Break a Chicken

Watch Coach Dave as he teaches how to break down a chicken LIVE on Instagram on Sunday morning at 10am on the @foundationcrossfit feed.

WORKOUT for Sunday 3/29/2020

for time:
30′ suitcase lunge, R
30′ suitcase lunge, L
1600m run
30′ suitcase lunge, R
30′ suitcase lunge, L
800m run
30′ suitcase lunge, R
30′ suitcase lunge, L
400m run

Wear a 20/14lbs vest or pack if you can! Post times to comments.

2nd Serving: Need More Work?

GO OUTSIDE, and respect social distancing. 10/9′ at minimum. That’s your wall ball distance!

HSPU Strength Ladder: EMOMx3 of 1-2-1

READ: The Stranger’s Take-Out and Delivery Restaurant List – The Stranger
WATCH: Gut Health = HEALTH.

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