First Full Week of Fall

Bobby B during the Thruster Ladder at the 2017 RCF Games

WE ARE CLOSED TUESDAY EVENING! We are hosting the Freestyle Connection Seminar with Carl Paoli from 6:30pm to close. If you’d like to join you can register at the link!

This week we see KALSU, ARAGOM, more tempo deadlifts, tabata fun, lunge/bar muscle-ups, one of the even-numbered events from the 2017 CrossFit Team Series, the last of the Wodapalooza Online Qualifier events, the full version of LUKE, back squats and bench presses.


+ Carleen Mathew’s Longest 278 Seconds – Morning Chalk Up

CrossFit WOD for Monday 9/25


every minute on the minute do 5 burpees. in the remaining time do as many thrusters (61/43kg) as possible.

Score = time it takes to complete 100 thrusters.

Olympic Weightlifting WOD – Week 3/7, Day 1/3

pause snatches, pause back squats, chest fly, 3-position (hollow, 1/2, whole) V-up, box jerk, good mornings

Kettlebell WOD

Primal mobility (extended)

Banded rotatory stability exercises

Getup and single arm swing focus

Simple and sinister