+ CrossFit Games Open 17.1 Official Rules and Scoresheet – CrossFit Games

CrossFit WOD for Friday 2/24

CGO 17.1

for time:
10 dumbbell snatches
15 burpee box jump-overs
20 dumbbell snatches
15 burpee box jump-overs
30 dumbbell snatches
15 burpee box jump-overs
40 dumbbell snatches
15 burpee box jump-overs
50 dumbbell snatches
15 burpee box jump-overs

Rx = 50/35# dumbbell and 24/20″ box jumps
Scaled = 35/20# dumbbell and 24/20″ box jumps/step-ups

20:00 time cap. Post time to whiteboard.

Olympic Weightlifting WOD

overhead squat, snatch pull + snatch + snatch balance, clean pull + clean + jerk from dip

partner leg lifts, back (hyper) extensions, downward dog

Throughout the next five weeks we’ll be running a special weekly 10am-12pm FCF Intramural Open Event for those competing in the Open and the #FCFio2017.

Instead of our usual Saturday schedule we will have an 8am and 9am CrossFit classes for those who just want to sweat.

There will also be a special 9am “OPEN PREP” class with me for the next five Saturdays. This optional class is designed to breakdown the workout, strategize your work and rest sets, and provide you a relevant warmup.

Remember to RSVP for all of your classes!


+ CrossFit Open 14.5 Strategy Guide, Tips & Tricks – CrossFit Portland

CrossFit WOD for Thursday 2/23

bench press 3x6x70, then

3 rounds for time:
7 hang power cleans, 70/48kg
14 burpees over the bar

Performance does 5 rounds. Post time to whiteboard.

HellaFit WOD


30 min AMRAP:

500m row
10 front squats
10 push presses
10 bent over rows
10 weighted lunges
10 sit-up + press


To accompany the FCF INTRAMURAL OPEN 2017 we will be making available “team” shirts for purchase beginning on Thursday (maybe sooner)! ICYMI, the 2017 Captains are Ali (Red Team – Thundercats), Sarah (Green Team – Flex Appeal) and Cheryl (Blue Team – Blue Barracudas). Recruiting is in full swing! Not on a team yet? Pick your favorite color and approach the Captain! If you’d like to rock one of these new shirts, we will have them on our Apparel Store for $20 each.

How to use the FCF honor system Apparel Store:

  • Choose a shirt.
  • Locate the FCF Apparel/ Accessories Store clipboard.
  • Write your name.
  • Circle Cash or Acct.
  • Apply the sticker.

We bill for retail & snack store account purchases on the 1st and 15th of each month. Have cash? Circle Cash and place it in the milk bottle.

We will have a limited supply of the FCFIO2017 shirts available, so get them while supplies last!


Anthony P

You KNOW we have some high-rep deadlifts coming in the next five weeks or so. Do you get any tightness in your back after a workout with a high-volume of hinging movements like the deadlift, kettlebell swing, olympic weightlifting, etc? Might want to check out the article and video below.


+ Low Back Tightness During Deadlifts – The Movement Fix

CrossFit WOD for Wednesday 2/22


21-15-9 reps for time:
thruster, 43/29kg

Compare to 1/30/2017. Post time to whiteboard.

Olympic Weightlifting WOD

lifts: front squats, slow clean pull + clean + jerk, push press + jerk
accessories: batman split, single-leg hip extensions, med ball hammer rotations


The Open starts tomorrow! If you’re still on the fence about signing up, see why we do!

Coach Nathan

-What year was it when you participated in your first Open and what did you experience?
My first Open was all the way back when the Open originated in 2011. I had just started at FCF a month prior and Tony somehow convinced me to sign up. I’ll be honest, it was a very humbling experience – I still remember struggling to get even a few clean and jerks during 11.3. But at the same time it was also very encouraging to see people that have put in a lot of work do amazing things I never thought possible.

-Why do you continue to sign up?
Since 2011 the Open has obviously grown. I have participated nearly every year since then and continue to do so because of the camaraderie within our FCF community and the ability to see where my fitness is year to year.

-What is your favorite thing about the Open?
My favorite thing about the Open is the environment every Saturday during those 5 weeks. It’s invigorating to be a part of the energy that fills the gym as people cheer each other on and push themselves harder than they normally would. It’s a very rewarding and positive feeling.

-What movements do you hope to see this year?
I’m going to make people mad by saying this, but I hope to see some thrusters again this year. Those tend to be workouts where I can really do well and push myself to my limit. Gotta love having short legs!

