CONDITIONING for Thursday 10/28/2021

READ: The Good Part About ‘Waning’ Immunity – The Atlantic

WORKOUT for Working Womxn’s Wednesday 10/27/2021

every :30 for 8:00 do 1 clean & jerk (north of 70%) then

as many reps as possible in 12 minutes:
5 push press (with a 5sec overhead hold each rep)
10 Pendlay rows

finished with Coaches choice bodybuilding

WATCH: This week’s programming agenda

It’s really a deload week focused on your other abilities to finish workouts: strategy, movement efficiency, rep/set breakdown, and seeing if you possess the ability to recover between multiple workouts. You’ll also be learning a handful of new movements we’ll be playing with in the next couple of months.

Then a tease about something coming at the end!

WORKOUT for Monday 10/25/2021

10 rounds for time:
4 snatches
5 overhead squat
6 toes-to-bar

Rx=30/50kg, SupeRx=45/60kg. Post time to whiteboard.

READ: 9 Tips to Master Your Overhead Squat – Swolverine

Join us for YOGA with IVAN.MVMT on Zoom! Details when you RSVP via the PushPress app to reserve your spot.

CORE for Sunday 10/24/2021

CrossFit HQ has put out an online competition for individuals of all fitness levels this weekend! We’re adapting it for a partner workout, but if you want to see where you stack up worldwide you might want to register for the event.

WORKOUT for Saturday 10/23/2021

In partners with 4:00 windows establish a 1RM clean and then max bar muscle-ups OR pullups OR ring rows then

AMRAP in 16:00 in a YGIG fashion:
30 double unders
8 left-arm dumbbell push press, 35/50lbs
8 right-arm dumbbell push press
8 lateral burpee over dumbbell

Your scores are 1.) the sum of both cleans, 2.) total reps of your bmu/pullups/ring rows, and 3.) total reps in the AMRAP. Post to whiteboard!



WORKOUT for Friday 10/22/2021

AMRAP in 3:00
2 hang clean & jerks, 35/52kg
4 front squats
6 toes-to-bar/toes-thru-rings

Rest 1:00. Repeat for 5 total cycles. Post all five scores to whiteboard!