How do you feel after 200m of overhead walking lunges?

WORKOUT for Wednesday 11/3/2021


in 12:00 for max loading:
clean + jerk + front squat + jerk

as many reps as possible in 15 minutes:
12 (2-for-1) wb, 14/20lbs
9 burpees
6 (ring) dips

WATCH: Do you find yourself tired throughout the day? Understanding your nutrition (energy in) along with your activity frequencies and intensities (energy out) can help you reach your goals. We usually talk about nutrition in terms of hormonal control like this video

The first trial class for the Winter Training Camp is tonight at 5:30pm! It’s members-only today, but you can invite some non-member friends in for a trial on Friday.

Read more about the Winter Training Camp beginning on Tuesday 11/9.

CONDITIONING for Tuesday 11/2/2021


We just released the details about our Winter Training Camp! Basically it’s a new Tuesday/Friday class that’s not necessarily based in CrossFit (but it’s definitely inspired by it) to prepare those into winter sports or just develop stronger legs and core.

RSVP to this week’s Trial Classes on Tuesday 5:30pm and again on Friday 5:30pm (where you can bring non-member friends) if you want to try it out!

WORKOUT for Monday 11/1/2021

jumping development warmup then

for time:
50m dumbbell overhead lunge
30 (strict) pullups
50m dumbbell overhead lunge
30 (strict) t2b
50m dumbbell overhead lunge
30 (strict) k2e
50m dumbbell overhead lunge
30 (strict) chinups

Rx = 20/35/50lbs dumbbell. Post times to whiteboard!


What is it?
Winter Training Camp is a 6-week program where athletes meet for one hour twice a week to get ready for the winter sports season, or if you want to focus on building stronger, more capable legs!

Where is it?
Foundation Gym (duh) at 1415 12th Ave, Seattle.

When are classes?
On Tuesdays and Fridays at 5:30pm starting on 11/9/2021 (two trial classes before then!)

What does it cost?
Access is included to all current members, $300 for non-members, and $35/drop-ins. Must complete waiver and prove vaccination status prior.

+ + +

To prepare athletes for upcoming winter activities such as skiing, snowboarding, snowshoeing, hiking, cycling, and more we will have special one-hour classes 2x/week for 6 total weeks focusing on the demands of their sports. This can also be used as another class to develop your overall fitness.

It is mainly designed to increase leg strength and stamina, develop more robust core strength, while bulletproofing the body parts associated with overuse injuries. Speed, balance, and flexibility will also be supported and developed. Our goal is to prevent injury and to maximize your effort so you have more fun outside and on the mountains!

This coming week we’ll have two TRIAL classes:

  • Tuesday at 5:30pm – open to all current members
  • Friday at 5:30pm – open to all current members, their friends, and non-members interested in the program

All that we ask is that you RSVP via PushPress so we can prepare the proper amount of equipment!

Join us at 10am for YOGA with IVAN.MVMT! Stretch and focus on yourself to recharge for the upcoming week.

RSVP via PushPress for the meeting room info.

CONDITIONING for Sunday 10/31/2021

WEAR YOUR COSTUME! Best one per class wins some sweet prizes!

WORKOUT for Saturday 10/30/2021

(in partners) for max total score:

max burpee box jumps (20/24″) in 10 minutes while the other partner holds a plank, switching as needed

max burpees in 20 minutes while the other partner completes a 150m suitcase walk, switching every time the walk is completed

Post score (total burpee box jumps + burpees) to whiteboard.

WATCH: Day 2 of the Rogue Invitational

WORKOUT for Champagne Friday 10/29/2021

EMOM x 12 (8/10/or 12 reps of)
a. toes-to-bar
b. MB step overs, 20/24″

2:00 rest then

EMOM x 12 (8/12/or 16 reps of)
a. slam ball, 10/20lbs
b. MB situps

Post favorite candy to whiteboard!