-What movements do you NOT want to see this year?
I’d really be ok with no handstand pushups. Being injured for most of this past year, I’ve had very little time to actually work on this skill and it is always one that kicks my butt during the Open.

As always, I encourage everyone to sign up! Whether you’ve been doing CrossFit for 4 days, 4 months, or 4 years, you’ll have a great time and be glad you did it this time next year.

Coach Tony

I’ve participated in the Open every year since the beginning, 2011. It is a good test of the combination of skills and strength, based on the original format of the CrossFit Games – be ready for the unknown and unknowable. Each weekly workout was a fun test of your skills, and with the adrenaline and motivation of others working out around you, it pushed us to achieve some pretty amazing PRs. Nowadays I continue to sign up because I can assign the annual Open series to significant events in my life. I destroyed my knee playing volleyball one year, and after the reconstruction, matching my previous achievements have become my new goals. Year after year, I saw improvements to my scores, and now 6 years later, it is great to know that I can still keep up with my younger self! Thrusters and burpees are what I salivate for in the Open. This year I’d love to see the following ridiculous workout announced: KALSU: 100 Thrusters for time, with EMOM 5 burpees before doing thrusters!

Coach Andrea

-What year was it when you participated in your first Open and what did you experience?
2013…my experience brought out the competitive gymnast in me, and I loved that! It also made me feel a lot of pressure. Mixed bag of emotions.

-Why do you continue to sign up?
I sign up to support our community! And because I am more than just a mama now. By signing up for this year’s Open, I am committing to myself that I am worth it. I am worth putting in the work to be a better me. I am worth taking the time away from my family to keep fit. My son needs to see a mama that is healthy and happy and fulfilled. I am more than a mama, I am an athlete!

-What is your favorite thing about the Open?
Seeing people do things they thought impossible for themselves. It is a culmination of all the hard work (and coaching) throughout the year!

-What movement(s) do you hope to see this year?
GYMNASTICS! Mama Vittegleo still loves HSPU, toes-to-bar, bar MU and pistols!

-What movement(s) do you NOT want to see this year?
Ugh, all the rest!

Coach Mark

-What year was it when you participated in your first Open and what did you experience?
My first open was in 2011! I had been doing CrossFit for over year and was easily talked into signing up. I had heard all of the hype from Sectionals, and the FCF athletes that participated from the year prior and felt like I had progressed enough as an athlete to be competitive. I didn’t know what to expect but I did find out what it’s like to compete by exercising. It kind of got me hooked on the process. I was able to see where my weaknesses were and I was excited to see how much I could progress through the year.

-Why do you continue to sign up?
Keep my streak going! It’s actually my measuring point. It’s the one CrossFit event that I will always sign up for. It’s become a normal part of life, as I continually look back at where I was (fitness-wise) at this particular moment in time. It means even more, now that I’ve had some significant life changes. It’s fun to see how and where you’ve progressed through the span of years.

-What is your favorite thing about the Open?
Everyone surprises themselves. There are ALWAYS PR’s.

-What movement(s) do you hope to see this year?
Handstand push ups and toes-to-bar.

-What movement(s) do you NOT want to see this year?
Handstand push ups and toes-to-bar. I’m not particularly good at these movements but I do love the challenges they provide in the open (that won’t stop me from complaining about it). It exposes my weaknesses but it will always come down to me to work on them throughout the year.

Coach Sheena

Like Andrew, Tony, Mark-Anthony, and a young young Nathan, I participated in my first Open in 2011. At the time it felt like any other day in the gym except each workout had a little bit more pressure to do well. I got flashbacks of my track & field days, right before a race!! It was a lot of fun. I continue to sign up because I love what it brings out of me. I train hard all year (with the exception of the past year #momlife) and put myself to the test with these workouts. I don’t consider myself to be super competitive but when the Open comes around, I become competitive with myself and with my peers – in a healthy way.  My favorite thing about the Open is seeing people achieve something they had never done before. I love screaming/cheering people on as they push themselves to past their limits. I swear I always tear up whenever there is only one person left working out and the WHOLE gym is cheering them on. It’s the best. We suffer through these workouts together and come out stronger together.

I’m not at all in great shape for the Open but I’m doing it anyway because I can. I loved my body before, during, and after pregnancy and I’m honestly just happy to be able to be healthy and being able to do what we do. I’m approaching this year as I did last year, with no pressure to perform a certain way but to get the workouts done and have fun. I always love some light and quick barbell work with some double unders.. and muscle ups since I can (or used to) do muscle ups. I really don’t want to see the damn thruster/wall ball/rowing combo but I know it’ll show up!!

