck is parked across the street (on the east side of 12th ave), directly in front of Katsu Burger.  More details about the body fat appointments here.

Thanks in advance for your patience!


+ The Open is Over, Now What? – CrossFit Fort Vancouver

With all the hoopla of the CrossFit Open many athletes may find the need to take a break from their traditional way of training to refresh themselves and take a look at what they need to improve upon for the next year. Let’s not forget that Coach Glassman’s “World Class Fitness in 100 Words” ends with ‘Regularly learn and play new sports”. If you’re not into learning something too new, at least you can try another variation of the different modes of fitness we offer: Mobility classes, Gymnastics Strength, Kettlebell, High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT), the seasonal Endurance club, etc. If you are ready to dive head-in (or have an upcoming competition) then try out our CompEx classes.

Finally, those who ask shall receive! A number of our athletes travel often and want to keep the ball rolling, but don’t know what to do. We unearthed some old videos we recorded. Try these out if you ever want to do something at home!

CrossFit WOD for Monday 4/2

7 sets: 2 cleans + max front squats

Post heaviest load and the weights you completed with it to whiteboard.

Olympic Weightlifting WOD – Week 5/7, Day 1/3

power snatch + OHS
power clean + FS + split jerk
snatch push press

Powerlifting WOD – Week 5/7, Day 1/3

back squat
weighted pullups
single leg hip extensions

Kettlebell WOD – Brian D.’s last day! 🙁

Simple & Sinister then

EMOM snatches for 12 minutes:
6 left + 6 right

The past 5 weeks of the CrossFit Games Open flew by! If you’ve been participating in our nutrition challenge this year, then it’s been an even longer past 8-9 weeks! Some of you took a Body Fat Test at the beginning of it and now the re-test date is here!

First let me just say, HOW is it already April?!

So.. some of you may be looking forward to retesting and some of you may not.. but let me remind you why to still show up for it.

  • You committed to it and paid for it, so follow through! Regardless what the outcome, you will have hard data to compare to 8 weeks ago and will have hard data to compare in the future.
  • If you retest and you met your goals, then AWESOME. Celebrate it! Keep up the good work. Use it to motivate you to continue well past the next few weeks.
  • If you retest and didn’t meet your goals, then better luck next time and keep working on it! This doesn’t DEFINE you. Numbers don’t define who you are or how you perform. Don’t be embarrassed. You can still improve and on your own timeline. There can be a number of reasons why you might not have met your goals but use this to motivate you to continue you well past the next few weeks.
  • It will help you determine your next steps. Do you want to continue on the nutrition lifestyle you chose for the challenge or try something different? We can take a look at your numbers, your diet, and workout frequency to see where we can improve.
  • If you didn’t take the Body Fat Test previously but would like to, now is your chance!


The process is similar to how we signed up last time: RSVP through your account with us via Zen Planner!

  1. Click HERE
  2. Select your preferred time slot.
  3. Log into your account to confirm your time and appointment.

Athletes who pre-paid for the test will not have accounts charged. Athletes who would like to test (for the first time) can still RSVP for an appointment time – your account will not be charged and you will need to pay Brian directly (cash, check, or cc). Non-members of the gym who are interested in testing may also sign up for slots through the same process of reserving an appointment time via Zen Planner and pay Brian directly (cash, check, or cc).


The Body Fat Test truck will be parked outside on 12th avenue! It is parked across the street (on the east side of 12th ave), directly in front of Katsu Burger. There are two changing rooms in the truck and there is a possibility that an athlete will be in the truck (whether getting retested or changing to leave/get ready) the same time as you. Bring a swimsuit, towel, and change of clothes. Please try to get tested BEFORE you workout. You may also use our restrooms to change and our shower for before or after your test.

You can read more about the process of BFT here. Please send your questions directly to Sheena at sheena@foundationcrossfit.com


You are awesome and we are immensely proud of you. Finish out strong, we’ll see you soon!

Throwback Thursday: Foundation CrossFit 3.0


+ Insterstitium: Scientists Say They’ve Discovered a New Human Organ – NBC News

CrossFit WOD for Thursday 3/29

5 rounds for load. Complete 7 unbroken sets of the following:
1 power clean
1 front squat
1 push press
1 back squat
1 push press

Do all 5 movements to complete 1 set of the complex. Complete the complex 7 times, unbroken (without letting go of the bar or resting it on the ground) to complete 1 round. Complete 5 rounds, increasing the weight and resting as needed between each round. Score is max weight used for your 5th unbroken round.

Post score to whiteboard.

Team Foundation Climbers, post-event (Results)

So proud to have so many people supporting the fight for blood cancers.


+ Stop Complaining About the CrossFit Open Workouts – Faster Heavier

CrossFit WOD for Wednesday 3/28

3 rounds for max total reps. 1:00 rounds of
– row (calories)
– box jumps
– jerks, 40/25kg
– kettlebell sumo deadlift high-pulls, 32/20kg
– wall ball, 20/14# to 10/9′
– rest

In this workout you move from each of five stations after a minute. This is a five-minute round from which a one-minute break is allowed before repeating. The clock does not reset or stop between exercises. On call of “rotate,” the athletes must move to next station immediately for good score. One point is given for each rep, except on the rower where each calorie is one point. Post totals to whiteboard!

Olympic Weightlifting WOD – Week 4/7, Day 2/3

snatch, back squat

Powerlifting WOD –  Week 4/7, Day 2/3

back squat

Kettlebell WOD

The Covfefe Complex by Mike Linder

Goal is to use two snatch test bells or 1 size lighter

5 cleans
5 snatches
5 push presses
5 windmills (1 bell in each hand)
5 front squats

3-5 rounds. rest 2-3 min between rounds

Now that we’re looking towards the rest of 2018 here’s some of the things we’re looking at: still rings, heavy squats, the 2017 CGO retests, skills development, and mobility increases!

Note: beginning Monday 5/7 we’ll be retesting all of the 2018 CGO workouts to see how much more you can improve when you focus and have a set of movements you want to be better at! Schedule would be 18.1 that Monday, 18.2/18.2a that Friday, 18.3 the next Monday, etc.


+ Why Can’t Everyone Do the ‘Asian Squat’? – The Atlantic
+ Affiliate Leaderboard: Foundation CrossFit (Seattle, WA) – My Open Leaderboard

CrossFit WOD for Tuesday 3/27

for time:
2k row
100 toes-to-bar/toes-thru-rings
100 muscle cleans, 20/15kg


for time:
50 hang muscle cleans, 40/25kg
100 k2e
2k row

Post time to whiteboard!


SET 1 – EMOM 1:00 x 10

10 single/double unders
8 jumping lunges
6 slam balls
4 pushups

SET 2 – 4 rounds, 1:00 on/:30 active recovery

curtsy lunge with db / mountain climbers
db squat flow / box shuffle
RDL w/db row / squat jacks

SET 3 – 10-to-1 LADDER

shuttle sprint & burpee (ex: 10 shuttle sprints, 10 burpees, 9 shuttle sprints, 9 burpees…)

Finisher: CORE

7 minute abs, 2 rounds x :30 each
reverse sit up
russian twist
flutter kicks
slow/no arms sit up
scissor kicks

CompEx WOD

MFT 1419