T-spine twists help gain range and stability for movements dealing with heavy loads or overhead positions.

WORKOUT for Friday 7/30/2021

every 2 minutes on the minute do 1-2-3-2-1 reps of your handstand pushup progression. Repeat for 3 total rounds.

AMRAP in 7:00
8 lunges
9 toes-to-bar
10 dumbbell hang clean & jerks, 35/50lbs

(Rest 3:00)

AMRAP in 7:00
8 dumbbell lunges, 35/50lbs
9 toes-to-bar
10 dumbbell Devil’s press, 35/50lbs

(Rest 3:00)

AMRAP in 7:00
8 pistols
9 toes-to-bar
10 dumbbell snatch, 35/50lbs

Post total reps completed to whiteboard.

READ: Shi Zhiyong Soars in Tokyo- Sets 364kg World Record Total at only 73kg (about 160lbs!) – BarBend

CONDITIONING for Thursday 7/29/2021

READ: CrossFit Games Day 1 Recap, Line-By-Line – Morning Chalk Up

Individual Competition resumes on Friday!

How’s your mobility?

If you can’t get into deep ranges of motion, you can’t access and recruit more muscle mass. If you can’t access tons of muscle you can’t get stronger.

WORKOUT for Wednesday 7/28/2021

Complete all three:
a. establish a 5RM back squat
b. establish a 5RM deadlift
c. 5k row for time

Post results to whiteboard!

READ: Register for the 2021 Virtual CrossFit Games. I’ll be doing them in gym all weekend!

WORKOUT for Monday 7/26/2021

every minute on the minute for 7 minutes: hang snatch (or clean) + power snatch (or cleans) + snatch (or clean), then

AMRAP in 20:00
400m run
21 perfectly-vertical kettlebell swings, 16/24kg
12 (strict) chest-to-bar pullups

Post scores to whiteboard!


Join us at 10am on Zoom for Yoga with IVAN.MVMT

RSVP via PushPress for meeting room info.

CONDITIONING for Sunday 7/25/2021


Good luck to Tony, Scott, and Daisy who compete in the Sasquatch Strength Summer Classic Weightlifting Meet!

WORKOUT for Saturday 7/25/2021

70 kettlebell swings, 16/24kg
60 toes-to-bar
50 pistols
40 kettlebell shoulder-to-overhead, 16/24kg
30 pogo burpee
20 muscle-ups

400m run after each line! KBS then run then t2b then run then single leg squat then run… muscle-ups then run then “TIME!”


Your setup and approach to each lift can mean success or failure so be intentional every time you lift until it’s automatic.

WORKOUT for Friday 7/23/2021


every minute on the minute for 12 minutes
a. 30 (UB) double unders
b. 1-2-1 OR 1-2-3-2-1 wall walks
c. :30 of pullups or muscle-up practice (preferably strict)
d. 2 Power + 3 hang SN/CL, building in weight



21-15-9 reps for time:
deadlift, 65/102kg
handstand pushups

Or 3-6-9-12-etc to a 12:00 cap.

READ: Does CrossFit Have a Future? – The New Yorker

Do you work your individual prehab & rehab exercises?

WORKOUT for Wednesday 7/21/2021


every minute on the minute for 12 minutes
a. 30 (UB) double unders
b. 1-2-1 OR 1-2-3-2-1 HSPU
c. :30 of pullups or muscle-up practice (preferably strict)
d. 2 Power + 3 hang SN/CL, building in weight


back squat 6 sets of 6 reps at 70-75%


27-21-15-9 reps for time:
power clean, 35/53kg
(ring) dip

A different take on “ELIZABETH”- an additional round of 27 and it’s a tad lighter at 35/53kg (versus 43/61kg)