Can’t wait to work out with you all!! Go Team FLEX Appeal!

By now you should know that the CrossFit Games Open season is here and starts in TWO days! Our 2017 FCF Intramural Open also begins on the same day.

Read THIS if you’re still not up to date.

I’ll wait…

CGO 16.1, where I participated while I was pregnant!

Now that you’re caught up, here’s what you to do if you’re being recruited courted by one of our team captains.

Step 1: say, “Hell yeah! Let’s do it!”
Step 2: Register for the CrossFit Games Open, select “Foundation CrossFit” as your affiliate AND team.
Step 3: Get ready to have some fun, show up, push yourself to new limits, and earn points for your team.

Easy three steps right? Get to it!

This years’ teams:
Team Thundercats
Team Blue Barracudas
Team FLEX Appeal

A roster from last Friday’s draft is up at the gym!

Here are a couple of FAQs:

– What happens if I get courted by multiple team captains?
Well, that’s up to you isn’t it? Accept one captain’s rose and say yes! so we make it clear as to whose team you’re on.

– I don’t want to compete in the Open, can I still be a part of a team?
Absolutely! You can still EARN POINTS for your team (see the points section of the #FCFio2017 post). Just let your team captain know.

– What is this really for?
FUN, some suffering, achieving PRs, supporting your community, and VERSUS X (on March 25th). If you’re not held accountable for your fitness, are you really achieving it? Why not push forward together?

– I’m going to be gone for one (or more) weekends while this is happening, should I still sign up?
YES! Did you know that there are thousands of gyms around the world? Check out the affiliate map to see what gym you will be nearby while traveling.

See you at the gym, let’s get it!

The CrossFit Games Open (and the FCF Intramural Open. Learn about it here!) start this weekend! The first workout will be released and as always Dave Castro is posting hints to instagram:

via @thedavecastro ・・・ 17.1

A post shared by The CrossFit Games (@crossfitgames) on

What does this mean? Could it be a classic workout? Something with deadlifts? INQUIRING MINDS WANT TO KNOW!


+ CrossFit Games Athlete Alex Anderson on How to Crush the 2017 Open – BarBend

CrossFit WOD for Tuesday 2/21

in 25 minutes:
– establish a 1RM press then
– establish a 1RM push press then
– push press 3x8x60 with 2:00 rests


3 rounds for time:
10 slam ball, 30/20#
10 burpees

Compare to 1/31/2017. Post maxes and time to whiteboard!

HellaFit WOD


1. OH hold
2. goblet squats
3. pushups
4. pull-ups/ring rows
5. OH lunges
6. burpees

1 minute of midline work after each tabata.

Cheryl, Nasreen, and Joseph all hosted a fun little potluck for Instant Pot lovers. Great idea: basically meal prep where you get to try new dishes and gather some fresh inspiration

We’ll be doing it again.


+ 3 Effective Drills to Tackle Your Tight Hip Flexors – Prime-Physio Fitness

CrossFit WOD for Monday 2/20

press 3x5x70%
strict pullups 3×5
strict chinups 3×5

7 thrusters (52/34kg) every minute on the minute for 8 minutes

Olympic Weightlifting WOD

lifts: back squat, slow snatch pull + snatch, snatch push press + snatch balance

accessories: banded drinking bird, steps kb death march, chinup hold

CGO 16.2 at FCF

The CrossFit Open is a worldwide online CrossFit competition and we’ve done it every year as a gym since its inception in 2011. This year we’re copying a fantastic idea from Catalyst Fitness’ Intramural Open idea… and I’m going to plagiarize the hell out of it! IT’S THAT GOOD OF AN IDEA.

CGO 15.4 at FCF

(Actually I’ll just their entire post and change the details as I see fit)

Our goals at Foundation: to educate and inspire. Competition helps with the ‘inspire’ part: the pressure to perform pushes you to train harder; the social boost of dozens of your best friends cheering for you will help you reach a higher plane. Heck, watching your teammates GO is inspiring!

Can we bring that worldwide thrill home? Can we deliver all the fun of competition without causing any anxiety attacks? We think so.

I’ve chosen three people to be Team Captains (who will also have Co-Captains and Lieutenants). We will have a private draft and you’ll be put onto a team. These Teams will go through the Open which will ultimately lead us to our intergym throwdown VERSUS X.

Who will claim the Golden Hammer?

CGO 15.3 at CFSLU


Registration for the Open can be done until 5pm on Monday 2/27 at, Choose ‘Foundation CrossFit’ as your Affiliate AND ‘Foundation CrossFit’ as your team.

