Ross B: the man, the myth, the legend

CrossFit WOD for Sunday 2/19

in teams of 2 for time:
200 perfectly-vertical kettlebell swings
200 goblet squats
100 kb cleans
100 kb snatches

Post teams and times to whiteboard!

HellaFit WOD


The gym is a great place to destress, work out, and spend time with friends. It’s our safe haven! We are thankful and lucky to have an awesome cleaning crew. They come in on a weekly basis to clean the bathrooms, garbage & recycling, and over the weekend they sweep/vacuum and use a RugDoctor on our gym floor. You see them. Make sure to let them know how much you appreciate them!

We all work hard to keep a safe environment for everyone and would like to use this opportunity to remind you to keep our facilities clean.

  • Keep your personal items in cubbies to keep the gym space for gym equipment.
  • Keep chalk inside of the bucket!
  • Wipe down your equipment with disinfecting wipes and return to their home after use.
  • Wipe down your pull up area/barbell (especially if you accidentally ripped a callous).
  • Stay home if you’re sick!

And now, a message from Coach/RN Mark

Hey everyone!

You’d think you would be ok with surviving this last flu season, but alas, microorganisms never sleep #RW3. There has been increased reports of norovirus in the Seattle area and we’d like to keep you informed on what that might mean for you!

What is norovirus?
Norovirus is a highly contagious virus and can cause sudden onset of vomiting and diarrhea. One of the most common ways it is spread is through contaminated food and water or through contact with contaminated surfaces.

What are the symptoms?
The most common signs of norovirus are vomiting, diarrhea, and abdominal pain. You would also see an increase in temperature (low grade) and possibly muscle pain (probably masked by all the WOD’s you’ve been doing). Symptoms usually begin 12-48 hours after initial infection and most feel better after 1-3 days. Keep hydrated!

Practice proper hand hygiene! Wash your hands, thoroughly, with soap and water especially after you use the bathroom. If you suspect that you have norovirus, stay home! Avoid going to work or coming to the gym.

For more information please visit:
Mayo Clinic

Good: Ross B found new job for a great company!

Bad: that means he and Nikki G are moving to the Bay Area )=

Come celebrate his last WOD (for now) at 6:30pm!

CrossFit WOD for Friday 2/17

5×6 tempo chin-ups 2121 (2:00 rest)

5 rounds for time:
20 calorie row
20 burpees

RossFit WOD (6:30pm only)

10-to-1 for time:
(squat) clean, 60/40kg
shoulder-to-overhead, 60/40kg

Olympic Weightlifting WOD

lifts: back squats, snatch pull + snatch + snatch push press, clean pull + clean + jerk
accessories: partner leg lifts, back extensions, downward dog

Whether you’ve been with us for 5+ years, a year, or a couple months or weeks you should know that we love to celebrate everything you accomplish within the gym. There’s a reason why we assign you journals to keep track of your workouts, progress, goals, and even the not-so-great performances. It’s so that you can always have a goal in mind when approaching a new or old workout. As your coaches we love to hear how you shaved a minute off of your previous “HELEN” or how you got that 1kg PR on a lift you’ve been working on for so long. Maybe you hate burpees less! Maybe you got ONE double under. Oh snap! You got one strict pull up!

That hard work doesn’t go unnoticed. So the next time you accomplish a goal, share it with us!

Ring the PR bell – LOUD and PROUD!

High-five every one in your class!

And write them in your journal.

We celebrate your accomplishments year round. Your hard work and results are a reward in itself but a prize wouldn’t hurt either don’t you think? Join the WOD Club!

Participation is optional and super easy. Count up all of your classes from your very first day at FCF (how convenient if you just completed our Foundations Program!) and show us your journals when you reach the next milestone: 50, 150, 300, 500, 750, or 1,000 workouts! The prizes are pretty sweet. PLUS you get to take an awesome sweaty photo after your workout. 🙂

If you haven’t already, check out our WODClub page for more info!

Give these ladies and gents a hand! They all completed the 12-class January Foundations Program.

In no order: Fab, Phil, Bernice, Tobias, Kai, Chris, Ryan, Jeny, Lindsay, Chong, Chen, Colin, Justin, Mike, Jeff, Alexis, Debby, Luke, Alex, Ted, Ali, Kelsi, Tony

Welcome these new strong, strong friends into the FCF fam!

Our next Foundations On-Ramp begins in April: reserve your spot now! Personal training options available for those who want to come in sooner.


