CrossFit WOD for Monday 12/9

4 rounds for time:
30 unbroken double unders -OR- 10 triple unders
30 bumper ground-to-overhead
30 overhead bumper lunges

20/15/10kg. 20:00 cap. Post score to whiteboard.

– Foam roll the upper then lower back
– Calf stretches


We’re in Week 2 of our December cycle. Powerlifting hits another Dynamic Effort + Max Effort double day, while Olympic Weightlifting works on the complex with heavier loading.

READ: How Technology is Disrupting the Fitness Industry – Entrepreneur
Varsha doing dumbbell step-ups

Let’s see if all these weighted step-ups transfer to single-leg squats!

CrossFit WOD for Friday 12/6

strict (chest-to-bar) pullups
every 2:00 x 2 (1-2-3-2-1)

AMRAP in 10:00
4 side-to-side pullups
6 side-to-side plyo pushups
12 alternating weighted pistols, 15/10/5kg

Post score to whiteboard.

READ: CrossFit VS the National Strength & Conditioning Association: Judge Orders Terminating and Massive Monetary Sanctions Against the NSCA – CrossFit
WATCH: Coming Back From Injury


CrossFit WOD for Thursday 12/5

Every 2:00 for 20:00
3 power snatches
6 back squats

Ideal weight is 70/50/35kg. Post weight used to whiteboard.

READ: Black Friday/Cyber Monday Deals and Sales Megathread – r/CrossFit

Ryan ready to row

What’s the best method for you, individually, for rowing calories? It’s not necessarily the form we ask for when going for a long period of time.

I know that if I do half-slides and focus on driving my heels down to extend while cranking with my strong low back and arms then I maximize my potential for rowing. That probably doesn’t work for you, but until you know you should experiment with what engines you prioritize (quads vs hamstrings, hip extension vs back extension, pulling with your arms or just finishing, etc.)

CrossFit WOD for Wednesday 12/4

back squat 50/5, 60/3, 70/3, 80/3, 90/3, then

for time:
80 calorie row
40 burpee box jump overs, 24/20/16″

Post time to whiteboard.

READ: Understanding and Applying Health Benefits of Fasting – CrossFit

Maia pulling through and keeping the rings close during muscle-ups in CGO 20.5

CrossFit WOD for Tuesday 12/3

10 rounds for time:
35 double unders
15 wall ball, 20/14/8lbs to 10/9′
5 bar muscle-ups

Compare to 10/9/2019. Post time to whiteboard!

READ: Where Are They Now? The Last 6 CrossFit Games Rookies of the Year – Heat On Minded

It’s that time of year where we bundle up and spend time with our loved ones. As December calendars get filled up we find many athletes asking us “WHAT’S THE WOD” over and over. It’s great because it means they care, so we’ll do what we’ve done the past couple of years so you can plan accordingly.


*Subject to change

Plan your month accordingly and don’t cherry-pick your workouts!

CrossFit WOD for Monday 12/2

establish a heavy cluster (squat clean thruster) in 10:00, then


21-15-9 reps for time:
power clean 61/43/29kg
ring dips

Post time to whiteboard.


We begin the DECEMBER CYCLE today! Olympic Weightlifters will be focusing on the Tall Progression Warmup and Hang iterations of the lifts, along with squat complexes. Powerlifters can look forward to Conjugate Method for one more cycle with Upper Max Effort/Lower Dynamic Effort and Lower Max Effort/Upper Dynamic Effort splits.

READ: How to Not Feel Dead Tired This Winter – NY Times
WATCH: Why You ALWAYS Seem to Have Room for Dessert

If you plan to workout during the Holiday break remember to RSVP for classes! Thursday and Friday we’ll have 9am, 10am, and 11am. Saturday and Sunday will be normally scheduled.

CompEx gets a very special session at 7am on Thursday!

Boots and Fred (Fred is the dog)

CrossFit WOD for Wednesday 11/27

back squat 50/5, 65/5, 75/5, 85/5+

AMRAP in 20:00
2500/2000m row
then AMRAP in the remaining time of
– 6 pullups
– 12 toes-to-bar
– 24 lunges

Post score to whiteboard!

READ: The Zen of Weightlifting – NY Times (via Greg)
WATCH: Cues and What They Mean by Juggernaut Training System