CGO 14.4 at CFSLU


Coaches and the rest of the registered FCF fam will be ‘drafted’ onto an Intramural team. They won’t lose their spot on our Regional team, and their points will still count toward our Affiliate score worldwide, but we want to ensure even distribution of our most competitive athletes.

Once drafted onto a team you’ll be entered onto the public Team Rosters.

If you’re reading this and you haven’t registered for the CGO you’ll probably be courted by one of our Team Captains to join their team – probably more than one. Pick the most fun team!

CGO 14.3 at FCF


Points will be awarded by FCF HQ after every event.

+1 Point

Score Entry: If you are officially registered on the CrossFit Games site and plug in your official score after you do the workout you score a point! No excuses- plug your score into the website asap and we’ll always be able to see who did their duty.

Performance: Every member of a team that completes the Open workout anywhere in the world (so travelers can still help their teams) earn one point per performance, through proof of attendance to a CrossFit gym. This goes for Rx AND Scaled athletes.

Podium: Top 3 males AND Top 3 female athletes each earn one point for their teams. This also applies for both Rx and Scaled competitors.

Pride: Wear any of our official FCF gear during the your scored event and earn another point for your team.

Social: post a relavent picture or video to facebook or instagram, tag @foundationcrossfit #FCFio2017 #HYFRsquad, and earn your team a maximum of 1 point per week.

Judging: If you take and pass the 2017 Online Judges Course (see below) then you’ll be able to judge other athletes. Certified Judges will be able to earn another point for every performance judged.

+3 Points

Attendance: Every member of a team that completes the Open workout at the weekly throwdown on Saturdays at 10am earn their teams three points. This goes for Rx AND Scaled competitors.

Personal Records: If you perform your first-ever skill when grinding in a workout, your team will be awarded three extra points! Think chest-to-bar pullups, a new max snatch/CJ, handstand pushups, the elusive muscle-up, etc. Been in the Open before and the event is a repeat of a past event? Set a PR and earn a 3-pointer for your team!

+5 Points

Spirit: Who stands out and represents the spirit of Foundation CrossFit? The team with the most encouragement, noise, pride, and PRESENCE each week will receive 5 points per standout action. Multiple teams can win every week.

Judges Course: Take and pass the 2017 Online Judges Course and email the PDF to You must send the PDF as an attachment. If you send a screenshot, it doesn’t count. If you forward me a link, it doesn’t count. Get me that PDF and I’ll give you your points!

CGO 13.5 at CFSLU


Athletes competing in the Open will have only four days to complete each workout. We haven’t yet set our schedule for competition. The Open will have five workouts over five weeks, with the fifth week including in VERSUS X, where your team points entering the event may sway the standings and winners. Think about it this way: the Open is a sport season and VERSUS are the playoffs (and championship).

As usual, you can be tested at any CrossFit class on the predetermined CGO day, which is Friday.

To earn your team even more points, show up to our weekly CGO Events on Saturdays from 10am to 12pm. This is the day to prep for, so that you can show up with your team and push it to the limit.

Make-ups are to be done on during our business hours and you’ll have to ask the coach on floor permission (which they might not give), as well as provide your own certified judge. This is why it’s so important to come in on Friday or Saturday.

2012 at FCF


We’ll have some random draws each week for prizes, including gear, socks, water bottles, clothing, training packages, and more! The top team will also earn a GRAND prize. Details released later!

2011 at FCF 3.0


If you’re posting anything on Facebook and/or instagram make sure you tag the gym @foundationcrossfit as well as use the hashtag #FCFio2017!


Our focus is on FUN. We want participation because it will keep you accountable, make you more fit, and it will get you high-fives and you’ll be happy and love life more and glow and glisten and stuff. Facts.

Register online at the CrossFit Games site, or don’t, and let’s start this party!

Today you get yet another taste of a CGOpen workout. We don’t just like to represent and participate in the world wide competition, we do our own in-house event to keep everyone accountable while having tons of fun. Look for the official rules later today!



+ Anaerobic Lactate Training: Pushing Out the Red Line with Killer Training – TrainHeroic

CrossFit WOD for Saturday 2/18

CGO 12.3

as many rounds (and reps) as possible in 18 minutes:
15 box jumps, 24/20″
12 shoulder-to-overhead, 53/35kg
9 toes-to-bar

Compare here. Post results to comments!

Competition CrossFit

Team row/box jump/db cleans, snatch % ladder, PSn+WB, deadlift/hspu, midline