+ Runner’s Guide to the Psoas – Runner’s World

CrossFit WOD for Thursday 2/16

3 round superset:
12 dumbbell/kettlebell press
12 dumbbell/kettlebell row
(1:30 rest)

6 rounds for time:
10 overhead lunge, 52/34kg
10 deadlift, 52/34kg

Post time to whiteboard!

HellaFit WOD


That’s right, we’re doing it again!

Last year Andrew found a great idea from Catalyst Fitness which brought forth FCF Intramural Open 2016. Our goal is essentially the same: to educate and inspire you. The participation in the Open (competition) naturally helps with the inspire aspect.

The pressure to perform pushes you to train harder; the social boost of dozens of your best friends cheering for you will help you reach a higher plane.

One of my favorite things about the Open is that last part: cheering each other on. The majority of our gym don’t have goals to make it to Regionals but we sure put our all into those workouts like we’re gunnin’ for it. We enjoy and we suffer together. The camaraderie that comes out of that mutual suffering is so rare and unique!

Can we bring that worldwide thrill home? Can we deliver all the fun of competition without causing any anxiety attacks? We think so.

Like last year, Andrew has chosen four people to be Team Captains and will be meeting this week to go through the private draft where you will be put onto a team. These teams will go through the Open and we’ll finish off the season with our intergym throwdown VERSUS 10!

The finer details to come by the end of the week. Get excited and be prepared to be courted by the team captains to join their team!

Spring cleaning is coming early!

I would like everyone to take their gear home for the rest of the weekend. Anything left there by Saturday will be boxed and donated.

Having the room cleared will allow us to do some cubby upgrades. Just asking that you all carry your own gear around for the next week.


CrossFit WOD for Wednesday 2/15

AMRAP in 20 minutes:
1 muscle-up (+1 every round)
10 kettlebell swings (+5 every round), 24/16kg
20 double unders (+10 every round)

Post score to whiteboard!

Olympic Weightlifting WOD

front squat max, clean takeoff + slow pull + clean, BtN jerk. frog po

Kettlebell WOD

Ground Force

Warmup: Planks/ Halos

Skills: Cleans and Presses

For 3 rounds,
2 min on, 15 sec off, double kb cleans
2 min on, 15 sec off, double kb front squat
2 min on, 15 sec off, push jerk

We would like to welcome our most recent Foundations On-Ramp Graduates! These new faces will be joining us in classes beginning this week. If you see a new face in class, introduce yourself and help us welcome them to our community and through their journey of CrossFit!

We have a busy month ahead with CGO 2017 beginning at the end of this month and going through March, (new Foundations grads encouraged to register!) therefore our next Foundations On-Ramp Course will begin April 4th. The details and registration for that course can be found here.

We’ll be using the HSPU standard from 15.4 today:


+ Pressure Cooker Braised Kale and Carrots – Nom Nom Paleo

CrossFit WOD for Tuesday 2/15

press 3x8x60% (1:00 rest), then


3 rounds for time:
10 push jerk, 43/29kg
20 thrusters, 43/29kg
30 wall ball, 20/14#
1:00 rest


3 rounds for time:
20 double kettlebell thrusters, 20/12kg
30 wall ball, 20/14#
1:00 rest

Post time to whiteboard!

HellaFit WOD


30-min AMRAP

Relay 1
– 200m run
– goblet squat

Relay 2
– 40 KBS
– v-up

Relay 3
– 500m row
– push press

Relay 4
– 40 push-ups
– pullups/ring or hinge row/bent over row

This past weekend Gabrielle and Vicky both competed at the Trident Classic 2017 Weightlifting Meet at Trident Athletics down in Tacoma. It was their first competition, in the Open and Novice division respectively.

Gabrielle qualified for the American Open Series 2017 with her performance. Vicky took a podium spot in the Novice Divison. Wish them a congrats next time you see them!


+ Cherry-picking and Birthday WODs: How to Stop the Madness – Breaking Muscle
+ Cherrypicking, Ducking, and Avoiding WODs – CPMFITness

CrossFit WOD for Monday 2/13

5 round superset:
bench press 3×80%
tempo pullups 5×6
(2:00 rest)

tag teams 5k row for time. Switch every 250m.

Post 5k time to whiteboard.

Olympic Weightlifting WOD

Welcome to the 2nd cycle of the year!

lifts: back squats, snatch takeoff + slow pull + snatch, snatch push press
accessories: legs, hips, back

Kettlebell WOD