Day 11: Shoulder or Wrist Pain?

We use our wrists, elbows, and shoulders quite a lot in CrossFit as we regularly load and hang off of said joints. You put in a lot of work through repetition- the big question is do you even that out with stretching and other forms of mobility?
CrossFit WOD for Thursday 2/12/2020
5k row/ski/run for time, then immediately establish a 1RM thruster in 10:00
Share time and heaviest successful load to whiteboard. Post-workout will include some back and bicep work to restore the integrity of muscle after the mono structural and lifting efforts.
READ: Meet the Gym that Helped 20 People Come Off Their Diabetes Medication in 2019 – Morning Chalk Up
Definitely been experiencing a lot of wrist and elbow pain.
Is the solution, then, to give more attention to mobility and stretching related to these joints?
Wednesday, Feb 12th
6 hours sleep
9 AM – breakfast power smoothie (protein milk, protein powder, two fists spinach, walnuts, chia seeds, flax meal, frozen berries, whole banana), green tea
12 PM – CrossFit; snatches and rows
1 PM – chicken, potatoes, green beans, almond milk and whey protein
3 PM – bite of banana, pb pretzels, experiencing major flatulation
7 PM – Barbell; cleans and presses
8 PM – chicken, potatoes, green beans, protein bar, meal bar
11 PM – hefeweizen
Thurs 2/13
Slept ~7 hours (which is definitely not enough for me)
Breakfast: Coffee, two boiled eggs, some peanuts
Lunch: Large kale/spinach salad, tofu, cheese, caesar dressing, olives, a bell pepper, two carrots, coffee, <1 ounce of good salami
Dinner: small spinach salad with olive oil and vinegar; 1 bowl – Leek, Mushroom, and Kale Subji from “East” by Meera Sodha. Onion, garlic, leeks, mushrooms, kale, a little brown rice/quinoa and half a pound of ground lamb.
That guy in the pic has such a cool dinosaur shirt if I do say so myself.
Rest day
Goal: hydrate hydrate! 💦
8am breakfast: frozen banana smoothie
10:15 snack: builder bar
Noon lunch: meatless meatloaf, balsamic Brussels sprouts, cauliflower rice with Mama Lil’s peppers, dates
2pm celebration: coworker’s birthday, so joined in for some carrot cake.
3:30 snack: really tried to avoid being tempted by the 5 boxes of assorted Oreos in our office, so I ate my red pepper soup with sourdough bread.
7:15 dinner: meatless meatloaf, red pepper soup, sourdough bread. Served myself up with more than I needed, and proud of myself for putting the extra away. I also did a really good job today when it came to staying away from the office treats. But tomorrow is another (holi)day!
Workout – Whey shake
Breakfast – Egg white omelette, toast, fig bar
Lunch – Salmon, vegan “chicken shwarma”, quinoa
Dinner – Yogurt
Night – Cottage cheese
Thursday 2/13
Finally updating my food journal today. I was not the best on this holiday weekend. More detailed journal on MyFitnessPal. @sarahbr11
(6am CrossFit)
7:30am: finished 24 oz H20 and protein oatmeal shake 290 kcal
9am: hot coffee no creamer 0 kcal
1pm: chicken thigh, mixed veggies, 1.5 hard boiled eggs, gummy vitamins 301 kcal
8pm: salmon, peas, cauliflower, wine 314 kcal
9pm: chocolate PB cups 200 kcal
Daily total: 1105 kcal